You Can Make It In Affiliate Marketing...

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by dscurlock, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. #1
    You can make it in Affiliate Marketing, even though it can be tough
    just to get through, but once you do, then you can sit back and relax...

    I have heard people ramble on about "only if I had 100 affiliate sites" You do not need
    100 affiliate sites. What is worth more? 1 quality build site, or 100 sites that will
    will never be updated. Will google find your 100 sites relevant, and we do not have
    to go overboard and say 100 sites, as I have heard some wish they had 10...You may
    think that 10 is not that many, but when you are just starting them out, well, working
    on 10 may as well feel like working on 100...

    How much can i make with only one site? well, if you know what you are doing as far
    as design, coding, content, marketing, seo, and so forth, then you can build it
    up, and it will take care of your family for years to come, and i ran across such
    a site last week when I was doing some surfing. I only wish I had a site like his,
    however, the site is not mine, nor will i list the site here, and it does not matter
    what the site is, you have to find your own niche, and your own success.

    Even though I will not mention his site, I can be somewhat vague. When I saw
    the link to his site (some place) I saw a comment about an affiliate that was making
    enough to take care of his whole family, ok, I will take a look at it. He was promoting
    amazon, ebay, and various other products; His was somewhat older, in fact his
    page were html pages, and I am not sure who uses html anymore ie: - So I somewhat felt is pages
    were like out-of-date, however, he had loads of content, in fact, the first review
    I saw was very detailed, and loaded with images, videos, charts with an
    outstanding word count of over 7000+ words, and if just one review had 7000
    words, then what is her other reviews like; I never made it far, i just left
    out of outrage and jealousy, and vowed never to go back again.. rofl...
    and to be honest, I would actually rate his over-all design as below avg.
    however, his design/content was good enough to keep reading...

    My only question is, what the hell, this guy has at least 100 products costing
    anywhere from $500 to $1000. I am baffled of the over-detailed content, and
    leaves me to wonder how anyone could have so much knowledge to write
    detailed pages of content on over 100 different high priced items....

    His domain stats: DA70
    I did not look up his pages; With a DA of 70, I just did not feel I had
    to go any further, as it is obvious he is getting tons of traffic because
    google feels that his domain is considered to be authority. I did notice
    that some of the backlinks he had were authority also ie: hub pages.
    his domain was registered in 2000, and started getting into products
    around then, and has been expanding his site since...

    and I have no doubts that he is not making money
    using affiliate products as he has links everywhere, at first glance they
    appear to be pages full of links, but when i took a closer look at where
    some of the links were going to, then i said, ok that makes sense...

    Overall, I am amazed of the amount of detail (his content) that he
    writes about, and it is apparent he is a very good writer....

    He also claims that he quit his day job in 2004 to work on his site. I guess
    by this time, it was apparent that he was already making enough to quit, and
    i can see that, because those fully detailed pages require lots of time...

    So, it is very well possible for you just to make money on one site, however,
    when i look at his stats, it tells me he puts a lot of time into his site; google
    would never look at his site as spam or thin content. I think he goes
    up and beyond when it comes to the detail of the products he writes about.
    and his success was not over night either, but I gather if he started his
    site in 2000, and he retired in 2005, so it took at least that long for him
    to say, ok, i am making enough now that I can quit my day job....

    If you started a new site today, how long would it take you to reach
    his level of success? He has domain age, and google considers his
    site to be "authority" in his field, today that is not something you can
    buy, he has proven to google that he has what it takes to succeed...
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
    dscurlock, Dec 25, 2015 IP
    Ivan S and HCFGrizzly like this.
  2. HCFGrizzly

    HCFGrizzly Member

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    Great thread!
    I hope the whole forum reads this post and realizes the importance of good and original content. Also, like you said, people need to understand that in order to have success, at the beginning you need to focus on a single thing (not 2, not 10, and god help me, not 100!).
    We have a saying in Romania: "if you chase after two rabbits, you will catch neither".
    After you had success with a website, you can move on and try to apply the same recipe with some tweaks on another one.
    HCFGrizzly, Jan 6, 2016 IP
  3. HelenVendo

    HelenVendo Greenhorn

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    Thank you so mich for the information!
    It was my first mistake when I decided to work under affiliate programs. I've created 3 website although I've already had 2 and I've created a blog and also social media accounts. As a result each platform brought me ridiculous earnings, content was not original and I was not able to concentrate on any of the platforms. I decided to have 1 website and 1 blog and put all my forces to promote them. My earnings increased in 7 times. So yeah, concentrate on one thing firstly and then you can continue with more platforms.
    It's also about affiliate programs. Don't try to promote 100 products at once. Choose 1 or 2 prograams for the beginning.
    HelenVendo, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  4. #maverick#

    #maverick# Greenhorn

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    Content & eyeballs are key. Just look at Elitedaily, the owner just sold not to long ago for 50 million. Why? Because it had the eyeballs from viral facebook posts, with semi decent content and a passive income stream from the native ads on it.
    Personally, I've done paid traffic all my life now looking into growing a following on facebook through various pages, there is money to made.
    #maverick#, Jan 16, 2016 IP
  5. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    You have to think also, his site is over 10 years old, so he has been working on his site for years, I noticed his content was just not unique,
    it was how detailed, and knowledgeable it sounded with a very deep level of understanding of his products, and when I say deep,
    he takes things to a personal level on how he uses the products and I think he has over 100 products, probably 1000's...when you have
    an authority site of his magnitude, then he can promote just about anything he wants, and google is just waiting to get it, and index it....
    most people can not write, nor even come close to the depth that he puts into his site, if so, then it would be very few people, so the next
    time you are thinking about the few hundred words you are going to post, well, he has many, many 1000's of already posted words....
    and there is no sign of him slowing down either, when he does not post on main topics, he posts daily on sub-topics....

    and the worst thing besides coming up with content is probably dedication, by looking at his super charged pages, i can tell he worked many 1000 of hours compiling all of his data, and resources. He may not put the hours in now, but he certainly without a doubt was dedicated, and most people want to see that big affiliate check each month, then start folding when they find how how much work they really have to put into their site, and these days, not only work, but money to in order to promote your site as sites today dont grow by themselves. It will take effort, energy, time (lots) and most likely a decent size investment; however, for any skills that you have, that can help out alot too...

    I am guilty of that too; last year i setup 20+ amazon sites, after 3 months or so, they started bringing in about $500/mo and
    for about six months things were looking up, then in just one day, they were making nothing. Ok, I get it, each store had
    10,000+ products, almost no content, in away, the stores were certainly designed to fail, but the seller (Xenia) made her quick $$$

    now I have a better understanding; I am working on just one site, everything will be unique, including design for the most part,
    however, I suspect it will take me between 3-6 months to finish, as I am working on Web2 blogs also that will support the main site.

    Not really sure what you are talking about concerning content & eyeballs....
    I looked at the site, it looks popular, too me, its just another blog...
    I have never been that much of a fan of facebook, however, I have no
    problem using as part of social media, it helps, then great, if no, so be it.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    dscurlock, Jan 17, 2016 IP
  6. #maverick#

    #maverick# Greenhorn

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    Marketing is not that hard honestly once you get your feet wet and find a vertical you like. I've pushed $10k/day in revenue running diet trials through facebook ads, I am trying to find the next big thing now on fb ads.
    #maverick#, Jan 17, 2016 IP
  7. HelenVendo

    HelenVendo Greenhorn

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    Yes, the similar situation. Creation of numerous websites with no unique content is a short term strategy, which can bring some results in a first time. But it's much more efficient to spend some time creating 1 qualitative platform, which will work for you constantly.
    Thank you for sharing your experience!
    HelenVendo, Jan 18, 2016 IP
  8. HCFGrizzly

    HCFGrizzly Member

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    10k / day? Can you share with us how did you reach this revenue?
    HCFGrizzly, Jan 18, 2016 IP
  9. #maverick#

    #maverick# Greenhorn

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    Wasn't that hard this was late 2014. I ran diet ads targeting females broadly in the US on facebook. Sent them to a flog/farticle and then to a diet trial offer.
    #maverick#, Jan 18, 2016 IP
  10. HCFGrizzly

    HCFGrizzly Member

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    Thanks for sharing with us. And out of that 10k, how much was profit?
    HCFGrizzly, Jan 19, 2016 IP
  11. EPol83

    EPol83 Active Member

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    Easier than ever today but only when you learn to do the work and separate yourself from your competition.

    EPol83, Jan 19, 2016 IP
  12. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    I think you got it backwards. I think it was a bit easier 10 years ago for those that did the work and stuck around.
    today, competition is worse, however, I guess the worse part is that they do not want to do the work, then you
    will see their site sit for months on end, then when it comes time to renew, then their interest is all but gone....
    then they rinse and repeat on to another project, another idea, new venture, then it just repeats over, and over...
    and this is exactly why 99.9% never really gain any traction as they are always swapping this, switching that....
    dscurlock, Jan 19, 2016 IP
  13. #maverick#

    #maverick# Greenhorn

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    I would usually see 100 - 150% percent returns on a 30 million demographic and the average facebook account would last about 2 weeks at a little less than 5k/day spend
    #maverick#, Jan 19, 2016 IP