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Selling Premium SEO Google Ranking Service

Discussion in 'Services' started by Jihoy, Apr 30, 2010.


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  1. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    I decided to test Jihoy service. You can count on my honest review regarding his services. I hope I will be not disappointed.
    Aglar, Oct 6, 2015 IP
  2. Atol

    Atol Member

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    Hello im interested - all researches are done - website are good optimized and have 45 TF

    I need several keywords in top 10

    Please give me your skype or contact me with your prices for keywords what are more when 100M in serches
    Atol, Oct 19, 2015 IP
  3. Benedict Ford

    Benedict Ford Greenhorn

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    I doubt this guy is active anymore..
    Benedict Ford, Oct 19, 2015 IP
  4. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    Still active, I manage SEO for over 100+ sites so I don't check forums everyday, email me at or PM and and I will answer within 24 hours or less.
    Jihoy, Oct 19, 2015 IP
  5. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    So here is my review.
    One month ago I ordered his SEO package for 9 phrases and I paid $270 for that work. In this time I received 2 reports:

    1) Angela styled links (3 weeks ago)
    2) High page authority links (today)

    I just spent 2 hours to verify a large part of these links, because I like to receive what I am paying for and I want to make a honest review.

    The first report - Angela styled links - I received 455 links to websites profiles and I checked last 56:
    47 of them were available (23 no-follow), rest of them (9) were offline, with error, without the link or not clickable.

    The second report - High page authority links - I received 180 links to articles and blogs and I checked last 83:

    47 links (more than half) were not available. 5 websites were offline. 2 pages without any comments.

    Only 29 links were correct (13 of them - no-follow).
    I am sure that other links have similar statisitcs, because the pages with links repeat for other phrases.

    This is not what I expected from this service and this should be a subject of the refund or some bonus services. $270 is not small money for me. I don't talk about my google positions because I understand that one month is not enough to get good results. I know a little about SEO so I am not complaining what I don't understand.

    Detailed report sent to the author of this offer. Waiting for his comment.
    Aglar, Nov 7, 2015 IP
  6. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    Aglar, you weren't ranked at all for your site, and there is still on-page issues that needs fixing. A lot of your links got removed due to the nature of your business, which contain affiliate links and not really always relevant to the blogs. We do not use private blog networks as there is a very high chance of penalty associated with those types of links nowadays. Here are the rankings before versus after.

    After Before http://watchbinaryoptions.com/opteck/
    55 85 Opteck review
    13 N/A Opteck demo
    24 N/A Opteck scam

    N/A N/A 24Option review
    68 N/A 24Option scam
    98 N/A 24Option demo

    42 N/A StockPair review
    30 93 StockPair scam
    30 N/A StockPair demo

    This is a fairly good start for a new site that isn't fully optimized on page. If you find a better SEO who can promise you 100% link stickage and rank increase please let me know I will pay you $1000 referral fee. I am both a buyer/seller of SEO services and I do test out other people's services as well and implement them into my method. Your budget is fairly limited, and all links are done manually, and will do replacement links after the other links settles. We do not ping links, so takes a while to get indexed as well.
    Jihoy, Nov 7, 2015 IP
  7. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    Aglar, I am quite confident I can rank your site, even will do profit-share agreement with you if you require. I frankly think I can make you far more than what you are spending on SEO. That's why I am willing to make this offer. I don't mess around when it comes to rankings. Still plenty of room for improvement on your site.
    Jihoy, Nov 7, 2015 IP
  8. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    I made ALL changes that you asked me for. You asked me only about the title, description and content change. All changes were made. So if there are any other issues why you didn't share to me? If am lying please forward here which issues were not fixed and which you asked me to change.

    I don't complaint my rank, please read my post again:
    This can't be true. Here is the proof: How can you link manually if you refer to those pages which do not allow for ANY comments or which are offline?

    http://www. chinagest.com/user/Ejweek/

    Sorry, but this is also not the true. Many of these pages have multi-spam comments not related to the content and even with porn or hack websites. Proof:


    And here is a better example:
    These comments are not moderated and I also found the link to some other binary options page:

    So as you see the problem is not at my side but your side. You have to control better your software or people who work for you. Be honest with me as I am honest with you.
    Aglar, Nov 7, 2015 IP
  9. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    The very nature of putting on a comment on a PA > 20 page means usually that site gets highly moderated. And as soon as there began comments on the pages, the site owner removes all the comments on the site. So you no longer see those. I would not put those in the report if they weren't there at the time they were made (about 2 weeks ago). On average, we have to attempt 3 blogs per 1 successful placement, and out of those as much as 20% to 50% are removed (pending on the niche). That's why we usually do replacement links after those links settle down. And this is with a very experienced team that has been doing this since 2008.

    We don't live in a fantasy world where you can have just your links on a single page (PA > 20) for less than $1 each. I used to be part of fulfillment team for Farmers Insurance. And they were paying up to $15 per link on pages that are PR 3+, outbound links of less than 20, and require their links to stick for 3 months and no more than 20 outbound links during those 3 months. Sounds easy enough, but after thousands of links built, and us running software scanning through over 500k pages a day and then placing links manually, we had a tough time just to manage 200 links that meet their strict requirements after 3 months. We used English teachers to place links for that Farmers insurance client, and did thousands and still not able to get enough to stick, or if they do stick, the very same pages gets spammed by competitors and various types of spam websites. That's the norm, frankly however, as long as your links are on a high page authority page, your ranking will move up. The only time I see rankings moving down is when a link is placed on a directory, duplicate/spunned content page. Heck, even hacked pages will move up rankings if it's high page authority and original content. That's the sad state of Google right now. Still a page rank (page authority) game.

    I am offering you link replacement for removals and will be putting in a bit extra links next week for you (you don't want to build links non-stop, rather do in in small bursts to avoid penalty). As far as results goes, really absolutely nothing beats high PA commenting at this moment in terms of cost effectiveness. If you find a better method to rank, let me know, I will give you $100k a year in business.
    Jihoy, Nov 8, 2015 IP
  10. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    Aglar, I will do link replacements for you, nature of this types of links usually have high removal rate, so we usually run another batch of replacement links if removal rate is too high. But overall, still far cost effective and far safer than say, spunned articles or private blog network for clients on limited budget yet demand immediate results. If you got any questions please email me instead at

    For larger clients we usually do satellite blogs powered by high PA links, and also manually review competitors' highest page authority links and try to get links from the very same pages, as well as link shares from some of our social properties (we have several fanpages that we share media clients' sites, and totaling over 30 mllion+ likes on those pages). We also do reviews for some of our local mom-and-pop clients as well as do a bit of PPC management as well as email marketing. Depends on what your budget is and your niche is, our goal is to make you money and keep you happy so you can keep buying from us.
    Jihoy, Nov 8, 2015 IP
  11. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    Thank you for the explanation. I don't complaint your effectivity, it is too early to rate this. I also don't want to attack you I just shared what I received from you. If you think that it is enough, let's wait for the result.

    Ok I am accepting and waiting for the results. I would be happy to share my positive feedback for some time.
    Aglar, Nov 8, 2015 IP
  12. Benedict Ford

    Benedict Ford Greenhorn

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    Were you warned that there would be that much of a nofollow links? Because there is no point having a nofollow links since they have no god damn power whatsoever.
    Benedict Ford, Nov 8, 2015 IP
  13. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    I accept that there are no-follow links because it is not natural for google that you have only do-follow links. I believe in their value even if google do not sat that officially. It is always better to have mix source of links than only one type. However of course do-follow links have more power.
    Aglar, Nov 8, 2015 IP
  14. tonic555

    tonic555 Banned

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    Really trust and use it
    tonic555, Nov 17, 2015 IP
  15. Aglar

    Aglar Member

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    I received the replacement of the missed links so I am satisfied that Jihoy decided to add this bonus to my order. Waiting now for some effects of his work.
    Aglar, Nov 18, 2015 IP
  16. Warrichpk

    Warrichpk Banned

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    pm me your Skype please
    Warrichpk, Dec 27, 2015 IP
  17. jaguar34

    jaguar34 Notable Member

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    Yeah, I sent you the site with penalty and was turned down saying its out of your capabilities....
    jaguar34, Dec 28, 2015 IP
  18. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, seems like a deeply penalized site. Unlike other SEO who will just ask you to pay, more link building isn't going to help when your site is deeply penalized, and I'd be happy to assist you in suggesting how to get out of penalty free of charge. But frankly, it's a major pain that would take months with link removals. Disavow won't be enough in such a case. There is no magic solution and it's going to take time.

    Jihoy, Jan 6, 2016 IP
  19. jaguar34

    jaguar34 Notable Member

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    How come you took to such conclusion? There is a way to get out of penalty or you now wants payment just to attempt a 10 link disavow file?
    jaguar34, Jan 7, 2016 IP
  20. Jihoy

    Jihoy Well-Known Member

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    jaguar34, you are not always able to get out of penalty. Disavow alone doesn't work for most severely punished cases. You would need to physically remove vast majority of the bad links, and disavow the tiny remainder. If you can just submit a disavow request and get out of penalty right away, I'd be a multi-millionaire. I never said I would charge for helping you with this process. It's such a pain that I just turn away people who have been severely penalized nowadays. Minor penalty, fixable with a few link removals, which most webmasters can do. Major penalty, you can't get out of. I had a client who was in payday loans niche, got hit with over 300k+ links overnight, lost all rankings, and their competitor kept on building new ones such that it's impossible to get out of. Negative SEO is alive and well nowadays. Sometimes it's cheaper and faster just to start over then try remove all the bad links (most aren't removable anyway).

    Jihoy, Jan 11, 2016 IP