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How Can I Increase Web Traffic to My Health and Fitness Blog? I need Free Social Media Traffic

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by cri8bat, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. #1
    I have a health and fitness blog that is 18 months old and getting around 400 unique visitors a month.

    60% search engines
    30% direct
    10% pintetest

    I need more traffic and I want to focus on social media traffic such as Facebook and Pinterest

    how can I increase traffic?
    cri8bat, Aug 19, 2015 IP
  2. 24Hours

    24Hours Member

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    These last few months I've started really exploring and advertising in social media, checking out the free and paid opportunities to get a message out there. I am not an expert at all (yet) but If I was forced right now to run a health and fitness blog what I would start doing is have a professional presence on the sites that people may expect you to have. So for example, you may want to have a Facebook page for your blog business. Or maybe a Youtube channel. Maybe a google+ page. I would update it frequently and keep it fresh. I would of course keep the blog fresh with activity from me in some fashion every day. I can't tell you how many people I've seen ask for help making their forums active and they don't even respond or post on their own forum, leaving my post in their Introductions forum unanswered. I would also put social media share and like buttons on my blog to make it easy for visitors to share it with others. Don't forget to include StumbleUpon, either. I would also considering become a respectful, helpful, and informative member on health related sites that allow you to have a signature at some point where you can mention your blog. Finally, I would make sure there was something significantly unique or better about my health and fitness blog from the other 8 million health and fitness blog/sites out there. Otherwise, why go to yours? Good luck!
    24Hours, Aug 21, 2015 IP
  3. jazmyn

    jazmyn Member

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    Keep posting your post on Facebook and Pinterest. Follow other fitness related pages and leave your link over there.
    See how
    Create an account on Pinterest. Do not just pin content to your own boards. What works is this. Join lots other boards with a lot of members such as funny pics etc. Pin to these boards as well as yours and do it as often as you can. Now arrange the boards on your account so your boards are near the top ( you can arrange the order they are in on your account) This is what I do and it is effective and you will get more people following you by doing this and viewing the content on your boards as well.
    Hope this works for you. Have a nice day
    jazmyn, Aug 21, 2015 IP
  4. DravenTaylor

    DravenTaylor Active Member

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    I agree with Jazmyn.

    For my site I hit 31 social networks (including one in China and one in Russia). For Facebook, contact people involved in the fitness world and hit the groups. Groups can be one of the best resources you have, but post at different times of the day and also don't post more than 5 groups per batches of postings. Otherwise, Facebook will skip showing it on some timelines. Spread them out (the postings) and it will show that you are a real person and you should see better results.

    PM if you would like some help, I can tie it into what I am doing (although it is the music world, but everyone needs fitness). I can help with some linking, positive PR, and helping in getting the word out on what you are doing.
    DravenTaylor, Aug 22, 2015 IP
  5. DravenTaylor

    DravenTaylor Active Member

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    The only apps that are used are those that I have written to help schedule posts. Most of the time it is more direct work on the social medias. The reason for this is that many of the apps that are provided to make better results become dated to easily. Many times these can also be seen as bots on some of the sites that will then band the account and e-mail.
    DravenTaylor, Aug 24, 2015 IP
  6. quangramos

    quangramos Peon

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    You need a compelling content on social networks to attract readers. If your new website you can use the tool to draw traffic to your website or social network. But do not abuse it
    quangramos, Aug 24, 2015 IP
  7. Moazzem Hossain

    Moazzem Hossain Member

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    If you want to boost your website, you can order gigs on fiverr

    You will get thousands of traffic only for $5.
    Moazzem Hossain, Aug 28, 2015 IP
  8. jaguar34

    jaguar34 Notable Member

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    Buying PPC ads on Facebook and Google for high quality Shares and Likes which bots seller can't deliver with 1k followers for $5. Also add Shares, Like and G+ buttons on your blog and offer some kind of contest.
    jaguar34, Aug 29, 2015 IP