Have you ever suffered from depression?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Wali Dahot, May 23, 2015.

  1. #1
    Its been a while since i lost interest in online activities but now lost interest in almost everything. I had been suffering from extreme headaches for about three months now. its not that my life is ruined, i have a nice government job with a wife so caring but don't know what's been wrong. just a couple of years back I was full with life and enjoyment and now almost at the edge of life feeling isolated and suicidal. I am trying to be like old days, getting online to social media a lot, playing video games, watching music and movies along-with medical treatment as doc suggested to change lifestyle and routine and not just rely on medicines. I just want to give myself hope and try to enjoy the life but its quite difficult as of now, has anybody gone through this, any suggestions on life style changes will be appreciated and whats been happening online this year?
    Wali Dahot, May 23, 2015 IP
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    If you are working with medical professionals, that is the most important step, by far. I am surprised that they are not concerned by the headaches accompanied by mood changes. I would suggest trying to see specialist, like a neurologist, as there can be physical causes for depression and headaches and your symptoms are a bit alarming to a layman like me.

    If no physical cause can be found, have you considered volunteering at a local charity or other nonprofit that helps those less fortunate than you? That type of work, even if just two hours per week, can add a sense of fulfillment. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
    jrbiz, May 23, 2015 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I read somewhere that there's always a cause for depression. Something as silly as the summer weather (known as seasonal affective disorder) can get you all out of shape.

    Physically speaking, there can be a number of reasons why you may feel depressed. Things like excessive smoking, thyroid disease, constant lack of sleep, where you live and even spending too much time on the social media sites can all contribute to it.

    And of course a chemical imbalance that can kick in at any time in your life (some think it's genetic) and wreak havoc in your psychic.

    As a young adult (over 25 years ago) I had a spell where I felt really depressed. My sister (who happened to be a doctor) picked up on my heavy mood and after a few questions she suggested prescribing me an anti-depressant. She told me upfront, that I would have to take it only for as long as I needed it. I took it for about 2 months. Maybe 3. I felt better while taking it, the depression was gone. After stopping taking the pills I felt great and never had to take any anti-depressants again.
    qwikad.com, May 23, 2015 IP
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  4. MrApexy

    MrApexy Member

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    Well a few things. First off I would say, go talk to a psychologist, there is always something that is making your depression worse (not exactly the soul cause).
    Second, get out of the house, go for a walk or a run, do some exercise, it is literally the best thing for depression. Thirdly, evaluate your life and what is important to you.
    Finally you need to read and research depression and anxiety, understand how it works, you can't combat the 'black dog' if you don't know how he works.

    Also know that there are people everywhere feeling the same way. And i mean this very honestly, if you need to talk to someone just message me on here or go to my website i have an IRC link on there and will get your message (apexy dot com)
    Never fight a fight on your own when you have people around you who are willing to help.

    Hope this helps.
    MrApexy, May 25, 2015 IP
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  5. SocialSignals

    SocialSignals Well-Known Member

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    I would call that feeling routine. Or living life 2 seconds in the future. What you have is a general type of disinterest. A form of disengagement with the world.
    One thing we should name before continuing, the final scope of depression:
    Survivors of depression have at least one thing in common, they have each gained a shift in values and beliefs after passing it.
    You are in the process of becoming a more knowable person. It takes a while to endure.

    Fromal-istically, all depressions happen as a usual sign of "self neglect". Which is what primarily pushed you to refind joy on activities you formerly enjoyed. They feel out of sync, and they don't boost you.
    What you should do is take the time to know yourself, your quirks, what you enjoy, what you hate, what topic of knowledge is most dear to you and pursue it.

    Probably there is a "story you are afriad to tell yourself". Also, all the years of routine have taken their toll on you.
    SocialSignals, May 29, 2015 IP
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  6. Wali Dahot

    Wali Dahot Active Member

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    Thanks for all those messages, they really meant a lot.
    A person without pain has lots of thoughts and plans but a person in pain has only one thought i-e how to come out of it. I have managed to flush out thoughts of self harm and suicidal behavior out of my system and I am not loosing my temper on those little things as I was some days ago. I just need to enjoy things and be happy that I am still not able to.
    exactly everything feels out of sync and doesn't boost me at all.
    Wali Dahot, May 29, 2015 IP
  7. Wali Dahot

    Wali Dahot Active Member

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    My cellphone has stopped working and guys at repair shop have no idea whats wrong with it and its almost a week without cellphone usage and plus those almost 12 hour a day power outages are adding miseries to an already miserable life but whats good is that I have managed to remain cool in between and its quite relaxing that I am finally controlling my moods.
    not with charities atm but giving gifts to poor kids is really giving that sense of fulfillment.
    Thanks for those tips and your willingness to help.
    yes there is a story but its not that i am afraid to tell myself.
    Wali Dahot, May 29, 2015 IP
  8. Shadowpro

    Shadowpro Active Member

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    I have been suffering for a long time from random bouts lethargy and depression, that's been going on for many years, but I'm happy to say I've mostly got it fixed.
    It turns out that I have a sulphite intolerance.

    Weird that food can cause symptoms like this, but it can.

    My symptoms were (and still are if I eat sulphites)

    Real brain fog which I cannot think through, and caffeine does not touch

    No physical symptoms at all.

    I'm 45 now, and only just figured this out, with massive help from my wife, doctor and an allergist.

    This won't help many people I know, but do rule out food sensitivities before going any further.

    To do that is not easy as sulphites are in about half of the food we eat - you'll have to go on an elimination diet.
    This site helped, and this is the diet I did, but I still got reactions wile on the diet - http://fedup.com.au/factsheets/support-factsheets/how-to-start-failsafe-eating

    My biggest reactions are to;

    Tap water
    Some bottled water
    Anything from deli counters - it's all sprayed with sulphites.

    Wine and beer seem ok so it's not all bad.

    Hope you get to the bottom of it soon, but what ever - don't give up until you do. Even if takes 10 years keep going.
    Shadowpro, Jun 1, 2015 IP
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  9. vishalali_123

    vishalali_123 Active Member

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    i did suffered from depression too . twice
    once during my college years coz you know girls and stuff.
    and then during after doing my bachelors i want unemployed and trust me that is not easy.
    but good thing was i didn't loose hope i just hanged in their. it passed and it will pass for you as well just hang in their and don't do drugs
    vishalali_123, Jun 7, 2015 IP
  10. usasportstraining

    usasportstraining Notable Member

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    There are two overall types of depression, chronic and acute. You can actually have both at the same time, which is really tough.

    Chronic depression is this underlying, nearly constant kind of depression. Often people will have other conditions, such as insomnia and anxiety as well (often chronic themselves). It is exhausting and stressful.

    Acute depression lasts for only a few days to a couple months. It can be situational, meaning something triggered it, such as job loss or a relationship breakup. It can also be associated with other sudden health issues, such as hormonal changes or stress.

    **Make sure you look carefully at your prescription and over-the-counter drugs. For example, diphenhydramine (both an anti-histamine and common sleep-aid drug in the US) can amplify the effect of other drugs, as well as cause that brain-fog that people talk about. Talk with your doctor about any and all drugs, including alcohol, that you consume.

    How do I know? See all of the above.
    usasportstraining, Jun 7, 2015 IP
  11. Wali Dahot

    Wali Dahot Active Member

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    I had a chat with doctor, he says he is treating me for allergy first, I was having difficulty breathing from my nose that caused headache and it triggered depression. Doctor advised me to exercise regularly which I am doing, plus he prescribed me tablets for GERD so I have managed to loss some weight and it did some relief and with some days passed I have noticed that its my job that is getting on my nerves. I am dying to submit resignation but cant as it might be very difficult to get another one :(
    Wali Dahot, Jun 12, 2015 IP
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  12. Gyan027

    Gyan027 Active Member

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    Believe it or not, the best antidepressants on Earth don’t come from a pill bottle. From getting more sleep to taking up a hobby, making these simple changes in your life can help boost your mood and prevent depression.
    1. Get Enough sleep
    2. Exercise
    3. Regulate your blood sugar
    4. Eats healthy fats
    5. Find passion in life..
    Gyan027, Jun 12, 2015 IP
  13. Zirkon Kalti

    Zirkon Kalti Well-Known Member

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    I used to suffer from depression from 12 - 15 years old. I cry every night non stop until I fall asleep. I cry in classroom and I always have a gloomy face. My temper was very bad and I often throw my cup and bowl of rice on the floor when I gets angry. I kicked the table and door and there was holes in them. I remember throwing an empty plastic bottle against the wall but it accidentally hit the mirror and the mirror fell and broke. I always pray for God to save me out of the depression and it seemed to me that God never hear my prayer as I still feel trapped in depression. Everytime I cry, my mother will call the pastor to pray for me. I struggle a lot every day and I kept on asking myself when I will ever come out of depression. Eventually, I did. I am OK now. Thank God.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Zirkon Kalti, Aug 9, 2015 IP
  14. Mkcoy

    Mkcoy Well-Known Member

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    Whenever you're depressed, look at people who are much worse off than yourself. People in war torn countries like Libya, kids with debilitating illnesses and diseases. Kids who have had their homes and family wiped out by war and kids that are kidnapped and forced to work as a sex slave for some low life sex trafficker.

    Just watch the news for a while and you'll see them. That kind of gives me a different perspective and outlook on my own life and makes me realize just how lucky we are to be living in a civilized country.

    Please try this first BEFORE getting onto any medication. 9 times out of 10, a depression can be fixed without the need for pills and tablets which can actually exacerbate things over a long period of time.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Mkcoy, Aug 9, 2015 IP
  15. Phil Norris

    Phil Norris Greenhorn

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    Feel you pain Wali, I had a very bad time and went inside myself. My life was a mess and as much as i wanted to pull myself out i just saw the obstacles and rarely overcame them.

    I changed my life by applying for a job in Germany. Went to an interview, was offered the position and took my wife and started again. It was almost an overnight cure. As everyting had changed i had no choice but to make deiciosions i could never have made before and 9 years later i am on top, great job, family and a new life.

    I am not suggesting you leave the country but if you change everything and are solely responsible for everything you will succeed!
    Phil Norris, Aug 9, 2015 IP
  16. bojan92

    bojan92 Guest

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    You need to change something in your life. Maybe your life is the same every day. That is bad. Leave the computer and every electronic piece. Use every spare second and go with you family somewhere in the nature. Enjoy yourself, fish, do every thing you want, but just relax and have a great time.
    bojan92, Aug 10, 2015 IP
  17. lastminutehosti

    lastminutehosti Peon

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    I have suffered from depression since I was 10 I am now 38, so it has been awhile. It is normal to get depressed sometimes its just the way life goes its not all roses. Chronic depression is way diffrent then just change what your doing it is a life long health issue. You have to remember also if you have chronic depression there are usually other mental health issues, but people just say there depressed. My advice is get a psych evaluation and don't lie to the doctor tell them everything so you can get the right medication or alternative medicine you need.
    lastminutehosti, Aug 11, 2015 IP
  18. kyescontent

    kyescontent Active Member

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    On and off, my whole life. Isolating yourself is probably one of the worst things you can do, so it's good you are part of the community :)
    kyescontent, Aug 23, 2015 IP
  19. spuunkDK

    spuunkDK Member

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    I went through a depression a year ago, i haven't overcome it completely, but it's getting there.
    My depression came from the huge stress i put upon myself, I had to be the best, i had to sell more projects to client, i had to make a lot of money. everything didn't happen exactly as i wanted it, which broke me down to pieces.
    The only thing that helped me was to let everything go, my business, my network, everything business related. And then talk to my family and friends about my situations.
    My only advice is talk to a close family member, and don't do anything spontaneously.
    spuunkDK, Aug 31, 2015 IP
  20. Kit Zakimi

    Kit Zakimi Greenhorn

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    In September of last year I lost my Dad, and four months later my grandma passed away. Both of whom I was really close to, and both of which happened unexpectedly. After my Grandma passed away I went into severe depression. I started having panic attacks where my entire body would go cold, I'd get this feeling like I was about to die, my heart would start palpitating, my blood pressure would rise, my head would explode with pain, and these symptoms would come out of nowhere. It didn't matter if I was watching TV, reading a book, at the store, sleeping, etc, it happened out of the blue. I made 15 emergency room visits, 10 urgent care visits, and multiple doctors visits. I was poked and prodded for a slew of blood tests. Every trip to one of those fine establishments listed above resulted in an EKG test. Got an echo, heart monitor, stress test and MRI. Even got my stool checked - all this in the course of three to four months. I was an absolute wreck. Finally after getting all my tests back saying I was physically normal I was diagnosed with panic disorder. I was a COMPLETE mess. The symptoms subsided in June.

    I went through a lot of lifestyle changes to get better, but the thing that helped me more was a mindset change. It's a lot of work, and a tough road, but once you get your mind in the right place, it is worth it.
    Kit Zakimi, Aug 31, 2015 IP