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Adsense approved, what to do next?

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by vikie sangre, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. #1
    I am a beginner in Online Marketing and I have the only 5-6 month of experience in this field, before that I don't even know the name of SEO. I'm working in an IT company as SEO Executive. It is a 9 hour full-time JOB where I spent my whole time on doing link-building and SMO because of project requirements. In the office, I have very less time to learn about Online Marketing because all the time I'm on the meter.
    After reading some forum discussions and posts I found that Wordpress is very easy to use, the only thing to know is HTML/CSS and some practice. So, I decide to make a blog on WordPress.

    So I buy a domain and low-level web hosting on Godaddy and start writing posts on Wordpress. Daily after 9 HR JOB I spent 4-5 hour late night every day. These hairs are very crucial for me, I start research on Affiliates, SEO, SMO as well as start learning few designing techniques. For learning, I downloaded over 60 GB of videos related my field from YouTube. Then I write a few posts on my Blog which I found interesting.

    Recently I applied Adsense for my 5-month-old blog. They reviewed my first process within 3 hrs. It was a surprise for me by Google.

    Now I don't know what to do, whether try to drive traffic to my blog or start a new blog on the different niche. I know there are already lots of Online Marketer experts and it is a competitive niche. I think my 6 month experience will not compete with expert Digital Marketers.

    My Blog is related to link-building sites because it is the only topic I know with my 1 month experience. Now I'm not satisfied with my domain name because it is not the brand name but it gives 5-6% traffic from domain keywords. I also joined a few affiliates and start writing posts.

    I'm tired of doing only and only link building and SMO during JOB time. My JOB salary is only 8k Rupees per month so please don't laugh at me. Yes, it is very less but it is the trend of medium type freelancer companies located in Mohali.

    My aim is to earn online first, through Adsense and affiliates, then I decide to leave my JOB. I don't know how much time it take 1 yr, 2 yr or more..

    I regularly visit this forum in Office unfortunately I can't participate in the discussions because there are some company rules that I need to follow.

    Now I'm addicted to this forum, I live without a meal, but not with DP forum. Here I learn a lot, thanks to all DP members.

    There are may question in my mind, please give answers
    I have 3 add unit in my Adsense account, 1 is Active and 3 are New, anybody please tell me the meaning of new and active status, why my 3 ad unit shows new, is it everything OK.

    Please tell any low competition unique niche to start a new website.

    Has Online Marketing been better to choose as a career??

    Any change I do to make my blog more professional because some affiliate rejects my application by asking your website is under construction??

    This is my blog URL http://www.seobacklinksites.com
    vikie sangre, Apr 4, 2015 IP
    Matthew Sayle likes this.
  2. kjh-08

    kjh-08 Well-Known Member

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    With only having 5-6 months experience, I was blown away at how well you've done with your site. If you change domains/niches be sure to get the new site approved through AdSense. Not doing so could get your account banned. Don't focus too much on AdSense ad's.
    kjh-08, Apr 4, 2015 IP
  3. peepin2me

    peepin2me Well-Known Member

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    Congrats on getting your adsense account approved. If I were you I'd quit the day-job and work on my blog, and perhaps look at other IM opportunities too, full-time. I mean, you work 9 hours a day for $125 a month? Even sweat-shops pay better. Don't let people exploit you.
    peepin2me, Apr 4, 2015 IP
  4. Matthew Sayle

    Matthew Sayle Prominent Member

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    Both you and the website are fantastic. Just keep pumping out content and be sure to verify your website via Google Webmaster Tools. Here you will be able to see much more information about the organic search traffic your website is receiving. NEVER try and purchase cheap backlinks - keep your site natural and Google will reward you.

    Have you placed the 3rd ad unit on your website? The ad units always show "new" until they are placed on the website. After several hours of being live on the site - this will change to "active".

    There is a Fiverr gig that does just this - This seller finds a niche, domain options AND the best keywords for just $5.00: https://www.fiverr.com/sunny_saxena...t?funnel=1bd921ee-63a5-4dd4-b9f3-f4594e079f6f

    YES! You are off to a great start. Don't let Adsense be your only source of income. Make sure to find the perfect affiliate products and write a detailed article surrounding the product - and slip your affiliate link into the article using the "pretty links" Wordpress plugin. You seem to be great at writing articles, but you can also outsource this. BE CAREFUL when outsourcing article writing to someone else, sometimes they like to use articles that are already published online, and just change a few words so they appear to be unique. PM me and I would be happy to look over any article in-depth for free for you.

    There are a lot of GREAT blogs to follow online that post AWESOME content that you can learn a ton from. My personal favorites are:

    http://backlinko.com/ - ran by Brian Dean. I model my whole business method on Brian. He is AWESOME and answers almost every question in his comments section. He is the undisputed backlink champion of the web (in my opinion).

    http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ - ran by Pat Flynn. This guy makes close to 6-figures each MONTH doing exactly what you are wanting to do. At the end of every month, he publishes his earning report so you can see exactly WHERE and HOW MUCH he made.

    https://blog.kissmetrics.com/ - ran by Neil Patel. The ultimate guide for all things SEO, Data, Tracking and Analyzing. I can't say enough about the quality of content put out by kissmetrics.

    https://www.mattcutts.com/blog/ - Matt Cutts is the head of blog spam at Google. If you have a question about backlink spam, Google SERP, disavowing, etc. He is your guy!

    I hope you find the internet marketing world exciting and challenging. If you're like me - you will work long hours, laugh, cry, sweat, cheer, fist pump the air, beat your fist on your desk, laugh out loud and scream curse words at your computer more times than you will be able to remember.

    It's the best choice I have ever made in my life, and I wouldn't give up my readers, followers and knowledge for anything in the world!
    Matthew Sayle, Apr 4, 2015 IP
  5. vikie sangre

    vikie sangre Active Member

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    Hi Matt, first of all thanks for the useful advise and sharing your favorite blogs where I can learn.
    Adsense unit, by mistake I write 3 instead of 2, there are 2 ads which are shown as New. My one ad is shown on widget area which are on "Active" status and other 2 are shown by plugin "Adsense made easy" are shown as "New". I think the problem is in the plugin.
    vikie sangre, Apr 5, 2015 IP
  6. anh998

    anh998 Member

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    Hi there @vikie sangre, You did a very nice work in 5 to 6 months experience. I am also building my own WP sites. I did check with broken link, all my site link got broken. can u tell me how to fix that. I am not good at SEO stuff, i did work before in ad posting. I know I can write content when the ideas come, I don't like copy and paste. Its almost nothing for SEO as I've heard of. Could you help me?. If you are a good link builder, i think your blog will stay on Top soon. Ah, yes, don't care about your salary, it's just only for food, everywhere, thats why people are striving for something better. Who knows what gonna happens, and I don't believe in social insurance especially in a country like Vietnam and India. Not much out there for waiting that 20 years to retire from 9 to 5 and get that for food!
    Anh Phan
    anh998, Apr 5, 2015 IP
  7. vikie sangre

    vikie sangre Active Member

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    Hi anh, mainly 404 Not Found occurs when we change the url slug or when the website template is changed, but there are some other reasons also. I'm using "SEO Redirection" Plugin. With this plugin you can easily redirect broken links towards the related URL or Home page. You can also redirect all unknown 404 error towards home page with single click.
    vikie sangre, Apr 6, 2015 IP
  8. royalstar_23

    royalstar_23 Well-Known Member

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    @Vikie veere, Are you sure you have 5-6 month of experience? I am running my IT company in Mohali.. The resources working for me have more then 2 years of experience.. I have gone thoroughly with your site and seems like you have 5-6 years of knowledge. Not only in SEO but technically you have wored very good on your website. The ads placement are at its best. I really liked your work and i appreciate the same..

    For the salary, You can contact me anytime and i will make sure you will get 15-16K on your next change. I have many companies at Mohali known to me..

    For the adsense, You can follow my posts on DP.. I have started adsense at 2006. I had many websites and adsense was the main source of income for me when i was at college. I was earning $2500/mo with ease.. Still remember my sites..

    I am not into these sites anymore due to hectic schedule. But i am always here to help you on online marketing and online techniques.. The sites mentioned above are very good you can learn manythings from them..

    I would like to know, Do you write the article yourself? Or someone helping you to write.. Don't shun your job as of now... But concentrate on your sites when you get the spare time.. Once you start earning you can decide to leave the full time job..

    Other thing, You can work on product base. Like create a website offer the service in local market in subscription base and earn money from them..

    You can also go for affiliate marketing, Amazon and ClickBank. Which are good affiliated websites...

    Good Luck !!!
    royalstar_23, Apr 27, 2015 IP
  9. usasportstraining

    usasportstraining Notable Member

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    I can tell you what NOT to do. Be very, very careful about not breaking Adsense TOS. Protect your Adsense as much as you can. Wordpress has some addons that will block people from click bombing you.
    usasportstraining, Apr 29, 2015 IP
  10. xendurinan

    xendurinan Banned

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    xendurinan, May 6, 2015 IP
  11. Aryans

    Aryans Well-Known Member

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    Well, I don't believe you just have 5 month experience after seen your website you added every where <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow> on outbound links and so many other things which can't be use by 5 month experience guy. If its true then you are really good in this field, Welcome to webmaster world...
    Aryans, Jun 16, 2015 IP
  12. Gyan027

    Gyan027 Active Member

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    what are the basic requirements to get google adsense approval???
    Gyan027, Jun 16, 2015 IP
  13. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    ...having a site that does not suck
    Agent000, Jun 16, 2015 IP
    pmf123 likes this.
  14. ThinkMoores

    ThinkMoores Member

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    why i can't get the approval of google adsense...
    ThinkMoores, Jun 18, 2015 IP
  15. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    Seriously? HTF do you expect anyone here without psychic abilities to have the remotest idea why?
    Agent000, Jun 18, 2015 IP
    malky66 and pmf123 like this.
  16. Knight_Dark26

    Knight_Dark26 Active Member

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    he thinks people here in Dp are psychic that can answer her question.
    Knight_Dark26, Jul 2, 2015 IP
  17. Coloradoskibum

    Coloradoskibum Peon

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    Congrats on getting approved. The door has now been opened for quite a bit of success.

    Basically getting AdSense approved comes down to this: provide quality content to your readers. When I first started in the business I was just out to make money, then I found the best way to gain (and retain) an audience was to provide quality content. This go viewed more, shared more, and all around indexed better. Don't create content for the short run, create it for the long run and it will work wonders.
    Coloradoskibum, Jul 8, 2015 IP