Please Stay Away From My Clients and Yours...

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by freedrinx, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. #1
    Please stay away from my clients and yours...
    I listened to a webinar today (I always try to listen to what's out there being hocked as cutting edge.)

    The overview was, "if you follow these four steps that we use daily you will get the same results we do."

    (implied promise was that this cookie-cutter system will rank YouTube videos on command. Hey look...they even have screen shots.)

    I know will spew the venom of truth that may ding some armour. Piss off Gurus and make newbies sit in the corner and cry.

    I have been a marketer for 20 years. I have been marketing online full time (I mean making real, spendable money) for 4 years and I do have a client list that does pay on a contracted basis and I will say that you can copy the system, approach and the exact keywords, video, backlink profile, everything exactly and your outcome WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

    Please don't quit. Don't stop trying and don't be afraid to fail, but you need to learn. You need to learn from those that do.

    If a guy is selling how to rank a video in 7 minutes guaranteed and then a week later promises massive success with T-Shirt

    Campaigns on Pinterest and has a bonus of his fail safe Facebook advertising penny click campaigns; Then I say run.

    Of course, that person can have their hands in all of this. And, Yes, they can have success with all of this, but the questions you need to look at are

    1) What kind of Success.
    2) Is there money coming in?
    3) What sort of support staff is there? Is he/she the head of the company, but they hired in others to be the brains behind the curtain? They should say that they have a team, partner or disclose the truth behind the successes. Did they throw a $1,000 budget at a campaign to get it successful? (these are vitally important facts for a newbie to know so that they don't feel like a failure when a system doesn't perform the way it was demonstrated.)
    4) (MOST IMPORTANT) Is their system/business sustainable. Do they have a track record and is their business able to maintain growth, profitability and downturns in the real world.

    Now, here are my suggestions.

    Learn from these folks. Understand what they are doing, but don't put blind faith in everything out there. Not every system works for everyone and not as quickly or successfully as we want. (example: The manual shift car has been around for a long time, but not everyone can drive one at 200 mph on a raceway.) You have to practice your craft. You have to find what is working for you and make it better. Create a system for your success.

    Your outcome will come from your direct input. I have spent 50 plus hours to get a video campaign to start getting traction for a client that ultimately was a failure for us. Same system. Same experience, but different outcomes. It happens and you need to keep pushing ahead, but please.

    Do Not talk to my clients or yours until you have repeated success in your field of love (and possible expertise.) You need to have a track record of success. You need to have a pretty good idea that you will be successful in what you are doing. 50/50 doesn't cut it in business and I'm tired of talking to potential clients and hearing, "well, this guy promised me page one results in 73 hours for $45.00 per month."

    That's crap and you are watering down the market. Real clients pay for real, repeatable results and some fools SENuke the video to #1 is BULLS^%T. It might work (probably will,) but it's not a sustainable business model.

    Become the best you can from learning from the successful people out there and learn what they do to use in your toolbox, but not as YOUR business. You will NOT have the same success as I do, every-time, but if you do what you love and use proven techniques and always develop new ideas you will be fine.

    If I pissed you off, I'm not sorry. I write this to wake up those with the rose colored glasses on.
    freedrinx, Feb 1, 2014 IP
  2. Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    True, everyone will have their own unique path. No question about that.

    Success isn't possible without trying and failing. It's what you do after you have failed that matters.

    Although I don't care about Thomas Edison as a person, I still think what he said is relevant even today:

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

    Etc. etc. Blah, blah, blah...
, Feb 1, 2014 IP
  3. freedrinx

    freedrinx Active Member

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    I agree. I'd like your post, but I can't yet. LOL. It's the stopping/starting with all the new gadgets that stops folks from finding what will work for them. They quit too soon to find out if it'll work.
    freedrinx, Feb 1, 2014 IP
  4. jdavin

    jdavin Member

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    I am not sure who you were talking about but I agree that you cannot master all of these programs at one time. And who can teach so many things?

    If I were going to promote myself as being the expert on all these things I would interview people who ARE the experts in each field or who actually own the products I am promoting if possible. And of course I would do it in a Hangout, record it, break it up into smaller videos, upload them to youtube.

    Wait, that is what I learned from you! Enjoying your course...

    John Davin
    jdavin, Feb 5, 2014 IP
  5. freedrinx

    freedrinx Active Member

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    @jdavin I'd like your post, but I can't quite yet. Sorry!
    freedrinx, Feb 11, 2014 IP