Ndemand CPA Network: The Art of “NON PAYMENT”

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by bibo25, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. #1
    - I was a Senior Affiliate Manager in Levelupads, it was a great CPA Network
    - They was paying all the affiliates not only on time but always before the payment time by few days,They never make excuses to take the affiliate’s money
    - I get there very successful and interesting job
    - Since I have big experience in CPA industry over many years and works full time and love my work so I get there very positive feedback from my managers and the affiliates
    -It was acquired by 1Rebel studio which works only on tracking software and don’t work in cpa campaigns

    As they was paying in net 30 so after shut down they keep paying all the affiliates their money (after 1 month from the shut down) even after I left Levelupads due to acquisition I followed up the paying process and helping the affiliates to get their money until all affiliates get its all money on time

    -Then I joined Ndemand Affiliates CPA Network as an Affiliate Manager

    -As the affiliates trust me much so almost of them joined Ndemand in very quick time after I invited them to join under my management and begin their campaigns there

    -After a while I find they do many strange steps against the affiliates, I contacted them to explain but they keep reply with strange excuses and almost of the time they don’t reply, it was near the payment date, so it was obvious everything will be clear at the payment date, if they will pay the affiliates otherwise they just make these strange steps to not pay

    -They didn't pay in the payment day and keep their strange excuses so it’s clear they have these steps to not pay for the affiliates’ campaigns whose spends a lot of money and effort

    -They wrongfully terminated me instantly when I kept asking for the payment and they didn't find new excuses to say as I replied all their strange excuses

    - Mike Pacheco the CEO of Ndemand he kept the same excuses for many days

    -Then when I told him I will begin to post the case he jumped instantly and paid me just $1000 from my money then he kept excuses for many other days then he processed another $1000 which didn't approved as he made the payment with errors twice and refused by the bank, I asked him to send by wire then he removed me from his skype and stopped reply

    - they don’t pay me my remaining money ( $ 2858.6 ) till now

    - They don’t pay almost of the affiliates till now

    - I try to summarize the case as it’s so long

    - I will post now some proof screenshots ( I blacked out the personal information of the affiliates ) and will post the others in another threads as it can’t be in 1 thread as its so many screenshots

    Ndemand do these steps obviously to not pay:

    - They pay the old big affiliates to looks legit

    - They made excuses for the other affiliates to not pay:

    1- they never mention in their site or on their payment terms the 1st payment must be by check only

    and at the payment date they never contact the affiliates, when the affiliates ask them for their payment they claim the 1st payment must be by check only, when I asked them to send the proof they send the checks they never reply any info, they just say “we proceed as many payments as possible” they never reply with any info

    - Its obvious using the check is a strategy to not pay as they will claim it’s not arrived and so on

    - It’s now 26 days after the payment date and almost of the affiliates send nonstop complains they never received their checks and they never reply with any proof they processed the checks


    2- Here Carla claimed delaying is due to delay in advertisers payments (she claimed that many time)

    - Here Carla said” we are currently getting as many payments out as possible “ when I asked her to send the payments info she never sent any info or any payments proofs since more than 20 days


    - Here a feedback I get from an affiliate that mentioned he know another AM who left Ndemand due to nonstop complains for non payments also


    3- they made excuses for strange mistakes in the tax form and deletes the affiliates’ conversions and don’t pay due to these claimed mistakes


    N.B: the thread continued in the replies as the thread don't allow more than 5 screenshots
    bibo25, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  2. bibo25

    bibo25 Greenhorn

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    4- they delete many affiliates conversions without full detailed report and when I asked them many time to send these detailed reports as they claims its their policy to not delete any conversions without detailed reports , they keep replying strange excuses and almost of the time don’t reply

    - here they deleted $3712 payout for an affiliate for a report for just 1 day and 1 ip and they never provide any detailed reports for the other conversions when I asked them many times


    - here I asked Carlo to send the report for “many weeks” as he claimed and he never send anything


    - here another affiliate get all his conversions deleted without any explanation or any reports and they never reply her



    5- they excuse they didn't received the affiliates tax form

    And sometimes they get the tax forms and didn't update it on payment info and excuse they didn't received

    they never ask the affiliates who eligible for payments to send their tax forms before the payment date as almost of CPA networks do , and they never ask me that to contact the affiliates to send the tax forms

    I contacted myself all the affiliates specially who eligible for the payments to send their tax forms to Carla email

    And after they send to Carla they confirmed me they sent

    Sometimes they excuses I didn't forwarded the tax form to Carla while I already asked the affiliates to send the tax form to Carla email directly and they confirmed they send and their payment info updated with tax form received

    bibo25, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  3. bibo25

    bibo25 Greenhorn

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    - Here affiliates sent their tax forms and updated on payment info and still didn't get paid


    6-They take more than 8400 affiliates (almost of them from tier 1 countries as US,CA ..etc) under my management although I did very hard job and spent a lot of time over months to refer affiliates, contacting them, support..etc then Ndemand kicked me out to take 8400 affiliates and to eat all my hard work

    - Here 84 columns with 100 raw per column = 8400 affiliates


    7- They never convert any affiliate who reached $1k to weekly payment as they claimed weekly for $1k and above

    8- they still using my name as the current Affiliates Manager with the affiliates although they wrongfully terminated me since about 20 days till now

    9-here screenshot of some conversations with Mike Pacheco the CEO of Ndemand :

    - here Mike said Carla will do what she wants after she wrongfully terminated me after I kept asking for the payment and not paid me


    - here mike said ” they done it to other guys “ when I complained to him I don’t get paid and wrongfully terminated when I asked for the payments

    bibo25, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  4. bibo25

    bibo25 Greenhorn

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    - here Mike confirm that no real reason to not get paid





    -after I send Mike an email telling him I will post the case Mike jump instantly in 1 minute and send me only $1000 from my money

    - Then he made many different excuses to not send the remaining


    - after many days of mike excuses i told him again i will post the case then he instantly processed another $1000 from my money but didn't approved as he processed twice with mistakes and rejected by the bank

    - After the payment rejected I asked him to send by wire then he removed me from his skype
    bibo25, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  5. bibo25

    bibo25 Greenhorn

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    - Then I send email to all the partners and Carla replied me with her typical excuse that she didn't get confirmation yet for Aug payment although mike always said reports finished maximum 15 days , so its finished since 12 days , but this is her typical excuse since more than 2 months


    - next move sure they will claimed deleting many affiliates’ conversions to cut out my payments without any detailed full reports as they used to do and proofed by screenshots

    Ndemand do what I mentioned to not pay my remaining money ($ 2858.6)

    Ndemand obviously do what I mentioned to not pay the affiliates

    I’m sure no one accept what Ndemand did to not pay

    I’m sure the advertisers can’t accept what they did

    I’m sure all the other affiliates can’t accept what they did

    I’m sure all of you don’t accept what they did

    Please help me and the affiliates to make them to pay us by posting replies to this thread asking them to pay us and to stop what they used to do as proofed with the screenshots

    N.B: I have so many other screenshots as it can’t be posted in one thread so will be posted on another threads
    bibo25, Sep 28, 2013 IP
  6. sumeet lunia

    sumeet lunia Active Member

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    thats sad...All the best mate.
    sumeet lunia, Oct 30, 2013 IP
  7. GetOffersDirect_Galen

    GetOffersDirect_Galen Peon

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    Wow, thanks for posting this. I have personally worked with Ndemand without any issues, although a couple times I had to hound them to get paid. I like Mike and Carlo, but I never realized anything like this was going on. I was on weekly payments with NDemand though, so yes they did do that. As far as I am aware they left Ndemand and started a new network, so without Mike and Carlo I wouldn't recommend still running with Ndemand now.
    GetOffersDirect_Galen, Oct 31, 2013 IP