Looking To Move Away From Hostgator. Any Suggestions

Discussion in 'Web Hosting' started by Nima, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. samie

    samie Member

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    I do think they are a good company. I can't say too much about Hostgator though as I was leaving just as they arrived. But to answer your question, every webhost has issues. If you do a google search on "Godaddy Sucks", or this or that company sucks, you're going to find a lot of negativity. The bigger the company, the more people, the more negativity. I've been through a lot of those companies being acquired and the reason the companies are thought of as to be bad after the acquisition is the fact that there are issues during the process of the acquisition. So say we would buy out a company that has 800,000 hosting accounts, we are transferring all the websites, all the databases, all the email accounts over to new servers. Things like connection strings need to be updated in the website. There are DNS changes that need to be made. All need to be made on a bulk scale since there are so many accounts, and issues arise from it. Sometimes BIG issues :|

    But it's a funny thing(ok not really), because I could be on the phone representing iPower during a recent migration, and the customer could be so irate and upset, using profanity excessively, and then cancel their account. Then immediately sign up at another EIG company without knowing it, and call up and be so nice and telling us how great their service has been so far and that we're so much better than this other company and telling us how bad they were but that now he's with a real company and everything is so great. That has happened dozens of times! Thankfully nobody has ever recognized that they were speaking to the same person when they called back (which was just a coincidence).
    samie, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  2. WSWD

    WSWD Well-Known Member

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    The problem Samie, is that they aren't isolated incidents. EIG destroys every single host they buy out. Every one. As you are apparently a tech. for them, then you how ridiculously overcrowded the servers are, and how overloaded the network is.

    Hostgator, for example, was great and absolutely profitable, but you EIG folk wanted to save a few bucks and move everything into your horrible datacenter instead of Softlayer. Don't blame you for doing it...better to have everything in house, but that comes at a huge expense.
    WSWD, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  3. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    WSWD, I had to leave hostgator over 2 years ago, as their servers were overloaded! Excluding their support, their servers havnt been 'good' in a long time, the downgrade in hardware certainly wont help though.
    matt_62, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  4. samie

    samie Member

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    I don't think they had Hostgator over 2 years ago? If I remember correctly anyways.

    I can't really say too much about the Hostgator acquisition as I left right as that was getting started. But I mean.. I know what you're saying. But to my experience, things seem to run pretty good after the migration is over. The thing is though... it can take months. And in addition to the issues I mentioned earlier with connection strings and stuff, there's also the fact that during the migration, the server can get bogged down by all the transfers going on, and also cause the servers to get overloaded with all the new accounts on the servers.

    But things settle down. New servers get implemented if need be. 99.9% of the calls are issue-free in terms of outages or EIG-specific issues.

    I mean... there's the occasional outage, like monthly maybe. However to me this seems pretty normal based on all the companies I've hosted my sites with and worked for. The company I work for now (which is bigger than EIG) has a lot more outages for sure. I just think.. the bigger the company, the more issues they're going to have. More users to manage. Not to mention it's a shared Web Hosting company. I think being bigger makes you more of a target to DDOS attacks as well.

    My EIG account hasn't had any issues in the last year that I've noticed, although maybe im not checking my site enough. But my suggestion is anyone looking for a website that's never going to go down, then look into getting a vps/dedicated. But for price, use EIG or a similar company. They're all shared, they all have issues, some more than other, I can't say exactly. But you can Google any company and you'll finds tons of very unhappy customers.
    samie, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  5. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    no, they didnt own hostgator 2 years ago... I am saying that they were not the best when they were owned by hostgator, and now of course, they are getting worse.
    matt_62, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  6. Swarup12

    Swarup12 Active Member

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    My suggestion is to try - https://www.liquidweb.com

    As I remember they have flexible option. Upgrade your server when you need more bandwidth and downgrade when you don't need it.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2013
    Swarup12, Sep 13, 2013 IP
    AA.WebDev.Ltd likes this.
  7. Premium_Domain_sales

    Premium_Domain_sales Active Member

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    Yes, HG is horrible. their service is very poor....
    i don't how you are tolerating their s*** of service.
    Premium_Domain_sales, Sep 13, 2013 IP
  8. AA.WebDev.Ltd

    AA.WebDev.Ltd Well-Known Member

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    ya lw is good but u might try hostmonster too, they aint so bad either
    AA.WebDev.Ltd, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  9. WSWD

    WSWD Well-Known Member

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    Hostmonster is also owned by EIG. Same company that now owns Hostgator.
    WSWD, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  10. samie

    samie Member

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    Hostmonster wasn't around when I was there. But see, people will refer EIG domains without even knowing it, because once there are no migrations going on, it's not all that bad.

    And here's another example for LiquidWeb:
    "Uptime on LiquidWeb is horrible. It seems like every day my site is unavailable for a few minutes here and there. I've logged outages of over an hour as well. When my site is up, it is slow. Their pricing and features are ok, but if you have daily visitors to your site, don't rely on the shared hosting at LW. It's crap."

    Every Web Host is going to have bad feedback. Although I would have to agree that if anyone is using the VPS/Dedicated hosting with LiquidWeb, they probably wont' have many issues at all.
    samie, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  11. Nima

    Nima Well-Known Member

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    yea, i can attest to the issues being raised on HostGator that are clear indications of them moving servers (changing IP addresses of my servers, changing DNS settings, network slowdown, etc). The thing is they didn't even bother sending an email to let me know about it.

    And every time I called them they said my VPS was using too much CPU or some other BS answer. As if my websites all of a sudden (after 4 years) would start over-using the CPU multiple times a month.

    I ended up leaving Hostgator for Pair.com. They seem better and I've heard a lot of good reviews about them from people with serious websites. (they are more expensive than most other hostings though)
    Nima, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  12. WSWD

    WSWD Well-Known Member

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    As I noted in another thread on this very subject, not only did they not inform their clients of the move, they outright LIED to everybody.

    The first excuse was that they tried blaming the outages on a DDoS attack, which according to staff on the inside never really happened. Then they said the outage was due to a router/switch issue (a company that big has no redundant routers/switches? I know they had them went Brent owned HG). Then they said the network was being upgraded, which is a huge lie.

    They never told the clients that the servers (including dedicated servers, mind you, where people went with HG for that specific location) were being moved halfway across the country, to the EIG datacenter. Softlayer to the EIG datacenter was a HUGE downgrade as far as the network is concerned, and according to a bunch of clients, the server equipment itself is now far lower-powered than it was with SL.

    Now why would EIG lie about the move? Why wouldn't EIG give their clients advanced notice, so that they could prepare for the move, switch providers if they didn't care for the move out of Softlayer, etc.? Why did they keep it a huge secret? Why not tell the clients the truth, and simply let them know that were being moved into the EIG datacenter, that there would be downtime, server changes, IP changes, DNS changes, etc.?
    WSWD, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  13. Nima

    Nima Well-Known Member

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    I've pretty much given up on them. I will make sure all of my clients will stay away from EIG owned hosting services and voice my opinion against them across the web.

    It's their loss.
    Nima, Sep 14, 2013 IP
  14. seofriend

    seofriend Well-Known Member

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    I had experience with HostGator Nima , they were pretty awesome and Had no problem with them but for some financial reasons i moved away form them to liquidweb , iweb.ca even i have been with singlehop .

    I should say there is no perfect webhosting service , but you should read the reviews and look for some providers that fit your needs better , to me speed & support and price was prior for that i can recommend ssd services of "natcoweb" which i recommmend nowadays
    seofriend, Sep 17, 2013 IP
  15. pioneerr

    pioneerr Banned

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    I think a2hosting.com is able to meet the needs of any discriminating web master.
    Their service is quality and resourceful and their pricing policy is simple and straightforward.
    pioneerr, Sep 17, 2013 IP
  16. werliyu

    werliyu Well-Known Member

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    Check out for KnownHost and FutureHosting for VPS.
    werliyu, Sep 18, 2013 IP
  17. SlimCharles47

    SlimCharles47 Greenhorn

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    I would check out WiredTree for your VPS hosting. Their VPS servers with SSD are fast and affordable. They also have a great reputation for customer service, which is partially because their entire support staff is based out of Chicago and is available 24/7.
    SlimCharles47, Sep 19, 2013 IP