What's the difference Black Hat, Gray Hat, White Hat and what works best?!!!

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by romi rafael, May 15, 2013.

  1. #1
    from my opinion also add from several friend this is difference
    Black Hat, Gray Hat, White Hat

    Black Hat = Most of the times unethical or illegal ways (kind of fraudulent) which are shortcuts for fast or short term results but not long term because when you get caught you lose current and future results and it also affects on your status.also Bad/Dishonest but fast

    White Hat = Good/Honest but slow. Example, Making Quality Blogs with Unique Content
    also everything are natural no need robot Ethical and legal

    Gray Hat: Mix of White hat and partial Blackhat ways, many of the times it is accepted by authorities and it helps you to generate good results in less time period than WhiteHat and there is possibility of long term results as well.
    romi rafael, May 15, 2013 IP
  2. submit_articles

    submit_articles Active Member

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    My opinion,

    black hat is for the bold and courageous...those with a sense of adventure and love taking risks.

    white hat is for geeks and business owners.

    grey hat is for ninjas - they do things that nobody knows about and stays invisible.
    submit_articles, Jun 5, 2013 IP
  3. Tarissa

    Tarissa Active Member

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    I think in the end, no matter how "courageous" you are, being unethical is going to come back to bite you. I suppose I'm White Hat, but instead of looking at ways to cut corners, I'm looking at ways to increase my focus and simply do a good job faster. I think it's sad that I seem to be in the minority.

    Oh and P.S. I am definitely a geek AND I'm a business owner, so good job submit_articles.
    Tarissa, Jun 5, 2013 IP
    submit_articles likes this.
  4. romi rafael

    romi rafael Banned

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    i agree with you.. black hat for who love taking risks
    they can have benefit with sort time but in the end they must pay the price
    romi rafael, Jun 5, 2013 IP
  5. romi rafael

    romi rafael Banned

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    hi there Tarissa
    white hat are not minority..they all around us
    they don't like to show off and white hat always play save
    that's why.. white hat seem minority even may be don't exist

    thanks for drop by Tarissa :)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
    romi rafael, Jun 5, 2013 IP
  6. passcrk2005

    passcrk2005 Member

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    well blackhat doesn't exist anymore, just white hat, in our days black hat means, bad seo, means that you will get instantly penalized when the crawler visit your websites, it's not like in the older days when you can go on the first page with black hat. the same thing with grey hat, yellow hat, purple hat and other hats..
    passcrk2005, Jun 6, 2013 IP