RankHigher.ca Canadian SEO firm launches new site

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by matters5, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. #1
    RankHigher.ca has come up in threads on DP several times in the past several years (one of the places I've read about them.) They updated their website now. I thought it was relevant to see what the big players in SEO are doing to promote themselves. I know many other DP'ers are freelancers or work in small teams. This company has a bigger team and does SEO for bigger clients as seen on their home page.

    RankHigher.ca also has a video embed on their home page with internet marketing /seo tips — pretty good for noobs — just as their free seo report (dp link) was when it got posted here.

    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  2. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Are you advertising Rankhigher.ca?
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  3. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    No, I don't work for them.
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  4. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    So you are being their bitch for free then yes? (Just Kidding dude :) but do you get what I am saying about what you did there?
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  5. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    Yeah, but I didn't link to them and I don't think this thread would generate any business for them. A lot of my buddies do SEO and have websites for their small businesses and seeing a "competitor's" new website & vids is a cool thing to check out
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  6. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Here is a couple of tit bit lessons

    First off you just showed awe and admiraiton and therefore (supposedly inadvertently) advertised them for free and generated interest to some other readers

    secondly if you didn't think, then that's either feigned or perhaps you should...

    EG you are advertising them whatever way you look at it...
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  7. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    Right... I see what you are saying. I suppose in a way I do like Canadian companies so I don't mind sharing their work. But this is like sharing a web page design with designers... it won't generate any web design work for the company, but it is of interest to the designers to check out the website. Do you follow me?
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  8. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    No I can't see your follow buttons :)

    But it's not web design you are primarily advertising for them now is it...

    The forum we are in being a big clue to what that might just be...
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  9. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    No mate, I meant that as an analogy. You mentioned the post might have generated some interest in their new website, and I mean, that is the point of the thread is it not? eg. You are an SEO company or freelancer, and one of the bigger SEO companies launched a new website, cool to checkout their new site, no? The analogy is maybe not perfect, but my point is to share something of interest and relevance to the SEO community. The people on DP are not going to buy services from RankHigher.ca, and I didn't link to their site because I didn't care to add value to their link profile.

    Also, as I mentioned in the first post, they have videos about SEO, so even for noobs (not me or you probably) they might benefit form learning some fundamentals and the guys who have been around the block can check out what a bigger player is giving away publicly on their site about SEO. How does this post not benefit the people who check it out, and how does RankHigher.ca benefit from this post? (Rhetorical question but I appreciate your candor.)
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  10. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Well not half as much as DP! LOL

    So we are on >

    page one of Google for "RankHigher.ca Canadian SEO Firm So let's hope nobody looks for them by name like that as they are finding this thread first!

    And so let's also add here that this is the sort of thing thta happens when you put domain names / company names willy nilly in forum thread titles.

    So, perhaps innocently enough (perhaps not) you just made their SEO job a little harder even though you also advertised them.
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  11. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    Fair enough. That's a reasonable perspective so I respect it. For bigger companies I would not expect a forum thread to rank first page, but there you have a link that does give much authority to DP. But I stand by the site being worthwhile to check out for most DP'ers on this board.
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  12. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    Here is another myth buster for you

    You see there how much damage you can do with a thread title on a big foum such as DP yes?

    OK now search my name "Keith D Mains" and see how much damage one solitary post on "Yoasts" (The WP SEO plugin guy) website can have on a search for my own name (and I don't even use his WordPress SEO plugin!)

    Now review your thinking on forum and blog posting accordinly in regards to words names etc might be the order of the day...

    Make sense?

    This is what we might call learning from mistakes (shall we say?) or hindsight or well I am sure you get the picture / drift...
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  13. matters5

    matters5 Member

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    That is incredible. Is the title of that post damaging because you expect clients will not read the content and assume you are the one who does something spammy? (Or simply it is not an ideal result for your name.) Maybe this thread will now outrank that post :)

    But yeah, I got you. I did not realize how much power a thread title might have. So this is something that could be leveraged for a company or to do reputation management, etc...
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2013
    matters5, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  14. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    I do SEO, Yoast does SEO

    If someone was considering hiring me perhaps they would then hire Yoast instead, as they checked me out, dya get me?
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  15. Jim4767

    Jim4767 Prominent Member

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    I too at first just assumed the original poster was shilling for the named SEO company. But it appears he was not(?).

    As an aside, it's not wrong to mention in our posts the names of top SEO companies. I have absolutely no relationship with, for example, Jill Whalen's highrankings.com or Rand Fishkin's seomoz.org websites. However, as I just did here, I don't hesitate to recommend these giants in the field for those seeking high-quality SEO tips online.
    Jim4767, Apr 15, 2013 IP
  16. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    I appreciate what you are saying Jim, however the OP has shown (perhaps inadvertently) how easy it is for a site with the user traffic of DP to rank for another sites name by (perhaps inadvertent) use of a site/domain/company in a "title".

    It's something I would always advise against doing for ones own site, specifically, as I have seen such things before.

    This is one of those things that could easily be categorised as "negative SEO" (perhaps even thinly disguised as just) an innocent mistake?

    I think it's fair to say though that Jill Whalen and Rand Fishkin would be slightly more difficult to do the same for (at least, I know where they are ranked and for what and how long they have been there).
    However I imagine it would not be too difficult to use DP to do just the same sort of thing to their sites in a malicious way.

    I mean if you had all the info, that I myself have on what they rank for, a strategic posting strategy could be used to challenge their search results.

    Now me I wouldn't do such a thing even though I know how one could go about it but posting titles in such a strategy is a little different from using names within a thread. Names within a thread are much less likely to have an effect than use of that powerful headline we call a "title"

    I find such posts highly suspicious though I must say and to me it still has the feel of an angle...

    Though I shouldn't post 5 mins before bed as yawning whilst posting when ready for bed is not the best policy...
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2013
    Revelations-Decoder, Apr 15, 2013 IP