I have no hit!!..How can i make?

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by velfecir, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. #1

    I made a site about Angelina Jolie 1 mounth ago.
    But still i dont have any hit.
    I added some drectories,also other fan sites as banner.
    but i am not in google with Angelina Jolie word.
    please give me an advise,what can ı do?

    you can check my site,


    i need to shown in google with Angelina Jolie word but still not.
    it makes me boring.
    what can ı do?
    velfecir, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  2. gr8liverpoolfan

    gr8liverpoolfan Notable Member

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    Angelina Jolie is an extremely competitive word to rank for. Unless you have a large budget and are really good at this kinda stuf, I doubt whether you should even target that keyword.
    gr8liverpoolfan, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  3. olgerdviz

    olgerdviz Peon

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    Your home page has NO title!
    You should also add more content, I mean text.
    Add a blog, post Jolie related news and Digg them.
    Good luck!
    olgerdviz, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  4. RGA Global

    RGA Global Peon

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    hi, please use the google tools to create some site maps, so that it will be easy to crawl your pages for the search engines.
    also display the pagerank in your site (ex:http://www.workfromhome-onlinejobs.blogspot.com)
    somebody if have any knowledge of live PR status code, pls let me know!
    RGA Global, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  5. hhheng

    hhheng Banned

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    At least your website is not SEO friendly. No title tag, too many pictures. To get traffic, you shall find some forums related with movie stars, post topics with your sigature of link first. As the above said, your keyword is very hot, you have a long long way to go, and I will suspect the chance of success.

    By the way, to run a website like yours, did you get the approval from Angelina Jolie?
    hhheng, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  6. h4nh4n

    h4nh4n Peon

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    how come your website doesn't have title, meta desc and keywords?
    I suggest you to do some research about SEO onpage and offpage in dp, it might help you... Good luck :)
    h4nh4n, Dec 1, 2006 IP
  7. rzvagelsky

    rzvagelsky Well-Known Member

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    1. You don't need to create google sitemaps to get 10 pages of your website crawled (it doesn't hurt though). Put your link on a page with high PR and watch it get indexed without a Google Sitemap.

    2. Do you know why they don't let new members post live url's? Because all they end up doing is posting some MFA site and stating that you need to display PR Status on your site to help you in the SERP's.

    Now lets talk about why you're getting no hits. Forget about the fact that you don't have title tags, description tags, or keyword tags....you don't even have original content for your site (see here). You're plagerizing content and you obviously don't have the decency to cite someone else's material....so why are you even worried about why there are no hits to your site? Technically, it's Yahoo's site because thats where all your content comes from. Spend $10 and buy yourself some unique content and then come here and ask us why you aren't getting any hits to your site.
    rzvagelsky, Dec 1, 2006 IP
    gr8liverpoolfan likes this.
  8. seo_expert

    seo_expert Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure you are not the only AJ fans. There must be millions of fans who must have dedicated sites on her.

    So, competing with these million fans will surely require time efforts and patience. You can expect to get hits or traffic etc within a month after lauching a site. So, first you need to be patience.

    Second putting someone's elses content on your website will NOT help you at all but you only end up getting penalized or at best giving link back to the content owner.

    So, be original, it will never hurt, and do the right stuff.

    You can create a Myspace account and start your profile page as promotional tool. Be more active on social network communities like flikr, youTube, Digg, del.icio.us etc.

    With Web 2.0 its social media optimization (SMO) time for your website. :D
    seo_expert, Dec 2, 2006 IP
  9. kristine

    kristine Active Member

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    Make your site a SE friendly. Your index doesn't have title. Read more about SEO so it'll give you idea on how to do it. Then submit your site to link directories. Improve your link popularity. :)
    kristine, Dec 5, 2006 IP
  10. parusa619

    parusa619 Banned

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    I have seen your site and there are things you must consider.

    - In your title tag, put your main keyword because title tags are considered the most important tags in SEO.

    - Externalize scripts for spiderability.

    And for the main topic:

    - Submit your site's URL, Title, and Description to free directories (paid directories are optional but it greatly increase your site's traffice and link popularity).

    - Create an article about your site. Put a link to your website in the resource box.

    - Submit your site in free classified ads like craigslist.org, gumtree, classifiedsforfree.com, etc. (Note: craigslist is very strict so you must post once per 48 hours or you need to proxify your ip and create multiple emails).
    parusa619, Dec 5, 2006 IP
  11. princess06

    princess06 Banned

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    Have a good title tag, it is important. Your tag is Untitled-1111 and it is not related to your site. change it, put the main keywords in your title tag.

    also, you can make articles, press release, promotional ads and blogs for your site. you can place the link of your site on the footer of the articles and press release.
    princess06, Dec 5, 2006 IP