Minute Workers disregard it's workers?

Discussion in 'Affiliate Programs' started by Ambalama, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. #1
    I'm a worker of minuteworkers.

    Recently I did 3-4 jobs opened by same employer, I'm saying same employer, since his ref ID was same in all these jobs.

    Here is one of his jobs.

    Job Description:

    1. go to http://www.myfreeshares.com/index.php?ref=hyjk_1982
    2.sign up
    3. verify your Email
    4.login at least once

    Required proof that job was finished?

    1.the welcome Email
    2.your Email address

    I did this job & 3 other his jobs & sent the proof.

    After 4-5 hours later, all four jobs got refused & denied.

    Reason "Pls keep active".

    Pls see in this job, has he mention anywhere to keep active???

    I signed up to the site, activate email, sign up again, browse the site for sometime & signed out.

    The employer rejects our work saying non active.

    I reported the issue to MW team. Now 4 days no reply.

    Is this the way MW team treat their workers?

    If all the employers do like this, will they get their 10% commission.

    If anyone here from MW, pls consider about this & take steps to protect your workers.
    Ambalama, Jun 22, 2012 IP
  2. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    had to google it to work out what site you were talking about. Second listing in google : http://www.ptc-investigation.com/pages/minuteworkers.aspx

    doesnt sound like a good place to work.

    Perhaps the employer meant login in once a day as opposed to login at least once? I honestly dont understand why anyone would pay someone to signup on "http://www.myfreeshares.com" which is clearly an old outdated and abandoned website, seriously that website looks like its older then i am.
    matt_62, Jun 22, 2012 IP
  3. imperian

    imperian Greenhorn

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    report them??
    imperian, Jun 24, 2012 IP
  4. Ambalama

    Ambalama Member

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    This is the msg now you can see when you visit minuteworkers.com.

    Seems like he is going to escape without paying.

    "Well I am back (Tony) and I can not believe what I have come back to, an apology is not enough for the workers who have not been paid while I was away. I have been travelling in Europe for 5 months and I left some one I trusted to complete the payouts while I was away, it seems they done it twice and never again. Quickly looking it seems there is 3 and a half months of payments, the first 2 months will be paid tonight or tomorrow depending on how long it takes, the rest will be paid on the 30th. The site will remain down for no longer than 24 hours while I review the mass amount of payments owed. Sincere apologies Anthony Jezeph "
    Ambalama, Aug 26, 2012 IP
  5. jadams

    jadams Guest

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    Well of course Tony, it's common knowledge the internet is not available in Europe, and internet cafe's are just a pipe dream :rolleyes:
    jadams, Aug 27, 2012 IP