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Discussion in 'Appraisals' started by justcallmedave, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. #1
    I have not purchased SEX.GT yet, but I am thinking of paying $200 for the domain. Do you guys think it is worth it, and how much a domain like this is worth? Thanks.
    justcallmedave, Jul 23, 2012 IP
  2. Michael Baptiste

    Michael Baptiste Banned

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    ehh....I wouldn't purchase it, that domain name sounds like a flop...
    what type of site are you trying to create?
    Michael Baptiste, Jul 23, 2012 IP
  3. ImageAuthors

    ImageAuthors Member

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    You should be looking at the search traffic for this word in Guatemala, where .gt is the ccTLD. "Sex" is not Spanish, but it can function as an adopted word. Within Guatemala there are still 9,900 monthly Google searches for that exact word (with no other words) and 90,500 monthly searches for phrases containing that word. That guarantees a search stream. Next you will have to ask yourself how realistic is it that you will be able to rank well in local search results given the competition that is out there for that 3-letter word? And how would you monetize the site, assuming you could get unique visitors? Guatemala is not an especially rich country, so traffic might be worth very little pay-per-click-wise. Or do you plan to flip this domain for a profit? If so, then who is your prospective buyer? How will you contact them? How likely are they to be interested? And how much are they realistically going to offer to pay?

    These are not rhetorical questions. Depending on your answers, your purchase might be a good investment; or it might not.
    ImageAuthors, Jul 25, 2012 IP
    Alex060985 likes this.
  4. atxsurf

    atxsurf Peon

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    sounds like a good deal for $200 considering the keyword
    atxsurf, Jul 28, 2012 IP