Best Choice for back-end

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by Jen2swt, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. #1
    I am looking for the best choice for a back end of our company's website.

    Looking for a login that administrators can use and view resumes from candidates. These resumes will be uploaded by me to the server and the administrators will login and view them.

    The resumes will be categorized.

    I'm just not sure what the best way is, just simply a directory that lists the resumes?

    Any thoughts?
    Jen2swt, Feb 6, 2012 IP
  2. spesialis

    spesialis Member

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    That's it?

    It can be done by wordpress. If you want a nice resume application form, you can create one using Gravity form or other contact form plugin.

    Or search for project management at Code Canyon, there's plenty simple CMS dashboard
    spesialis, Feb 6, 2012 IP