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Money site ready to go for cheap

Discussion in 'Sites' started by Dwiggles, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. #1
    This is an exact match domain site all you have to do is plug in your google adsense and start making money.

    Broad searches: 5400 global monthly searches 4400 local monthly searches cpc $4.92 competition is low

    Exact Match is 2400 global monthly searches 1900 local monthly searches cpc $5.12 competition is low

    you're welcomed to check yourselves just pm me for the keyword if you're serious.

    This sit is currently number 13 on google I just bought 35 edu backlinks and high pr bookmarks I can give you these links upon purchase of the site for you to check yourself. I've also recently added 20 wiki edu links. This site also comes with a video I personally made and distributed to 15 video sharing sites.

    This site has 5 pages including about us, contact us, privacy policy, and another page with a 624 word article on it.

    I'm selling because I'm trying to buy something so I'm letting go of a couple good sites. I don't post adsense earnings because they are clearly against google adsense terms of service and can get you banned quickly.

    You will also get the .info of the same name for free.

    I believe that's everything but if I forgot something let me know. I'm asking $150 for this site.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
    Dwiggles, Jan 24, 2012 IP
  2. Dwiggles

    Dwiggles Peon

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    I'm lowering it from $150 to $100. I would've edited the post but I only get the bump/edit option and I'm not a premium member. Anyway it seems as if $150 was a little rich for some people so $100 it is. You pay to point the 2 sites toward your own hosting though.
    Dwiggles, Jan 24, 2012 IP
  3. theweaver9

    theweaver9 Peon

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    PM me the proof.
    theweaver9, Jan 24, 2012 IP
  4. Dwiggles

    Dwiggles Peon

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    Proof of what exactly? As you can see from the post I don't do adsense screen shots they are prohibited and will get your adsense account banned. Are you asking for a pm of the site so you can check the keyword?
    Dwiggles, Jan 24, 2012 IP
  5. ozcam

    ozcam Active Member

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    How can you expect anybody to buy without some proof..???
    On flippa most people post adsense screen shots.. Its only against adsense TOS to show CTR and eCPM figures publicly..
    ozcam, Jan 25, 2012 IP
  6. rollwithsoul15

    rollwithsoul15 Greenhorn

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    what's the url?

    And I'd like to see some stats too...
    rollwithsoul15, Jan 25, 2012 IP
  7. Dwiggles

    Dwiggles Peon

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    Thanks for your interest. If you need to see my adsense screen shots this isn't the investment for you. The cpc and it's placement on google should give you a pretty good idea of what it's making.
    It comes with proof of edu links i bought for it, proof of high pr bookmarks I bought for it, and a video I made and submitted to 15 video submission services. I did 25 wiki links as well but I did those by hand and didn't write them down. I can find them again if necessary. It also comes with the .info of the same domain name free.

    I value my adsense account. So I don't do anything that is against the terms of service.
    Dwiggles, Jan 25, 2012 IP
  8. Dwiggles

    Dwiggles Peon

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    What you don't understand is that if it were a number one ranking site with great traffic i wouldn't sell it on DP It would be on flippa. The site is number 13 on google it clearly says that. Read the post. sitepic.jpg

    I have site ranking number one for the main keyword and long tail keyword I know exactly what I'm doing. No way in hell would I sale a site ranking number one on DP for 100 bucks lets be serious.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    Dwiggles, Jan 26, 2012 IP
  9. Dwiggles

    Dwiggles Peon

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    All of the stats are real. The money is trickling in. It's my lowest ranking site. So I'm getting rid of it. If you don't want it or don't like it that's fine. It's no big deal. No need to troll the thread or get emotional. It's not that serious. If I rank it number one it'll no longer be for sale at this price.

    The site as it stands is a great deal and will put money in your adsense account.

    No one will sell you a site ranking number one for its main keyword for 100 bucks. If you check around and do some research you'll see that a micro niche site goes for 100 bucks with no rank, one url, no backlinks and no video. What you have here is a legitimate beginning. If you do some research you'll see that buying a site ranking number one for it's main keyword can cost you 5k easily.

    Please understand that if i were to go the scam route it wouldn't be on DP selling a MNS for 100 bucks.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
    Dwiggles, Jan 26, 2012 IP