harddisk is dying... help!

Discussion in 'Site & Server Administration' started by Divvy, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello guys,

    Can someone please help me?

    This month I'm receiving too many emails with notifications from my server about CPU overload.
    Today I contacted WorldStream and they said that:

    Can someone please teach me how to make a full backup of all my accounts? I only know how to make scheduled backups...
    What is the best way?

    Note: This morning I made a cpanel backup of a single account, and after 12h, I received the email saying that backup is complete... and I got many lines like that:
    This was just for one account... I have many of them... how long will take the backup? one month? :(

    Please help me...
    Thank you!

    Divvy, Dec 9, 2011 IP
  2. RHS-Chris

    RHS-Chris Well-Known Member

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    Hello there,

    This is a serious problem. What I suggest, is shutting down your web server and then taking your full account backups. This way the server can focus on the backup process, and not serving web pages. Of course, you may want to inform your clients about what is going on, and ask them not to jump on the server and do backups, as this would just delay the entire process, and put more strain on the disk. What you should be asking the DC, once you have your backups done (and saved elsewhere), is to slave the drive that is failing, so that you can try to pull the backups off of it once the new drive is installed.

    Good luck,
    RHS-Chris, Dec 9, 2011 IP
  3. BarrettNetworks

    BarrettNetworks Peon

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    cPanel has a nice backup tool. You can read the cpanel docs at the link below. It would be best to take the server down then perform the backup. The time depends on how many accounts and how big the accounts are. You will need to find someplace to put the backups. I would avoid putting them on the current hard disc for obvious reasons. What we do when a client has a single drive is provide them with a temporary drive to use a as backup drive until the replacement drive is installed and configured. Might want to request one from your web host if possible the other solution is to backup over FTP.

    cPanel Link:


    Good Luck!
    BarrettNetworks, Dec 10, 2011 IP
  4. Divvy

    Divvy Well-Known Member

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    Thank you guys for your help! :)

    RHS-Chris, how can I shutting down web server? I will not to loose everything? Or just make all accounts auto suspended?
    BarrettNetworks, thank you mate!
    Divvy, Dec 10, 2011 IP
  5. RHS-Chris

    RHS-Chris Well-Known Member

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    Hello there,

    Since you have cPanel, to shut down the web server, assuming you are just running Apache, go to the Main >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager section in WHM, and make sure that both boxes on httpd are not checked, then hit save. This should shut down the web server, allowing you to use those resources elsewhere.

    RHS-Chris, Dec 10, 2011 IP
  6. Divvy

    Divvy Well-Known Member

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    Thank you guys for your replies.

    Here is the updates:
    I've been in contact with cpanel support and they founds out that the second hard disk that I paid to save my backups was not well config. I paid for someone who is member here to make that config for me when I pay for an extra hard disk, and he didn't made the job well, and I paid for It :/ The backups was saving in the same failing disk... I'm very mad!

    But they made that favor for me and config everything so my backups will be saved in the hard disk that is good. Now I have forced the backups and everything is fine now. I have all backups in a new disk.

    Now I only have one BIG problem...
    Worldstream is going to replace my failing disk to a new one, and I will lost all my server config. And I don't have knowledge to make that, and I don't want to hire the same person who made the mistakes that I told above.
    So I need to find a expert person who is very familiar with this, so can help me... please?
    I don't have to much money, and I only can pay via moneybrookers because I don't have money in my paypal atm. Can you please pm me with your price?

    Btw, someone told me that is better to ask worldstream to add the new hard disk and dont remove the failing hard disk yet, so we can copy some files from one to other... what do you think is better? Making that way or start all over from zero?

    Thank you!
    Divvy, Dec 11, 2011 IP
  7. tobaria

    tobaria Peon

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    With due respect the best option for you is to ask help to a server management company.
    tobaria, Dec 12, 2011 IP
  8. ideamine

    ideamine Member

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    Feel free to drop an e-mail to sales at ideaminetech.com. We will definitely help you with this. We work round the clock on all 365 days a year.
    ideamine, Dec 14, 2011 IP
  9. jliu

    jliu Peon

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    Contact Steve at Rack911.com. He knows what he is doing.
    jliu, Dec 14, 2011 IP
  10. BarrettNetworks

    BarrettNetworks Peon

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    Its best to start from scratch and have someone who knows what they are doing. Make sure you can trust them do your research.
    BarrettNetworks, Dec 17, 2011 IP