Selling [WTS] Directory Submission - PR1-4+ - Up to 3000 Directories - Prices start at 18

Discussion in 'Services' started by KSteve91, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. #1
    Hello, I'm offering a directory submission service. PR1-4 and possibly higher will be used. I offer up to 3,000 submissions and as low as 50. Prices start at a mere 18 dollars for 50 PR4 directories. You can tell me to target a specific niche and it will be done as well.

    Do you want to learn more? Want to place an order? Want to set a custom amount? Shoot me a PM, as I respond faster that way. I'm always here.
    KSteve91, Nov 20, 2011 IP
  2. komrad

    komrad Notable Member

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    How about the approval rate? How many percent you think?
    komrad, Nov 21, 2011 IP
  3. KSteve91

    KSteve91 Peon

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    Sent you a PM but I'll say it here - I guarantee high approval rate. While I can't say a specific percentage, I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.
    KSteve91, Nov 21, 2011 IP