Obama's Uncle s held without bail detainer from U.S. Immigration

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by bogart, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. #1
    Onyango Obama tells police that he plans to arrange bail through the White House. He was charged with operating under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and failure to yield the right of way. Obama is being held without bail on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In a court document, ICE said Onyango Obama had an earlier deportation or removal order.


    This makes me think: Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate Corsi told WND, "The list is growing of those openly acknowledging the Obama long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27 is a forgery. The original hard-copy birth document, whatever it actually is, has never been seen by the public.

    Read more: Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=311433#ixzz1WU5zpOmN

    bogart, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  2. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    Was wondering how did he managed to stay in the USA if they ask him to be deported? How long does a court take to deport a person?
    wisdomtool, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  3. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    This video has IMO presented the best case claiming that the birth certificate could indeed have been digitally altered.
    Blogmaster, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  4. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    I think the new deportation policy is that we're only deporting illegals with a serious criminal record.

    Rebecca, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  5. Breeze Wood

    Breeze Wood Peon

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    "the "Certificate of Live Birth" released in April by the White House as "proof positive" of President Obama's Hawaiian birth is a forgery,"

    Maybe Fox News will someday be brought to task for their pretentious reporting - if it is political pandering and not Free Press they should be subject to the same appropriate laws as everyone else. Treason.
    Breeze Wood, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  6. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Bogart, welcome back!

    Yes. In contravention of the law of the land, the Obama administration has decided to use policy to put in place legislation he could not get through congress. Lets face it. We are no longer a nation of laws.

    Depends on the person. Obama's auntie was ordered to be deported in 2004, before there was even a Senator Obama. In 2010, with Obama as President, she was granted amnesty. Obama's uncle had a warrant for his arrest prior to this DUI. My money says he won't be deported either. Nicky Diaz Santilian is an illegal that committed perjury on her employment documents, declaring under penalty of federal law that she was legal to work in the US. She became a housekeeper for a California Billionaire making 23$/hr(one of those jobs Americans dont want). When her employer ran for political office, she created a scandal by coming out of the closet about her illegal status in this country, creating enough scandal to ruin her ex-employers run for office.

    A year and a half later, not only is she not being deported, she is being honored by Los Angeles latino societies as someone who stood up for the poor and oppressed.

    We are no longer a nation of laws, unless you are a member of the privileged class of people we call citizens. As a citizen, you are definitely going to be charged with a federal crime when you commit one.
    Obamanation, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  7. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    The deportation order works on the honor system. The illegal alien is given a certain amount of time to return to their home country. So, basically if they aren't arrested they can stay in the US indefinitely. Also, the new Obama immigration rule allows illegal aliens without criminal records to apply for a work permit from the Homeland Security Department.
    bogart, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  8. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    ...and compete with unemployed Americans trying to find a job. What a shame.
    Rebecca, Aug 29, 2011 IP
  9. The Webby

    The Webby Peon

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    Note: This post is going to be in vain.

    Breeze, what does making a forged document to cheat the whole nation including the government qualify to?
    1) A felony?
    2) A treason?
    3) All of the above
    4) None of the above
    The Webby, Aug 30, 2011 IP
  10. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    The US is running a $1.6 trillion deficit and is basically broke. Illegal aliens for the most part are unskilled labor who compete with Americans that have a high school education or less. Like you said the US has 14 million Americans and Legal Immigrants that are collecting unemployment. There's no way that we can continue to afford this.

    Another thing is that many of the illegal aliens are on welfare and without the welfare benefits wouldn't come to the US is the first place. The average illegal alien family of four with two anchor babies receives $688 a month in food stamps. They probably get back $4,000 a year from the Earned Income Credit even though they don't pay taxes. Plus they receive free healthcare. SO, why would they stay in their own country and work. Mexico has a 4.9% unemployment rate.

    It appear that Onyango Obama is "Uncle Omar" that was mentioned in "Dreams from my Father" as having left Kenya for the US 25 years ago and disappeared.

    I guess you can say that Uncle Omar is Barry Obama's "Billy Carter"

    bogart, Aug 30, 2011 IP
  11. Tray

    Tray Peon

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    Where do you get these figures from? I'm just curious.
    Tray, Aug 30, 2011 IP
  12. Breeze Wood

    Breeze Wood Peon

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    The document is not forged and they risk a law suit filed against them by claiming it is.
    Breeze Wood, Aug 30, 2011 IP
  13. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    How many illegal alien relatives does Barry Obama have in the US? What is the cost to US taxpayers? Why didn't Barry Obama (years ago) sponsor his relatives for a green card? But that would have required him to prove his own status.

    Unfortunately, this is true. These figures don't include the WIC program that distributes food, free public education, public housing and lots of other free goodies that illegal aliens receive. Barry Obama's illegal alien aunt was food to be living in public housing.
    bogart, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  14. IsraeI

    IsraeI Peon

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    Hilarious. Isn't Barrack Hussain the president of America, he can't let his own relative in? It doesn't have a significant effect on the economy, the only people who have a problem are closet racists.
    IsraeI, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  15. Breeze Wood

    Breeze Wood Peon

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    The commission's 15 recommendations include creating an inspector general to monitor contracting, appointing a senior government official to improve planning and coordination, and reducing the use of private security contractors.

    Really bogart, Obama's aunt is the cost to the taxpayers you are concerned with.....

    Oh, and the regulatory and cost control recommendations, will they be what will contribute to lost American Jobs?
    Breeze Wood, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  16. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    So true. Anyone related to someone holding public office should be exempt from the laws of our land. Isn't that how it is in the middle east? Anyone who says otherwise is clearly a racist!
    Obamanation, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  17. Tray

    Tray Peon

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    Ok, but once again, can you show some credible sources?
    You said;
    Can you post a link that proves that?

    Or this;
    Or something that says because they're here illegally
    I realize rules governing welfare, food stamps, etc can vary greatly by state. Thats why I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious where you get your information.
    Tray, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  18. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    What is also interesting is the desire by those in government to ignore or even accommodate the fraud. As you point out, the rules change state by state, but here in California, we have socialized health care for the poor called "Medi-CAL". I recently visited the Santa Ana Orange County health services office, and found myself to be the only English speaking light skinned person in the room. I have pictures of the enrollment forms, which not only go on the "honor system" before the state provides these people free medical care, it encourages it. The forms have an entry box for social security number with a subtitle in the right hand corner where it says "Optional". I didn't wander the room asking for green cards, but it doesn't take a genius to understand that, with nobody asking, and nobody checking, people are going to take the freebie every single time.

    I've never actually been to a Tea Party rally, and very few of my friends would financially qualify for the free California health care, but the first thought that came to my mind was a Tea Party demonstration where we flood those health care offices demanding routine medical care. It wouldn't take too long before they started prosecuting people for the fraud related to signing a government document that incorrectly stated their income, yet this type of fraud happens day in day out without consequence, so long as the perpetrators appear to be foreign and poor. Its enraging.
    Obamanation, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  19. Tray

    Tray Peon

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    Thanks, Obamanation. That was an interesting read.

    Oddly enough, here's what the Southern Poverty Law Center's website has to say about the site you quoted:



    I would really take anything I read on that website with a grain of salt. :p

    p.s. My new word of the day is 'screed'. That alone made reading this thread worthwhile. :)
    Tray, Aug 31, 2011 IP
  20. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Oddly enough, I did some research on the Southern Poverty Law Center and this is what Harpers Magazine had to say about them:
    Did I mention the "Poverty" law center's coffers are up to $175 million now? Its great to be in the charity business.

    This is what the Center for Immigration Studies had to say about them:
    What is so ironic about that is that the SPLC has no problems teaming up with organizations like La Raza, who's motto is "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" which translated means, "For the race(latinos) everything, Outside of the race(latinos) nothing". Nothing like being called racist by a group of race baiting racists, no?

    Anyway, you should take anything you hear from that group with a grain of salt.

    Now back to the article I posted, are you trying to tell me that, because your little group of race baiters decided to call this guy a racist, that somehow changes the FACT that the EITC tax credit was $4800 in 2008, or the FACT that the credit is fully refundable, even if you didn't pay a dime in taxes, or the FACT that the GAO(Government Accountability Office) says that one-quarter to one-third of the $47 BILLION EITC claims are “improperly paid”, or the FACT that mmigrants account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, but received an estimated 26 percent of EITC benefits in 2008?

    Is that really your response to an argument based on facts? You started off by questioning whether Bogart's claim of $4000 EITC was legit, your question was answered with facts, and all you have to say is, "Well somebody says that guy is a racist so you need to discount everything you hear from him". Really?

    I got news for you pal. If Adolf Hitler himself claimed the earth is a spheroid, pointing out that Hitler was a racist would not make the statement any less true. I'm guessing you are the kind of guy that takes any criticism of Obama as racist too. After all, he is black and only a racist would critcize a black man, right?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
    Obamanation, Aug 31, 2011 IP