Website registration failure rate..(not conversion)

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by 1tripz1, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. #1
    I'm looking for peoples data on website Registration Failure rate. Not converting registrations into profit, but the % of people who start the registration process of a site and fail. Here's why.

    I work for a website that requires you to register in 2 places.

    Stage 1 requires a form to sign up to the product, then clicking a link on a validation email.

    Stage 2 requires another form to sign up to the 'community' and then 'link' accounts. This is how you enroll into our rewards system. Another validation email is sent.

    You then have 2 sets of login details.

    Obviously with such a complicated registration system there's going to be lots of failed sign ups. I collected the data and the amount of failures is huge in my eyes, but I admit I've nothing to compare this too.

    Can anyone share some data with me?
    1tripz1, Jul 8, 2011 IP
  2. PovertyEconomics

    PovertyEconomics Peon

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    I only have data from my own websites, but the obvious trend I've noticed is that the length of the signup form is the most telling indicator of whether or not people complete registration. The number of registrations for a set time period literally triples when I cut out relatively unimportant fields (like age, gender, geographical location, etc.).
    PovertyEconomics, Jul 8, 2011 IP
  3. 1tripz1

    1tripz1 Member

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    Fantastic. Could you share some numbers?

    Our site has a 50% failure rate. I have a database of as many people who've tried to sign up and failed at some point versus those who've completed the process.

    To my eyes this is huge and it's my job to report it to the share holders so something is done, but to be really effective I need some data to compare it to.
    1tripz1, Jul 11, 2011 IP