CMC Register Domains - They even legit?

Discussion in 'Domain Names' started by N2KMaster, May 27, 2011.

  1. #1
    K here's the scoop so far. Last night around 1 am eastern canadian time purchased a .com from this site, Never heard of them before but wanted a nice cheap .com (which is probably what screwed me) They are selling .coms at 4.25$ USD which sounds like quite the steal. Trust me the only stealing i seen so far is of my paypal cash that i registered that domain for 2 years and today 4:00 PM eastern canadian time, I STILL DON'T HAVE IT. Seriously, registering a domain name here may be the blackhole for your wallet. The owner can barely speak and type english from what i've seen which has offered NO solution to this at all. I've had to start a paypal claim cuz of this (i dont have much hope, digital goods, paypals gotta get that fixed asap) all i got now is a 9$ membership to a domain register site that can't register domains from the looks of it. So heres a heads up to anyone using the site. Really good chance you aint seeing any domain registration out of this place. If the owners are around, I implore you to show face and explain your actions. After purchasing the domain, my account barely logs in (when i say barely, seems like every time i use my login details the page times out and now i'm getting an "unauthorized access attempt" using the correct login details) So anyone got past history with these fellas and can shed some light into just what the heck they are doing over there would be nice. And if im the first, people watch out, they are iffy at best in my book.

    And before anyone says well you never bought anything, account info here:

    Registration Date: 27/05/2011
    Payment Method: PayPal
    First Payment Amount: $8.50 USD
    Recurring Amount: $8.50 USD
    Next Due Date: 27/05/2013
    Registration Period: 2 Year/s
    Status: Active

    So CMC like in the emails i keep sending you, WHERE'S MY DOMAIN ?

    UPDATE: It is now 7:25 PM still no reply from these guys, domain is still dead in the water even tho the cpanel account has been set up, DNS's are pointing to the right areas

    The webpage "" cannot be found
    DNS error occurred. Server cannot be found. The link may be broken.

    I call FRAUD on them big time. No replies from the admins, owners, nothing, i even gave them this link to clear their names, nope wont show. And if you aren't gonna show face on DPF to rectify something your companies doing wrong then there's a serious issue. So heads up everyone, don't give em any money, you wont see a domain name at all. Its not like i bought this off ebay or something. This was a direct buy thru the website, thru paypal. Hopefully i can get my money back from paypal, doubtful, i imagine hes paying off his server and domain name with the scammed cash here.


    After like 20 some hours of waiting finally got a hold of the admin. Who refunded the cash, yet registered the domain for 2 years cuz i opened a claim and is now "holding it for ransom" in order for me to get it. After opening a paypal claim, reporting here and waiting all day for the slightest bit of a response in comes a gmail addy into my inbox I started getting responses like this:

    Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 04:19:02 +0300

    Subject: Re: Invoice Payment Confirmation
    To: N2KMaster

    you know. bye bye :)

    Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 04:22:16 +0300

    Subject: Re: Invoice Payment Confirmation
    To: N2KMaster

    we are not scammer :) i seny your money back. i registered your domain :) and **** you

    Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 04:26:25 +0300

    Subject: Re: Invoice Payment Confirmation
    To: N2KMaster

    am i stole your domain?
    you open refund your payment and i closed your account. i didn't stole your domain

    (yet the domain wasn't registered anywheres until 30 seconds after the claim was closed)

    2011/5/28 adt deniz <>

    Registration Service Provider:
    name: CMC Domain
    tel: +20.2554557856
    fax: +20.2554557856

    that is under my registration. if you give me my money back i will give your domain

    (I can't even register the domain name elsewhere, hes screwed the domain name for 2 years now)

    and my personal favorite:

    and i am sleeping now. bye bye

    Wow that some serious business techniques there fella. Like really would any of you even trust him the 2nd time here? After reading that and seeing that he screwed the domain name for 2 years I've reported them to IC3 and Paypal. Both i expect to hear some sort of result from here in the next day or two, will update with that info as well. Watch yourselves peeps, some crooked cats out there....
    Last edited: May 27, 2011
    N2KMaster, May 27, 2011 IP

    CDNIAYE Peon

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    I am sooooo glad I read this before hitting the purchase button tonight. The website looked really fishy so I stopped and looked them up. Interesting enough, although I didnt buy yet, I have 3 emails in my inbox saying that I am registered and can login, etc. I really hope that my domain name is not blocked now for 2 years like yours is. Take care and sorry you have to deal with that. Cheap doesnt pay!
    CDNIAYE, May 30, 2011 IP
  3. N2KMaster

    N2KMaster Member

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    Yeah they are a total scam, like you said the website thru up flags to me as well. Sure you'll get your account, login etc, all that is fine however when you decide to move your DNS it never happens, took me 20 hours to get a jerk of a response from the fella and when he decided to "hold my domain for ransom" I said prove to me it works and you'll get your cash back, point the DNS to the DNS i wanted and prove to me you're legit. Mentioning that to him got the final response there. He can't change the DNS for any domain purchased there, hes not doesnt even have an iCANN registration number, nothing, no certifications for even selling domains legally. No he waits for you to pay, takes the domain name for himself, ties you up with paypal crap to distract you, leaves you hanging for days for a descent response, then laughs at you getting scammed and apparently hes "sold" like 950 domains this way (admitted it in the emails that i wasn't the first one hes done it to) He preys on the ones who have very little experience online (but didn't expect to end up doing it to someone who knows what they are actually doing online and personally owns a few hundred domain names himself) The serious problem with the domains there, DNS WILL NOT CHANGE, EVER! Hes not a legit legal domain dealer, sure he'll "sell" you an account but when you want to ACTUALLY USE the domain name you can't cuz then he knows hes caught cuz the DNS won't change. Like i said I confronted him on it, gave him numerous chances to clear his own name and his sites name to prove hes legit, can't and won't do it at all. And like i said if you won't even show face here on this site and you are a site owner refusing to come to DPF chances are you've been here before and got booted for scamming. (i know being a long term member here myself, i ALWAYS check here first if i aint sure about an online business) Naw looks like this fella probably scammed a few people dumped his "earnings" into a google adwords account to take top ranking for cheap domain. Notice no testimonials, no stamps, no legal anything on the site. Honestly looks like one of them nulled domain purchase sites that he and a buddy thought "Heck cant register the domains, but lets not tell them that, when they complain we steal the domain on them" I'm the N2KMaster, ill back all my 100,000+ google results this guys a 100% fraud. And its not like its opinion. This dude really did rip me off and when confronted refuses to prove his isn't. Its like he's actually proud of being a slimeball. Anyone with an account already thinking of purchasing a domain, get a crappy one, some random letters or some junk, if you got a couple bucks to spare. Order a domain then see how long it takes to change the DNS. Then email the admins and ask why the DNS aren't updating. He'll give your paypal back, and do the same thing to you cuz you caught him. Think Godaddy, Dynadot, EnableDomains, hell even my own hosting company i choose Vprohost has this kinda of issues updating a DNS, NEVER! Takes them about 5-15 mins for a DNS to update. So theres my report on this scam site. Thats right people.....
    CMC Register Domains is a SCAM!

    Also i would take a look here:

    List of ICANN certified sites, they aren't on the list at all. Therefore being reported to ICANN for fraud as well. Contact form for them is there.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
    N2KMaster, Jun 1, 2011 IP
  4. CannabisSEO

    CannabisSEO Well-Known Member

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    Your domain should show up instantly after registration. We are a domain registration company and I am very familiar with the workings of a registrar. It is worth it to pay a little more and know that you are going to be taken care of.
    CannabisSEO, Jun 2, 2011 IP
  5. pcofertas

    pcofertas Peon

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    Yes , its a scamer, a fraud

    today i have send a order for register a domain with this scamers and have registred this scamer for a coleague.
    pcofertas, Jun 3, 2011 IP
  6. alxsnr

    alxsnr Peon

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    thx for sharing this information, hope all people know and become more careful about this scam
    alxsnr, Jun 5, 2011 IP
  7. N2KMaster

    N2KMaster Member

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    No kidding, I'm not like some noobish person behind the keyboard. I've bought numerous domains(to many to count now) from several places and NEVER had any sort of issue with DNS updating. Maybe a hiccup down the road or what ever, but not 24 hours to wait for something that never changed.

    Hes not accredited by Icann at all and has been reported and the reply was hes now under investigation. IC3 has his info and paypal has been notified and started their investigation as well. Hes already admitted to doing this to hundreds of people already, and gloated like it was funny to screw people over and steal company names like this. 2 ****** years now cuz of this idiot i gotta wait for my domain name back, but at least i can register the .ca but still what a **** off tho. Pass the word people, he was #1 on google searches for "cheap domains paypal" so let everyone know what hes done. I'm glad another registrar has showed up. Cuz i know of where i spoke from and no this just isn't right.
    N2KMaster, Jun 6, 2011 IP
  8. N2KMaster

    N2KMaster Member

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    Like i said, try updating the dns, and wait, and wait and wait some more, betting the domain never updates and never points anywheres, then email him asking him why that is, he'll give your money back and steal the domain name by registering elsewhere. I gave him his opps to fix this and prove he wasnt a scammer and he never even tried. And for someone to run a registrar and has a gmail email account makes me uneasy to begin with, when i seen the email addy i knew i wasnt seeing my domain ever.
    N2KMaster, Jun 6, 2011 IP
  9. jwhite15

    jwhite15 Peon

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    I restistered mine May 23, and have been able to use it with another hosting provider. Today, it says the domain is parked, as is www cmcdomain net. I am in contact with my provider but right now I have no clue how to transfer a domain from a register that goes under.

    jwhite15, Jun 7, 2011 IP
  10. Nuke547

    Nuke547 Peon

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    Thank you guys very much for this. I bought a domain from there not knowing it was not legit and it was fraud.
    I had changed my nameservers a few times.
    I cant access it, but I can through proxy's.
    Ive been waiting a few days, and guess what... There domain "" is down, so now I cant contact them. So if anybody has the admin's email address so I can email him, that would be great.
    Nuke547, Jun 7, 2011 IP
  11. emyrate

    emyrate Peon

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    .I purchased a domain name from 3 days ago ,and paid for 7yrs ,but found out i was scammed .i just bought the domain name this morning from when they refused to respond to my mails and asking for a refund on my money . i want everyone to be careful of this fraudsters and scammers as their site is already down as at this morning . i also include proves of payment made to them .

    ORDER confirmation sent to me
    ...............................................................................................................Flag this message
    Order ConfirmationMonday, May 30, 2011 8:29 AM

    From: "C M C Domain - cheap domain,domain register,cheap domain registration,cheap domains,name cheap domains,domain,domains" <>Add sender to Contacts
    To: "olusegun emeka agha" <>
    Dear olusegun emeka agha (datingsoil),
    We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below:
    Order Number: 5841240686
    Domain Registration: Register
    First Payment Amount: $24.00 USD
    Recurring Amount: $24.00 USD
    Registration Period: 7 Year/s
    + DNS Management
    + Email Forwarding
    + ID Protection

    Total Due Today: $24.00 USD
    You will receive an email from us shortly once your account has been setup. Please quote your order reference number if you wish to contact us about this order.
    Signature goes here...


    I have sent them over 10 mails asking for my money ,but they have not responded .
    emyrate, Jun 8, 2011 IP
  12. Nuke547

    Nuke547 Peon

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    Hey, so I had changed my nameservers a few days ago, and as surprising as it is judging from this thread, they are legit. My nameservers are fully configured and up. Turns out i was not scammed... Only one problem though... How am I supposed to get on there site to edit some settings? There site it down...
    Nuke547, Jun 8, 2011 IP
  13. Toasted

    Toasted Peon

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    This poster has just joined this month and this is his second post ... you can make your own call, but in my eyes this is a very suspicious post. What walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is a ....

    And before anyone points this out, I too have just joined this board and this is my very first post here. Indeed, I was drawn to this forum when I did a google search for CMC - regrettably, only after I was scammed as well. I am ashamed to admit that in spite of being a somewhat experienced Internet user, I had shut my eyes when I paid through Paypal for what I thought was a cheap domain. Now I can battle the evil empire of Paypal to get a refund, but this outfit stinks; I even sent them an e-mail asking about the status of my registration and have received no response.
    Toasted, Jun 8, 2011 IP
  14. nancywong

    nancywong Peon

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    I would like to know what could I do in this moment. At the beginning, the DNS pointed to my server for about 3 weeks. Just 2 days ago, my site and cmc are down. My site is registered for sure because I could find it through internet (I even know that which company hosted, Please see the following). However, I am not sure if CMC is registered my website under his name or my name. I found out where my website is hosted.

    It is on OnlineNIC

    Dear nancy,

    Thanks for contacting OnlineNIC!

    We've received your following message.

    Please note that your domain name service provider CMC Ken Kamikaze involved in serious Chargeback Issue, which brought Onlinenic heavy loses. Now the provider's account had been suspended.

    Under the circumstances, we suggest you try to contact CMC Ken Kamikaze as soon as possible for the solution, and advise them to pay back all the funds to Onlinenic. Thus, we may consider release the domain name.

    *Term in OnlineNIC-Domain-Registration-Agreement
    5.Charge Backs
    You agree that you will lose all rights upon the selected domain name in case of a charge back by your credit card company, credit card fraud or any other reserved payment. OnlineNIC will decide at his sole discretion whether to hold the name in his own portfolio or to release it for use by others.

    Should you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Special Offering in June:
    1. Short and numeric domains are available in June!
    2. SSL starts at $18/year only!
    3. cPanel Reseller hosting - 50G @ Only $19.96 /Mo!


    Customer Service Division OnlineNIC Inc
    Welcome to our new support center
    Live Chat Support:
    To participate in Satisfaction Survey, please click the link

    It seems to me that Ken did not pay OnlineNIC Inc (Looks like Ken is OnlineNIC's reseller) I am now trying to check up with ONlineNIC if they could do anything on this. Wish we could get a satisfactory answer! I don't think that we could find Ken now. This is my first time of trying this internet business. :( I learn so much on this.
    nancywong, Jun 8, 2011 IP
  15. Pat111

    Pat111 Peon

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    Same experience here. My site which I registered through them worked for a few days, but now it is no longer existing! What's more, the name is no longer registered. So anyone can buy it. This means I have to buy it again! Outrageous!. The seller's email address is and the domain whilst still registered, had onlinenic name-servers, so he was clearly an onlinenic's reseller. I've raised a dispute at the paypal resolution center. I'm just glad I paid through paypal and didn't give him my bank card details. I would have had to be worried about misuse of my card too. Hopefully, I can get my money back!
    Funny thing was, I actually read this forum before purchase, I just couldn't ignore the cheap price and chose to go ahead. What a mistake...lesson learnt! Which is why I have bothered to update this forum with my experience too. Because I'm sure this fraudulent guy - will continue to defraud people. He's/They have been doing it since 2007 - ...
    Anyway, hope this helps someone.
    Pat111, Jun 10, 2011 IP
  16. nancywong

    nancywong Peon

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    I just asked paypal to pay me back the money. I have no time to waste for this matter. I lost my domain. Period. I registered another new one (took me another day to find one which is suitable). My web designer needs to work on the logo again. I am glad that this is a new domain that I haven't put in use yet. If this thing happened after 6 months, I would be really toasted.

    Next time when everybody is buying a domain, please check the below link. At least, they are not reseller.

    At least, these companies are accredited. is just a reseller of

    I would say that is also guilty of this. They just hold us as hostages without really solving the problem as a good company supposed to do. I would suggest stay away from this guy. Your reseller runs away and the father just doesn't care. What kind of father it is???

    If you type and scam, you do find unsatisfactory customers.

    To use yahoo domain registration would be expensive (35/year????. This is the only drawback). However, they are big and suppose would be acting as a big company.
    nancywong, Jun 10, 2011 IP
  17. kabb

    kabb Guest

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    Same here!
    Joined today after searching for
    I bought 2 domains from them. the firstone seemed to go through alright and is registered to me. With the second one I got an email saying there would be a 3 hour delay registering because of a sw problem. 12 hours later I put a dispute in with paypal. I got an email from cmc domains asking why I had put in the dispute - nasty tone, and telling me the domain was up. I culd change the DNS so I cancelled the dispute.(which means I can't raise it again!) The second paypal payment went to a different name and I now think that they had put a screen up to mimic the paypal login because a few days later I got 5 paypal charges from onlinenic totalling 2500$.
    I got on to my bank and credit card companies - they had cleaned me out. it has been about two weeks now and although paypal have refunded the money, they have refunded a short amount due to currency exchange rates. I cant get a reply from them about this. Both my sites are now parked I found out yesterday.
    BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PAYPAL PASSWORDS IF YOU BOUGHT WITH PAYPAL. I would think that if I could be ripped off like this then they would do it again.
    I have emailed onelinenic but not had a reply yet. In my opinion if they are setting up resellers to push cheap domain names then they should have the proper procedures in place to cope with things like this.
    kabb, Jun 11, 2011 IP
  18. o555

    o555 Peon

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    I had 8 domains hijacked by / sounds like they put resellers to scam people under fictitious names like ( or +20.2554557856 ) and then register trying to collecting ransom for the domains they already sold once or transferred them to their accounts.. by locking and refusing provide authorization codes. I think that's a fraud ! and should kept responsible for this! I am about to file complaint with law enforcement , Icann and other recourses to shut them down and prosecute!

    if you were victim ,please file complain with FBI and other law enforcement agencies

    FBI / IC3

    Icann : information below ..
    Data is updated weekly and is current as of Friday, June 10, 2011. It is not a complete or certified record of the entity.

    Entity Name: ONLINENIC INC.
    Entity Number: C1939078
    Date Filed: 10/06/1999
    Status: ACTIVE
    Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
    Entity Address: 351 EMBARCADERO
    Entity City, State, Zip: OAKLAND CA 94606-5115
    Agent for Service of Process: PERRY J. NARANCIC
    Agent Address: 325 SHARON PARK DRIVE, #736
    Agent City, State, Zip: MENLO PARK CA 94025
    o555, Jun 13, 2011 IP
  19. fletcherkcjr2

    fletcherkcjr2 Peon

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    I just got 2 of my domains stolen by the f*ckers who set site up. When I checked the registrar of, a Turkish name came up on my Paypal receipt, and the domain name has a Hong Kong address. What should we do? Will I get my money, and my names back? Is PayPal liable for facilitating this fraud?

    fletcherkcjr2, Jun 14, 2011 IP
  20. HeatherWhite

    HeatherWhite Peon

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    I am so sorry to hear that. A lot like that is happening in the web nowadays.
    HeatherWhite, Jun 14, 2011 IP