Article Directory Alternative

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by Rydel23, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. #1
    *Moved this post from "Directories"*

    Hey Guys,

    With the recent changes to the way Google is treating article directories I thought some of you might be interested instead in posting guest posts.

    I have converted an old squeeze site which shows on the first page for searches "buy web hosting" and 3rd page for "buy hosting" (among other searches) into a blog which will accept articles and guest posts. Get an easy link (or links) by submitting content to the site! With your help and content the page can rank for other searches and get you more traffic and better links!

    The theme is web and internet technology (web hosting, design, internet marketing, etc). If the site does fairly well I may open other similar sites on other topics.

    I will do my best to get as many articles and guest posts up per day. If the site does well and a tiny bit of money is generated I may end up hiring some of you to moderate ;)

    Here's the site: Web and Technology Community

    Check it out, and let me know what you think!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
    Rydel23, Mar 10, 2011 IP
  2. krishnaegurus

    krishnaegurus Peon

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    The website is completely new right now. Someone needs to work from scratch for you which may be a bit high task now
    krishnaegurus, Mar 14, 2011 IP
  3. Rydel23

    Rydel23 Peon

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    Well the "scratch" work is already done. It's just a matter of people submitting their articles and getting free links now. I don't see how that is much of a high task. =)
    Rydel23, Apr 13, 2011 IP