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I have $10k. Is it possible to be purely an "investor" online?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by MarkUSA, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. #1
    I have a question for the experts in the area of Internet Marketing.
    Is it possible to do the following:
    - Get a consultant that will monitor DP, Flippa, etc. for good deals on income-producing websites
    - Buy $10k worth of websites over the course of the next several months
    - Pay consultant 33% of the net income to maintain the sites

    My question is: Is this plan feasible? I basically want to buy the sites (ownership of domains will be transferred to myself/my company) but delegate all the work to an experienced partner (possibly from India?) for 33% of the income.

    How do I avoid the following situations: 1) I buy a site for $1000 that makes $80 per month, but the previous owner had to put in countless hours of manual labor to achieve that, so the site suddenly makes very little. 2) For some reason, Google ranking changes and income drops dramatically...
    MarkUSA, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  2. course575

    course575 Well-Known Member

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    The plan looks good. However, finding the right partner can prove to be a daunting task. As an alternative you can invest on websites that run on autopilot.

    As far as income drop due to changes in google algorithm is concerned, you won't be able to do much about it, but accept the drop in income. That being said, search engines respect old websites, so websites that are few years old do not generally get affected that much due to changes.
    course575, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  3. MarkUSA

    MarkUSA Peon

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    course575, you are absolutely right, I am not looking for someone that will just check on the sites once a day and collect 33%, I'm looking for someone that is pretty much full-time on the sites. So, if $10k worth of sites brings $10k per year, the partner will get $3333, which is nothing for Americans, but may be ok for other countries. That's why I mentioned India.

    About Google rankings, if I understand correctly, rankings also drop if content is not updated frequently? So if I buy a developed site (which was updated regularly) making $x per month but not add any fresh content, will traffic drop, and if so, by what margin?

    I'd love to find out more about sites that run on autopilot. Are there sites that truly run on autopilot? Examples?
    MarkUSA, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  4. uday1234

    uday1234 Well-Known Member

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    better hire manual labour from dp.
    who knows dataentry for longterm.
    i am one here to offer longterm relationship.
    i know WordPress and different datentries.

    contact me: check my itrader for my quality.
    uday1234, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  5. DrJale

    DrJale Active Member

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    Investing is risky, especially over the Internet. If you leave most of the work to someone else, you risk of getting scammed. Even if you do not get scammed, it will hardly go the way you want. Experienced and successful people tend to work for themselves and do not need sponsors and they certainly will not do all the tedious work for 33%. This is only my opinion based on my own experience in the past few years, but I may be wrong.
    DrJale, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  6. chrisceo

    chrisceo Peon

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    Buy $10k worth of stocks or silver commodities. Internet "investing" is such a grey area. Send me $5000 and I'll purchase silver that is $35 per ounce and went up from $25 per ounce from last year. It continues to ride and has a large demand.
    chrisceo, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  7. leelaprasad

    leelaprasad Active Member

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    Hi MarUSA,

    I appreciate your idea but taking this approach is very risky; because you will never get a person who will monitor like and also he may not have the same passion as you are having. If you get such a person, you are definitely luck.

    It is better if you buy affiliate marketing sites which are having good income from last 10 months and also don't go for autopilot sites. Google slashed their rankings severely. You can also buy the service oriented sites, where you will offer some service and you will outsource that work at cheaper price.

    let me know if you want ay help
    leelaprasad, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  8. DreamingBig

    DreamingBig Well-Known Member

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    Affiliate marketing sites are the way to go if you want money done on autopilot. However, even after you buy the site you still might to promote it so it stays on top or either gets on top of Google or either find out what they are doing to promote it before they are buying it and another thing to do is check and see if the website is using black or white hat methods.
    DreamingBig, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  9. China_girl

    China_girl Well-Known Member

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    If are in US, then I would recommend you to find such a person in your own city and personally meet him/her. The only reason because when you meet him/her, you can verbally and personally express your ideas and passion for what you wanna achieve with your hard earned money. Only then you can make him/her believe that the 33% you are offering can increase according to the hours he is giving to your partnership business. ;)
    I guess all these things is difficult to portrait online.
    China_girl, Mar 5, 2011 IP
  10. JayRash

    JayRash Peon

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    Your idea will be your best bet actually. Websites are here to stay and best investment you can make. With 10k you can get yourself about 30-40 established sites that will make about $1k - $2k every month, in which you can hire someone with SEO background to maintain them (like me :p ). Pay him/her 30 to 40% income to maintain and improve your sites. You happy, him/her happy :)
    JayRash, Mar 6, 2011 IP
  11. makeit easy

    makeit easy Active Member

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    I am a full time, experienced webmaster and we can cooperate if you wish. I am from europe and $3k /year is nothing here too. Most probably the life in the US is cheaper than here. But your budget is enough for me to start as I am confident about the business and its future. I already monitor flippa, dp and some other resources. I have enough experience to buy sites at the best prices. I can see the real potential. I am an expert in online&offline marketing, business and finance. I know coding, html, css, monetizing, seo and more. I do everything manually. I can buy sites for you, increase the earnings and total value then sell them or continue to improve.

    33% is enough for me. 33% is also enough for me if I sell the site for profit. You will pay the seller directly when I buy a site for you and you will get paid directly when I sell a site which I bought for you. I can also add my own banner for my revenue share if you wish to pay me nothing directly.
    makeit easy, Mar 6, 2011 IP
  12. daremkd

    daremkd Peon

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    dude be real careful a lot of people will scam you and run away with your hard earned money
    daremkd, Mar 9, 2011 IP
  13. urlhosting

    urlhosting Peon

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    Yes man I also suggest same like daremkd.
    urlhosting, Mar 10, 2011 IP
  14. w3bmaster

    w3bmaster Notable Member

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    Why don't you invest in NEW Sites Or 1 Site
    If you willing to pay i can teach you even give ideea and handle SEO
    I even have an ideea on Outo Pilot ...

    Your Consultant/Broker ideea is a bit to risky and you are better buying sites on your own..

    w3bmaster, Mar 10, 2011 IP
  15. Seqqa

    Seqqa Well-Known Member

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    I lost interest in places like Flippa when I started to see how much BS there really is there.
    Seqqa, Mar 10, 2011 IP