Idiots in the world

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by d16man, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. #1
    How come I feel like that everytime I look around DP I feel like I have to answer the same stupid questions every day (especially about YPN, Adsense, etc.). Can't these people find someone else to bug??? Quit ruinning my day!

    Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest.
    d16man, Oct 13, 2006 IP
  2. _cartman99

    _cartman99 Peon

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    People rather ask the same questions than use search. Just the way the DP world is.
    _cartman99, Oct 13, 2006 IP
  3. writergrrrl

    writergrrrl Peon

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    The search function in many other forums does not work so well. I won't even bother trying it here.

    Most of the time people seem nice about answering even noob questions. Which they should be, or else don't bother reading the posts in the first place.
    I didn't notice that you are a moderator, you're just another member like everyone else. Who decided YOU have to answer any questions at all? You did. So if you don't like answering questions you think are stupid, quit reading and responding to posts that don't give you the intellectual challenge you desire.

    It's far better than belittling all the people you think are beneath you. If you don't want to help, then don't read their posts.

    You're the first person I've encountered here with such a crappy attitude. I hope you're in the minority, or this will be a short membership for me.
    writergrrrl, Oct 13, 2006 IP