Read This Before Replying to Posts in This Section!

Discussion in 'Solicitations & Announcements' started by yfs1, Sep 10, 2006.

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  1. malcolm1

    malcolm1 Prominent Member

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    hehhehehhehh they got me again and its not them same close but no cigar.
    oh well got to walk on egg shells this month.

    malcolm1, Oct 11, 2006 IP
  2. adacprogramming

    adacprogramming Well-Known Member

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    I find the abitrary decision on what is considered a post of no value to be interesting.

    On many of my posts I also stated that I was adding a link back to them in my directory list. I would think this to be usefull. But, no this is worthy of an infraction.

    On that same line several of the other List owners do the same thing, personaly I find that useful, directory submission takes time, and I normally spend an extra 3-5 minutes checking to see if a directory is SEO friendly before I add a site and definitly before I add them to my list.

    If Best Directories has already checked them out, and has posted that, then often I deside to be lazy and forgo my checks, he's already done it. However it is now against the rules to post that.

    It is also useful to me to see how quickly the directory owner is adding new links, you can often see this by his responces. O Yah, that's now against the rules.

    For some reason this information has taken back seat to racking up the post count. Are we talking about that little number in the top right hand corner of your post? Your kidding Right?

    P.S. Yes I cut and paste, I've already spent 3-5 minutes checking the site out before I post. Once that is done, I'm just letting others know that it is SEO Friendly (at least in my opinion :)), and letting the directory owner know I'm linking back. Would me spending the extra time to think up something new and unique each time really change the reason I posted?
    adacprogramming, Oct 11, 2006 IP
  3. malcolm1

    malcolm1 Prominent Member

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    Ok now this is starting to get ridiculas as ive recieved yet another ticket or whatever you call it. If whoever is handing out these infractions would kindly PM me we can further discuss this issue,truthfully the only thing i see is these infractions with No merits. You have a link spammer and ripoff in the links sales section but nothing is being done about that. It would seem that handing out parking tickets rather than catching crooks is being applied. I dont know but something is totally wrong. If you would like a 5 page essay for thanking the owner then please just ask and ill do my best to accomedate your needs.
    malcolm1, Oct 12, 2006 IP
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  4. sizzler_chetan

    sizzler_chetan Prominent Member

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    @malcomn, dont u think there is no need to thank every directory owner!
    If a member goes on posting the thanks in each and every thread of the solicitations and announcements forum, then it would just be considered as pad post counting and you are very much deserving the infraction for this...

    Think if around 1500 directories are announced in a few months and u are replying to each thread with the same reply, it would just be meaning as you have 1500 useless posts here.

    Is there any benefit of replying in these kind of announcement threads?
    sizzler_chetan, Oct 12, 2006 IP
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  5. yfs1

    yfs1 User Title Not Found

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    Or you could just send them a PM...As stated in the first post, if you want to thank someone for adding another directory to the other 3.2 million, thats fine. Just PM them and let them know how thankful you are
    yfs1, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  6. writergrrrl

    writergrrrl Peon

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    Boy, am I dumb!!

    I thought the reason people posted was to share information, participate in community, and help each other out a bit. Which would pretty much mean we are thinking up something new and unique each time ...

    I didn't realize I was supposed to be caring about the little posting number, and making sure I get the right links into my posts.

    But some people charge for their sig links, I understand. So there goes any motivation for posting real commentary and interacting in a useful way.
    writergrrrl, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  7. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Unless you have something to say, people are not very likely to check out your sites. If you post useful information, Dp users will want to know what your sites are about, there will be a general interest.
    Blogmaster, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  8. adacprogramming

    adacprogramming Well-Known Member

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    In most sections I agree, The section we are primaraly talking about is a solitations section. Not a question answer section. Stating that you gave a reciprical to the directory is something I'm sure the owner would like to know. Getting flowery and waxing poeticly about it is probably not nessessary. :D
    adacprogramming, Oct 12, 2006 IP
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  9. yfs1

    yfs1 User Title Not Found

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    Im sure they would which is a perfect oppurtunity to PM them...However the rest of the community doesn't need to know so there is no reason to post it.
    yfs1, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  10. dotcompals

    dotcompals Prominent Member

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    Respected YSF1,
    again the same trend continues .. still there are several Posts like ""Submitted, thanks!"
    "Submitted thxs"
    "Nice Directory"
    "Thanks for that" being posted every now & then...
    dotcompals, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  11. adacprogramming

    adacprogramming Well-Known Member

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    It's going to take a while for people to catch up.

    I think this has been in place for a month or so? I just found out a couple days ago. Once people are in the habit, it takes a while to get them to change.
    adacprogramming, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  12. malcolm1

    malcolm1 Prominent Member

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    Ok thanks for the feedback...

    Well the reason i do this is for quick refrence that ive been their done that! I have enough emails already saved for my records from the hundreds of directories i buy featured links in and also the hundreds of links purchased at links section,that is honestly the main reason i do this.
    But thinking about what sizzler_chetan said i wonder is their anyway for me to know that ive already visited that thread directory and already purchased or atleast added my sites? I know that the thread changes size in firefox when ive already visited that thread but as soon as someone else posts it goes back to origanal version. Is their any other way of knowing ive been here done that without clutering my mailbox?

    malcolm1, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  13. Janet

    Janet Peon

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    Yes, you can just subscribe to the thread (under thread tools) and you will then get a little green check mark type symbol next to it so you will know you have already submitted to that directory.
    Janet, Oct 12, 2006 IP
  14. yfs1

    yfs1 User Title Not Found

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    Well, there will always be some but the number has been cut drastically. Feel free to report any new ones and a Mod will take care of it.

    Most of the problem now is just that new members see that other people did it in the past (before the crackdown) and just copy what they are doing. An infraction is not a punishment, it is only a reminder of the rules so as new people are reminded, there will continue to be less and less of these bumps.

    It has made a huge difference already
    yfs1, Oct 13, 2006 IP
  15. writergrrrl

    writergrrrl Peon

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    I feel dumb - where exactly is that? For example, I am looking in this thread for a "subscribe" link and I can't find it :(

    Well, now I can since I'm in the middle of posting a message. Does that mean I have to post a message in order to subscribe to a thread?

    Thanks for clarification - guess I'm having a slow brain day ...
    writergrrrl, Oct 13, 2006 IP
  16. Janet

    Janet Peon

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    That's okay, I have those kind of days myself....all too often. :D

    If you post in a thread, you are automatically subscribed. If you don't post in the thread, you can just click on 'thread tools' above and you will see a drop down menu. Click on 'subscribe to thread'. This way you will be subscribed without having to post.
    Janet, Oct 13, 2006 IP
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  17. mystickcal

    mystickcal Active Member

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    I have to agree that I don't think this new rule is a very good idea.

    The reason that most people reply to a thread isn't because they want to spam the message boards.

    1.) I believe the first reason is that most really do want to thank them. They are letting you submit your site for free to a directory which will in turn get you a backlink to your site(s)

    2.) Many people post a thank you so that you bump that directory back up to the top so that they may receive more submissions. I see nothing wrong with that. If no one responded saying thanks your post about your new directory would be off the first page in a matter of a few hours. So to help out directoires that I feel are actually good directories, I let them know by saying, "Hey you have a really nice design and I submitted a few links! Thanks for the oppertunity and hope your site does well!"

    3.) I can understand when directory owners are bumping their threads just trying to keep it at the top but I don't see why we should be punished if we feel that they have a great or unique directory and we want to see the succeed so we bump it back to the top by once again saying thanks and the such.

    4.) It is a forum about New directorys...What else can you say? Its either a post about a new directory or a post with someone saying thanx. I don't think this is spam as much as I think its just interaction. People have a natural tendicy to interact with others. There is not really any other way to do this under this forum.

    5.) Also the subscriped links feature is nice but not as easy to check to see if you have submitted to a directory or not. Reason being, is that alot of time when (even I do this) a webmaster updates his directory he posts it in his same thread as not to make multiple threads about the same directory. Subscriped threads do not stay in your subscriped threads option forever do they?

    Just some of my thoughts...In case you didn't notice I think the rule should be dismissed!
    mystickcal, Oct 13, 2006 IP
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  18. fatinfo guy

    fatinfo guy Peon

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    Well put mystickcal. I think the original post was that all these short "Thank you. Great Directory." messages were clogging up the digitalpoint "New Posts / DP Spy" features.

    The better solution to solve this on-going problem maybe to exclude "" posts from appearing in New Posts & DP Spy instead of handing out infractions. In addition, posts in the solicitations & announcements forum should not be credited to post counts if DP is concerned about individuals running up their post counts.

    Then everything would be back to the way it was.
    fatinfo guy, Oct 15, 2006 IP
  19. yfs1

    yfs1 User Title Not Found

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    Then send them a PM
    But if noone bumped the threads, then everyone would get a chance to be "on top" and get recognition. If people didn't constantly bump threads in the first place, directories wouldn't be "off the radar" within hours.
    I think one unique directory was announced in 2005 but that was pretty much it. Seriously, 99% of the bumped directories are essentially exactly the same
    Cutting and pasting is not interaction
    Actually subscriptions are forever...You will always see a green checkmark next to a subscribed thread, exactly like the way you see them when you have replied in the thread
    yfs1, Oct 16, 2006 IP
  20. Greatten

    Greatten Peon

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    I wish I could say ive never done this before on other forums... i feel dirty...
    Greatten, Oct 25, 2006 IP
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