So Sick of Noob Marketers Giving Advice [RANT]

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Las Vegas DUI Lawyer, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. #1
    General Marketing Advice

    It isn't just the case of typing in "make money online" in Google and you pelted with everyone and their grandmother trying to taught what a great "system" they have, this is about putting in a very specific, targeted set of keywords on a specific topic in Google. Invariably I end up reading some schmoes blog, who can barely put two words together with subject / verb agreement, telling me how awesome he is at making money. I look down at my tools and see the person has no traffic and no PR. Yes he's on the first page of Google, but anyone can do that. What's worse is, while perusing the rest of his site, the person complains about how their other sites are not indexed by Google after several months.

    Let me fix a few things:
    • Making money online isn't just a keyword you should go after, as a method OF making money online. In the business world [yes this is a business, not a video game] consulting is only asked of those that actually know and have a track record of success in their area of expertise. Ever wonder why football players end up on ESPN as sportscasters? It's not for their looks. They actually know what they are talking about. I'm not saying don't work a keyword, but you should be embarrassed to talk about a subject you have absolutely no qualifications for. If you're talking about targeted versus general traffic strategies, and I right click and find you have no traffic anywhere on your site, it begs the question of why you're talking.
    • The fastest I've had a site indexed was 30 minutes. For those in the dark about such things, I shall explain. There is absolutely no need to "submit" your site to Google or Yahoo indexing. You can "index" your entire site yourself. How? By creating a network of social bookmarking. I am registered with over 50 social bookmarks. Why so many? Because, like us, those website owners don't want you using them as a means of promoting your site for free. Knowing this, all social bookmarking sites are not equal. Well, not for your purposes. No need to do anchored links to each page, we are here simply trying to get each page indexed online. If you have 50 links [no-follow doesn't even matter] pointing to all of the pages on your site, Google / Yahoo / Bing robots take immediate notice.
    • Anchored links. This requires knowing just a bit about HTML. How can Google know that your electric moped site is about electric mopeds? Anchored links. The way it works is you substitute a keyword(s) for the particular link to a page on your site. For instance, my DUI site has a specific page about giving you advice about hiring an attorney for a DUI, another page about your license being suspended in a DUI and another simply about DUI articles. How do I tell Google this? Anchored links. So if I want people who are looking for a Las Vegas DUI Attorney to go to my attorneys page I write
      <a href="">Las Vegas DUI Attorneys</a>
      Code (markup):
      HTML allows me to replace the keywords for that page. For the suspension page I write
      <a href="">DUI License Suspension</a>
      Code (markup):
      Now how does this apply to marketing? We as marketers want to have as many anchored backlinks pointing to our site pages as we possibly can. This raises our position in Google / Yahoo for those specific keywords. The best way of doing this is writing comments on blogs that allow you a: NAME / URL / EMAIL ADDRESS, while you comment. Automatically your "name" is going to be your keyword and your "url" is going to be your page you want targeted. It sets up an automatic anchored link to that page.
    • Finally, you have to setup a strategy for building backlinks for many keywords pointing to each page on your site. For instance, my attorneys page can't just be "Las Vegas DUI Attorneys". What if someone doesn't know to type that into Google. I have to come up with 100 ways of saying that. And, I have to rank up in each of those 100 keywords. So, I have to have 100 different anchored links all over the web per page on my site.

    So back to my rant. These kids, who are simply looking at the trees and not seeing the forest [the business] need to take a step back.

    Yes you can make money by targeting the thousands of people that are looking to make money online, but you have to target the tools, not try to set yourself up in a consulting position without any credentials whatsoever. For instance, yes target the carpenter, but don't try to come off as a master carpenter, sell the guy a hammer. Don't pretend to be a master auto mechanic, sell degreaser. Don't pretend to be a campaign manager for a politician, sell him campaign signs.

    There is nothing more annoying than someone announcing they are a computer expert and then after talking to them for 2 minutes finding out they don't know the first thing about computers [true story, happens to me all the time]
    Las Vegas DUI Lawyer, Jan 11, 2011 IP
    GuruCreation, BrittMalka and Sxperm like this.
  2. no69_2007

    no69_2007 Well-Known Member

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    there is hell of crap if we search online as because of blackhat methods, a more accurate research is always needed to find out something special.

    btw Google should have take care of this. :(
    no69_2007, Jan 11, 2011 IP
  3. Discosmobile

    Discosmobile Peon

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    I totally agree.. I love the posts on this forum that link to an SEO consultancy page where they are asking for very basic SEO advice haha.. that's deception surely..

    I am new to most of this but doing it for myself and my own websites which is not affiliate or ad sense just my services not a paying client

    Discosmobile, Jan 11, 2011 IP
  4. FW-David

    FW-David Peon

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    LOL! Should of told me this after I paid for a n00b marketing agency.
    FW-David, Jan 12, 2011 IP
  5. GuruCreation

    GuruCreation Notable Member

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    Very Nice!

    I don't think anyone can say it much better than that!

    +1 Rep
    GuruCreation, Jan 12, 2011 IP
  6. Sxperm

    Sxperm Notable Member

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    I have read story above and found it was a great sharing, green rep added.

    I am feeling sicks too. I have seen many members here claiming themselves as "seo experts" and providing seo services as a company but know nothing about seo. Many times they just come here and ask too simple seo questions just because they got a big project but do not know where to start. This is a kind of scam artist from seo noob in my opinion. If they know nothing then they should not pretend like they are an experts, lure other peoples money in the light but asking help from other peoples in another dark side for "free". I felt pity on those garbage seo services companies (or person) and do not know if I could help their clients to know the truth.

    They can do this because clients were completely know nothing about seo. Just acted like they are experts with a few hoax wording is enough to got peoples trapped, unlike another consultant business that they can find some proof before make decision about hiring or not. There was people who paid a thousands of dollar just for a basic useless seo like "seo friendly directory submission" ("spam directory submission" should be the right definition for garbage directory submission services that should have value not over $10 per 1000 directories). If they know the truth they would spend those budget on a few quality web directories by themselves instead. Many ethics seo may asking for expensive costs but provides an excellent value. They do acquired quality established and reliable links to their customer sites and optimized their website ethically (avoid using any black hat techniques). That's what I called a professional services.
    Sxperm, Jan 12, 2011 IP
  7. Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

    Las Vegas DUI Lawyer Peon

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    It's these noobs which really ruin the entire system. This is why Google developed these robots to take out people's website. Half the time it's the bad reputation of these noobs and scam artists that are doing it.

    What's worse is, the scam artists are putting just as much effort and energy into "scamming" people, as they would if they just learned how to do it correctly and execute it.
    Las Vegas DUI Lawyer, Jan 14, 2011 IP
  8. factchecker

    factchecker Peon

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    OP. You need to learn how to stay on subject. You switch thoughts way too much and your writing style is crazy.

    -that annoys me more than "Noob Advice".
    factchecker, Jan 15, 2011 IP
  9. Yoichin

    Yoichin Member

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    These people will naturally fall off. No value = no business. These people do not take making money as a serious business.

    If you do your search well, you won't come across these failed services.
    Yoichin, Jan 15, 2011 IP
  10. Adnan959

    Adnan959 Member

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    Very very well said! I can feel the aggravation. Its happened to me so many times myself.
    Adnan959, Jan 15, 2011 IP
  11. averyz

    averyz Well-Known Member

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    I got lost also, the post went from a Grandma offering marking advice to keywords, links, trees in the forest back to internet "experts" all with some Nevada DUI keywords thrown in.
    averyz, Jan 16, 2011 IP
  12. GrantDraper

    GrantDraper Active Member

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    Everyone starts somewhere and if people want to try and say they are something they are not; let them. Better spending your time using your SEO Expertise to build your rankings?
    GrantDraper, Jan 16, 2011 IP
  13. BrittMalka

    BrittMalka Well-Known Member

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    I kind of agree with your rant, but I think that the Internet will take care of it itself. Meaning: All those "SEO experts" and "making money experts" will give up very fast, when they don't make any money "teaching" others how to do.

    All the best teachers in the make money online system all made money online in other niches than the IM niche - before they started teaching it.

    +rep given to OP
    BrittMalka, Jan 16, 2011 IP
  14. Ron Ansy

    Ron Ansy Peon

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    I agree with you BrittMalka.... the most money I ever made was with CPA with dating niche.. so yes.. agreed what you said..
    Ron Ansy, Jan 16, 2011 IP
  15. no69_2007

    no69_2007 Well-Known Member

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    the written content matter most, rather then writing mistakes.
    no69_2007, Jan 16, 2011 IP
  16. rovad

    rovad Member

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    Well reality is SEO consultancy as any other consultancy is not a goldmine like some people would like you to think (so they can sell you their latest and greatest super-uber offline marketing course). It's also true that you can get pretty good at doing basic SEO work if you devote just a week or two to actually LEARNING how to do it instead of doing stupid stuff out of your own brain.

    You see, even though I can rank for mid-difficult keywords in Google which are often 10x harder to dominate than "St Lopes dentist" (yea, I just couldn't think of anything less stereotype than this :D), I am not comfortable entering the consulting area simply because I know I feel I am not ready to yet. There is quite a decent amount of work to be done and the salary is often way below what "gurus" present. And seeing these absolute newbies offering ludicrous "consulting" services drives me crazy as well.
    rovad, Jan 17, 2011 IP
  17. Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

    Las Vegas DUI Lawyer Peon

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    Thanks everyone for the rep and commendations.

    This was, in fact, a rant. I know that they will all get their come uppins and get washed out of the system. But, for every one that loses hope, 3 seem to pop up.

    For those saying that my post was scattered, it seems your English skills might be lacking? I don't know. I'm just sayin. Let me show you.

    I. Rant
    II. Change of topic, sarcasm, i'm better than them
    A. Fix
    B. show off godlike coding skill
    III. Conclude rant


    It isn't the case that writing on a 3rd grade level is my forte. Presenting complex, esoteric concepts is my be all end all. I rail against newspaper reading levels. And, I can only write on my level. You should see my blogs. But, I guess my audience is ... very ... niche.

    [no offense intended]
    Las Vegas DUI Lawyer, Jan 24, 2011 IP