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$90 made Without any Advertisement- Professional Autoblog Website

Discussion in 'Sites' started by Francozac, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. #1
    Make Money With This Completely Original Autoblog Cash Flow Ebook. High Quality

    Deals like this don't come along every day.

    This niche package is fully developed and the package graphics and content are 100% Unique. Are you ready to ACT NOW, and make 100% of every sale?

    Professional written ebook and graphics gives this website a unique look. The package is composed of 100% original high quality ebook content. This is once in a life time chance for a smart marketer who knows what is the value for this kind of site. This product was designed to teach internet marketers how to utilize Autoblog for HUGE profits. Buy an original product with bonus, and keep 100% of the revenue!

    Real internet marketers sell their own products!

    100% Original - High Quality Website Package - All Unique!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Internet marketing can be profitable beyond belief with the right products. The problem? Most marketers are pitching products that aren't their own. That means they aren't keeping 100% of the profits!
    Quit buying recycled junk! My products are hand created by the absolute best in the business. I have a dedicated team of three writers, a copywriter and other internet marketing giants, and a full-time designer that creates everything from the ebook covers to the sales/landing page designs!

    You demand quality, and we're here to give it to you!

    Autoblog Cash Flow is 100% Clickbank ready! The affiliate center even has hop links ready for those promoting your product. You just have to own it, in order to grab all the revenue.
    Click BIN and start making money now!


    1.) Premium Domain Name - autoblogcashflow.com
    Registered at HONEX TECH. High-quality, attractive and easy to remember domain name. Why start your business with an inferior domain name?

    2.) Professionally Authored eBook - Hand Written By Native English Speakers
    This product is not PLR, and you will own the full rights to use the ebook as you see fit. No editing, tweaking, or modification required on your part, as this has been checked and double checked by my team.

    3.) Beautifully Designed Custom Sales Page
    My designer is one of the best in the business. It is specially designed for this website only. And it will be sold once. All images are fully licensed, and yours to keep!
    View Sales Page

    4.) Fully Stocked AffiliateCenter
    Marketing graphics, ebook covers, hop link creators (Clickbank)... we've got it all. Anything you want added can generally be done for FREE! The easier you make it for affiliate to sell your products, the more $$$ in your pocket, that was our goal with this affiliate center.
    View Affiliate Center

    5.) High Quality, Marketing-Oriented Design Work
    I have designed e.g banners , ebook covers , and buy now/order now, download, guarantee etc. You will find plenty more as a bonus from me. All of our graphic design work is done by a professional working in the industry, with over a decade of experience! This professional affiliate page with high quality promotional design is built to attract the best of the affiliates. It will make it easy for your visitors to sign up for Clickbank, get their affiliate link and start promoting!

    It Includes a variety of cover images along with the website code so your affiliates can be up and running quickly. This professional affiliate solution with great promotional tools will do just that... attract a lot of the top affiliates.

    6) Highly searched Bonus - Autoblog Builder
    This is the bonus software which you can give to your buyers. This will add value to your product and they will be forced to buy the ebook.

    7) Professional Sales Copy
    This package has the look and feel of a $997 mega product! This is completely unique sales material and you will have the exclusive rights.Our sales copy is professional, hand written, and persuasive. We wouldn't trust this job to just anybody, that's why we went out and found one of the best copywriters in the industry.

    8) Fully Automated Thank You / Download Page
    With simple optimization (we'll walk you through it!) you can set this up to process orders, and deliver eBooks while you sleep! That's right... no work on your part! This page is fully compliant with Clickbank, PayPal, PayDotCom, and Google Checkout.
    View Thank You Page

    9) Exclusive ownership and full rights to all the design & content on the website. You'll be provided with all the required files.

    Website Pages Preview

    â–ºSales page (pitch page):

    â–ºDownload (thank you page):

    â–ºAffiliate (promotional graphics):

    â–ºGraphics page:


    â–ºAnti- spam:


    NOTE: Download link at “Thank you page” is NOT working at moment. Download links WILL work after website is set up and ready to go on ClickBank or any other affiliate program! Have no worries about this please as it’s just security measure for unauthorized access to the book.

    Domain registered: Honex TECH

    Google pages: 5

    .::. BONUSES .::.

    One year Free Hosting
    I'll host your site free, for one year after the close of this auction.
    One free PLR software
    I want to make sure that you are well equipped to start making real money online!
    100+ PLR articles

    100% Original Ebook
    Professional Sales Letter: click here
    Professional Graphics Package: click here
    Professional Thankyou page: click here
    Professional Contact page: Click here
    Branded AffiliateCenter: click here
    Professional Terms Of Use Page: click here
    Professional Anti- spam page : click here
    Bonus Software : Shown on sales page - " Autoblog Builder "

    Q: Why I am selling this website?
    A: This ebook made me $90 within the first month and I did not do any particular advertisement. This ebook has a lot of potential. I am very busy in other projects and I don’t want that this valuable ebook get any ignorance. That is why I want to give this website in safe hands.

    Q: How a newbie can make money with this website?
    A: ClickBank, PayDotCom, Click2sell... Should I say more? There is TON OF TRAFFIC waiting for website like this one! Should I mention all those AFFILIATES hungry for cash? And yes - it's all on AUTOPILOT!

    Q: How much time I need for maintaining this website?
    A: Very little or no time is needed for keeping this website in shape as it will mostly all go on autopilot. Most time you will spend viewing statistics, replying to visitor queries and counting money!

    Q: When you will transfer domain name?
    A: I will transfer it on your name immediately.

    Q: Is ebook editable?
    A: Yes! You will receive ebook in PDF and .dot format (Word and Open Office format). However, you can easy edit it in any way you want. You will receive ebook with PDF and word (.doc) files so you can easy edit the book if you want.You will also receive images and design files (source files) in PSD format. You can edit and change them in any way you want.

    Q: Can I move this website on my hosting account?
    A: You can move the site anywhere you want. I will even help you FREE of charge. But, don't forget that you can get free hosting for one full year with this package if you BIN now.

    Q: Are these ebook 100% unique?
    A: Yes 100%! These are Exclusive and Unique.
    This site will only be sold to you and only you. You have full rights to the design I have created and I will also include the PSD graphic source files so you can easily edit/create from them as you wish.

    Please don't hesitate to ask any question you might have!
    Good luck

    Miscellaneous Information:
    I will answer your questions as soon as possible. Please do not participate if you are not serious buyer. I will send you access to the site and all site files within 24 hours

    Revenue Details

    $90 without any particular advertisement. I sold to my friends. This ebook has alot of potential.

    Traffic Details

    192 Unique visitors
    243 Pageviews

    I didnot do any advertisement that is why traffic is very low.

    Price: $397

    Seller accepts: PayPal, Western Union

    I will be waiting for you:)

    Francozac, Apr 22, 2010 IP
  2. Brt

    Brt Peon

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    There appear to be broken links... affiliate center, etc. Links at the bottom of sales page not working either...
    Brt, Apr 22, 2010 IP
  3. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    Francozac, Apr 22, 2010 IP

    DSAMMON Peon

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    This concerns me. I see that you have an image from http://wprobot.net/. Are you authorized to use this image?
    DSAMMON, Apr 23, 2010 IP
  5. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    Sir it is on google images. And they are available there. It ia part of wordpress. We can use logo for blogger and wordpress.

    Thanx for your concern.
    Francozac, Apr 23, 2010 IP
  6. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    Hey i am flexible towards price. I want to sell this website in safe hands. Therefore, let the best man win.

    Francozac, Apr 24, 2010 IP
  7. TwistOffMedia

    TwistOffMedia Well-Known Member

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    How have you made sales if the links are broken .................
    TwistOffMedia, Apr 25, 2010 IP
  8. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    thanx for the response. I misspelled the links in the thread. I also removed all the links myself as i have to sell the website.

    Francozac, Apr 25, 2010 IP
  9. bettybakebake

    bettybakebake Well-Known Member

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    Well it is interesting.....But it is going to take months to see any cash, that niche is just flooded right now and there are a bunch of gurus saying blogging is dead and especially autoblogging. are your custom images in psd files can they be edited? did you copywrite your material?
    what is your backend? software could be good bonus. maybe wp theme?
    bettybakebake, Apr 25, 2010 IP
  10. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    Well i dont agree with you becuase i amde a cash with it and on the forums evveryone is askindg how to make money with autoblog becuase this is very easy way for newbies which doesnot require any skill. I have done eveything for you...you just need to buy it.

    It is copywirte material.
    Francozac, Apr 26, 2010 IP
  11. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    Buyer will get following bonus with this website:

    Psd files (for easy editing)
    Resell Rights
    One more PLR software
    PLR articles

    Now hurry...before anyone else take this all:)

    I am waiting...
    Francozac, Apr 27, 2010 IP
  12. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    I reduced the price to $250 and give all the bonuses.:)
    First come first basis.

    Hurry i am waiting

    Francozac, May 3, 2010 IP
  13. bettybakebake

    bettybakebake Well-Known Member

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    Hello Franco,

    well we are getting closer I can see. Did you ever answer the question about how many of these are you selling? How many copies of this site and ebook and everything are you selling?

    bettybakebake, May 6, 2010 IP
  14. Francozac

    Francozac Peon

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    I sold 5 copies for $18 .

    Francozac, May 6, 2010 IP
  15. crowd

    crowd Peon

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    is i available copys still let me know

    crowd, Jun 5, 2010 IP