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Selling MyStatus.me - Click if you're looking to purchase a site targeted at dumb teenagers.

Discussion in 'Sites' started by subdivisions, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. #1
    The concept isn't entirely hard to grasp. Upon visiting the site, the user fills out a bubble survey and is given a number between 1 and 50, their "social status". 1 meaning loner, 50 meaning COOL BEANS.


    As you can see, a prewritten status is given to the user for them to paste into their Facebook, Twitter, or whatever the hell it is you kids are using these days.

    Highest bidder in three days/BIN gets:
    - The domain name "mystatus.me" pushed to their name.com account
    - The site script (Just PHP, no MySQL)
    - Assistance moving it, and inserting their ad code, if wanted.

    The main survey page has three banner slots, but a 4th could be added if you wanted one above the logo. The results page only has two, because there isn't really enough room for a skyscraper to fit naturally.

    The site has no traffic, marketing is your problem. The script is something I created in my spare time, and never paid much attention to thereafter.

    Of course you can change questions, and the amount of points added or deducted.

    Feel free to ask questions.
    subdivisions, Mar 11, 2010 IP
  2. subdivisions

    subdivisions Well-Known Member

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    Site is sold. Can close thread now.
    subdivisions, Mar 11, 2010 IP
  3. AdamSC

    AdamSC Peon

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    I don't suppose you have interest in coding another site along these lines?
    AdamSC, Mar 11, 2010 IP
  4. subdivisions

    subdivisions Well-Known Member

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    I could. PM if you're serious about it.
    subdivisions, Mar 11, 2010 IP
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