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Web design course help?

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by confusedone, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hi im thinking of taking a ciw course - CIW ASSOCIATE course. Had a guy (salesman) round. The course itself looks quite very good really and i'm very tempted to sign up

    The course is with home learning college, and the price is 1260.00

    Anyone any experience with this course, these providers, or anyone any comments on the price??

    Many thanks


    Ps sorry if this is not suitable for this forum, or the wrong area and understand if it needs moving, thanks!
    confusedone, Dec 14, 2009 IP
  2. glorykid

    glorykid Active Member

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    youtube is your friend. Just take the time out looking at tutorials and stuff. It'll take time but it wont cost you 1200 bucks
    glorykid, Dec 15, 2009 IP
  3. ItzPaul

    ItzPaul Peon

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    It's pretty pricey. If you don't have the money to pay for it. I would recommend just doing it as a hobby and truly focusing.

    Purchase a domain name and blog about becoming a webdesigner naturally by just using the resources on the internet without going to school. There's tons of people already doing this and you can do it too if you truly like designing.

    As long as you have, your own domain and a portfolio. There's really not much need to have a certificate in designing websites your portfolio will do that for you. Good luck on your journey.

    I'd spend that $1200 on building up an internet network of websites to make you money as well as start focusing on your web design work and building a local web design company. I'd like to do the same myself once I have the time.
    ItzPaul, Dec 15, 2009 IP
  4. glorykid

    glorykid Active Member

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    Also FYI I have never took a class and have learned all my web design skills through the internet. Its took 3.5 years but I am now a master of html and very proficient with css. You should also spend that 1200 on cheap ebooks. Sitepoint.com has some really good webdev ebooks that you can learn from. I think they are only $25 also
    glorykid, Dec 15, 2009 IP