Hi guys Do you use pop up on your website? is this work to get more conversion? What is the best pop up ... specially plugin for Wordpress Please share with me if you have great one thanks
The only "pop up" we use on our website is for Chat. A Chat window pops up 20 seconds after a visitor has been on a web page.
It is very often similar to those consultants who ask in stores "How can I help you?" It's good that they can be closed, but in real life there is no
An email opt-in form is fine. For instance after 10-20sec. But there are tons of different possibilities so that your visitors can be involved more subtle into your website, without forgetting it that fast. But take care not to disturb them with too "aggressive" pop-ups, which can be very annoying. Especially when they appear over and over again.
I developed a pop-up using my Mailchimp account. Then, I linked Mailchimp with WordPress in order to show the pop-up message directly on the website
No, I don't use it since it's pretty bad for user experience and it can even be damaging for conversions, in spite of the popular thinking that it will increase it. Users usually run away from sites that are filled with pop-ups as they can't focus on the content itself or some specific information they are searching this way. If you use it, I would recommend using it carefully and placing only one per page (the ideal would be to have it only on the landing page).
They are annoying but they do work. One of my clients using popup had almost 7% sale conversions from one of them. You just need to do proper design. And even though many people consider them annoying, they are so common now that most of us get use to them and if you don't want to see it just us X button.
Users don't like pop-ups, Google doesn't like pop-ups (they have negative affect on SEO), so it's better not to use them at all. Sometimes chat pop-ups can be useful, but they should not be annoying and interruptive.
And I disagree. You have basically rejected 7% sales conversion, which is big number. I should have probably mentioned we used exit popup, showing only when trying to exit site or with longer inactivity. I am not a big fun of popups as user, but I do implement them and they work. I would say that you may just try if the work for you. If not, then forget it.
I guess pop up advertisement is one of the most effective ones. The main here is that your ads shouldn't be annoyed for the visitors of your website. Sometimes people are annoyed because of seeing so much pop up advertisement and the reverse effect works here. They start to hate this company and tell their friends not to apply to this company. In my opinion, pop ups have to be unobtrusive. In this case they have a chance to be noticed by some people and then it will certainly lead to the increasement of conversion. However, the most part of companies ignore this rule and they make these pop up to irritate people.
The rule "do it properly" applies to everything, including popups. This is something that needs to be a combination of design, programming and marketing effort. Proper setup and message will convert into leads. When someone is visiting your site and staying there, it means they are interested in your products and services. Then a popup will show up offering them some kind of a deal, it can trigger an action.
Pop-up ads are used more by illegal high-traffic sites that can't monetize it with google adsense, popup ads affect site traffic over time, fewer and fewer visitors will return to your site and over time, you'll lose search engine traffic.
I do believe we see mostly followup from those who do not like popups and I am the only defender. Client, I am referring to is using popup for about 3 years now. We only see increase of traffic and increase in lead conversions since then. Of course it is not due to popup itself, but other actions namely site design, SEO campaign and Google Ads, but popup would not only do any harm, but in contrary helped to get a good percent in lead conversion. And I am not sure what direct influence, illegal, high-traffic sites can have on legitimate business sites.