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Create big Listing Buy-Sell Website (+6M Visitors daily)

Discussion in 'General Business' started by banginthe, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. #1
    Hello my friends,
    I'm an affiliate marketer. and beginner in web developper.
    I want to know which language is needed to create a big listing website like "LetGo" or "Craiglist" for buying and selling.
    I checked this in youtube and udemy I found tutoriels with wordpress. And i'm not sure if a website with wordpress can or not support millions of visitors peer day without crashing.

    Any one can enlighten me please ? :)
    Thanks in advance.
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
    JEET likes this.
  2. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    web developpement*
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  3. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Directory / classified ads plugins might be available for wordpress, but if the site becomes popular and starts pulling heavy traffic, then WP won't be able to handle it.
    WP is a no go for other reasons too.

    The websites you mentioned are popular websites, I am sure some clone scripts are available.
    But in this case there will be nothing unique on your website.

    You can try using PowerPress at https://13pp.co.uk
    Not sure if it fits your requirements, but it has an inbuilt directory/ads section.
    You can charge using PPV or PPC method, and listings can be auto hidden when bid amount runs out.
    Highest paying ones appear on homepage too.

    And if you need a change in the core functionality, you can get a plugin developed.
    JEET, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  4. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    No problem with not being unique, because i want to make this not for USA but for another country.
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    WordPress isn't a language.

    Depending on your budget and time frames I'd look instead at a php framework like cakePHP or symfony. You get a head start on security and mvc without the bloat of trying to make a blogging cms into a classified site. There are also tutorials and help available.

    Look at layout systems like bootstrap but learn from them and build your own that is lightweight and stripped of the bells and whistles you don't need.

    I quite like jquery but will still use normal JavaScript when I can.

    Good luck!
    sarahk, Apr 18, 2020 IP
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  6. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    So you advice me PHP (CakePhp) and Bootstrap, thats it ? (sorry i'm not professionnal)
    Thaanks so much for your help!!
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  7. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    JEET, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  8. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    i will.. now. I'm so thankful for you!!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  9. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Aah, no, go and reread my post.

    There's so much we don't know that we can't make a recommendation - we can only point you in the right direction. I get the feeling you'll be on a steep learning curve.
    sarahk, Apr 18, 2020 IP
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  10. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    I found this script very good "Laraclassified" here is the demo : https://demo.bedigit.com/?product=LaraClassified
    But i'm not sure if it can support Adsense and at least 300k visitor peer day... You have an idéa? please

    I found this script very good "Laraclassified" here is the demo : https://demo.bedigit.com/?product=LaraClassified
    But i'm not sure if it can support Adsense and at least 300k visitor peer day... You have an idéa? please

    if you have an idéa please helps me, if it support 300k i found the easiest solution..
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2020
    banginthe, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  11. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Laraclassified looks ok

    Do you know:
    • who your local competitors are?
    • what your local competitors spend on advertising
    • what traffic your local competitors get
    • what your budget is?
    • what in house tech & marketing skills are?
    • how you're going to promote your site to the people currently using your local competitors?
    • how long you can last before you "break even"?
    • what your "point of difference" or "unique selling proposition" will be?
    If you have zero tech skills and have to learn as you go then something like Lara classified might be awesome. If you have a team of 5 web gurus working full time then you might be better with a DIY approach. If this is a hobby site you do after hours then you're back to Lara classified (or something like it). If you have no plans to out perform your competition on a specific feature then I'd question why you're doing it at all.
    sarahk, Apr 18, 2020 IP
  12. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    You're asking all the wrong questions...

    First and foremost, your subject mentions 6 million daily visitors... WOW can you say premature optimization??? Most likely when a web site gets to that level you are horizontally scaling with loadbalancers and dynamically adding multiple servers on the fly to accommodate the requests. You're probably scaling database servers too. You may even have over a dozen servers.... but guess what? None of this you have to be concerned about because you must first get 100 visitors a day. Then 1,000. Then 10,000, Then 100,000. Then 1,000,000. Etc. Each of those levels will require some sort of optimization. However, when you're starting out you DON'T need to worry about 6 million. If you do then you will be prematurely optimizing and over complicating your infrastructure when you need to get your product to market first. It's like starting a lemonade stand but dropping a million on a warehouse, 10 trucks, and hiring an office staff when you only need a table, a pitcher, and some lemons.

    WordPress won't do the trick. There are however PHP scripts available that you can modify...BUT..........any premade script will leave you with a web site that anyone can launch. There most likely will be dozens if not hundreds of those web sites scattered about the internet. Let Go and Craigslist are two VERY different sites. Ones a mobile app requiring development for 2 different platforms AND a server based API. Craigslist is a web site listing service. There are dozens of premade CL clone scripts....but thousands of clone sites... Why would someone use yours?

    I don't like to see anyone waste their time and money so I'll be brutally honest. You won't get 6 million visitors. You won't get 10 visitors a day. Why? Because those sites already exist and are well branded. They already have millions of visitors leaving little to no reason to search for another. And there are dozens of medium size listing sites that are actually unsuccessful. And HUNDREDS of ghost town listings. @qwikad.com

    You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo late to this idea. Is your second idea a dating site like match or tinder?
    NetStar, Apr 19, 2020 IP
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  13. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    Before you can use Cake you need to KNOW PHP otherwise you will be lost and overwhelmed. Before you can use Bootstrap you need to know HTML, JavaScript basics, and CSS basics. Even then you will still need to learn Databases and a dozen of other skills to be proficient. I can't see you being the slightest bit efficient in web development in less than a year to create such a thing. But maybe you are a fast learner. I have 20 years programming experience. A few months ago I decided to learn GO. I'm still learning on becoming more efficient with the language. This is after years of programming in Perl, PHP, Java, and VB. I thought I could learn it and be "good to go" in 2 weeks. Ha. Ha. and Ha.
    NetStar, Apr 19, 2020 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  14. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    Hummm I understand..
    Since you are so experienced and professionnal, can you tell me how much a website with php script can support of visitors a day ? Please that's what I need to know.
    Because if it support 10k at least, i can after getting it, change it to better website with the same domain, and like that....(maybe hire a team)
    And no it will not be in USA, but in another country, i will make Facebook ads so it will be known in large space.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    banginthe, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  15. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    Again you're asking the wrong questions... The language itself is not always the bottleneck in high traffic sites. You can scale vertically (adding memory and resources as needed) until you have to scale horizontally (loadbalancer, multiple servers etc). And before you get to that point you will most likely be optimizing by utilizing cache systems and other software that can help you achieve more requests per second. All this is done when the time is right. Right now you don't need to worry about that.

    However, IF I was launching a site that was achieving a guaranteed immediate huge impact I wouldn't use PHP. I would look at atleast Golang or Node.js. But you won't find too many scripts available in those languages. And those languages add another layer of complexity since you technically write the web server IN the language. PHP is suitable and can scale. But it takes a lot more work and complexity since it's a dynamic typed language that runs via an interpreter and not compiled or run via a JIT. You can use out of the box PHP to get your product to market now.

    I won't bother to list where to go to learn PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Armed with those keywords you can hit up google.

    I truly believe this is a terrible idea. Again you're very late to the game to make an impact. It's like starting a general store with no supplies and building it next to walmart with no sign........
    NetStar, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  16. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    Bro i think you think about this type of site in USA.. I tell you again its for a poor country. Not Usa. So The competitors are not like in Usa.
    So btw, you advice me to start with a php script like Lara and dont think too much of next moves until its time thats it bro ?
    thanks for everything
    banginthe, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  17. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Depends on the country, if it was the US, UK, Australia, NZ then yes, way too late. I know in NZ that our newspapers have tried to compete with the big kids and failed. The days of "having a go" are long gone. You need finance, strong planning, an awesome marketing team and then it may not be enough.

    I don't know what Morocco is like, though. It may be unserved currently - although a quick google search shows that plenty of people are taking a punt. The forum users from your country seem to believe that the internet is filled with fools eager to part with their money, they're so convinced that they don't listen to good advice. I'm not so sure that's the case anymore but, again, what do I know about Morocco. Do your planning. Download a business plan template and fill it out - every section. If that seems too much like hard work then you won't survive in this business.
    sarahk, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  18. banginthe

    banginthe Greenhorn

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    I'm from Morocco, but the website will not be done for Morocco.
    Any way, i will do what you've said. thank you so much for you help. its so kind.
    banginthe, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  19. NetStar

    NetStar Notable Member

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    You said 6 million visitors a day. That is quite the challenge for even a USA web site. That's 180,000,000 per month... This poor country you speak of most likely does not have 30 million people with internet. I mean.. are you expecting everyone in the country to immediately visit your site multiple times? It's just a foolish projection.

    If you want to proceed then do so. But to optimize now for 6 millions daily visitors is counter productive. You're not looking to create a massive infrastructure of clusters of servers and spend an absurd amount of money on resources that won't be utilized. Your only focus should be to get your product to market ASAP. THEN worry about optimization later.

    Here's a case study: FaceBook. They didn't immediately achieve a billion user base. They launched at Harvard University. Then when they gained exposure and market interest they opened it up to current college students around the country. Then they opened it up to former students. Then they opened it up to the world. Fast forward several years later they have created a market place, online groups & communities, chat applications, etc etc etc. When they first started they used out of the box PHP. Then they started getting clever with caching and scaling. Then eventually they had load balancers and multiple servers. They also got to the point that PHP became their bottleneck. But now they were so profitable they were able to afford a bunch of high tech geniuses to recreate the language to meet their needs instead of switching to a different language all together. The point is they did NOT do that before they launched or while traffic was low. Why? Because it wasn't necessary.

    You absolutely aren't the first person to come here to think they are going to need support for 6 million daily users. I mean...every day someone posts something outlandish like that online. You may NEVER get to that magnitude. You may never even get to 15k a day in a poor country. But that doesn't mean you won't see success and make a ton of money. You can make a ton of money with 15k daily visitors. Here's some food for thought since you are still stuck on this crazy idea... Craigslist serves 700 cities in over 70 countries. They have been around since 1996 (24 years old. Btw you're 26 years old in comparison.). They are the Walmart of listings. They have made a billion dollars... They have been a house hold name for over 2 decades. They have 50+ employees and a massive multi million dollar budget. They receive 6m-10m hits a day between 60m monthly users (or 2million a day). By the sound of your expectations you expect to launch a bigger web site immediately in a very poor country. Does that not sound like the stupidest expectation to you? You're dreaming.... you're wasting time... you're worried about your 6th millionth daily user before you have earned 1 accidental click. That's crazy talk.

    You need to look at census data.

    World Population


    1. China 1,394,015,977 6. Nigeria 214,028,302
    2. India 1,326,093,247 7. Brazil 211,715,973
    3. United States 332,639,102 8. Bangladesh 162,650,853
    4. Indonesia 267,026,366 9. Russia 141,722,205
    5. Pakistan 233,500,636 10. Mexico 128,649,565

    If you are launching in a poor country expect to have less than 128m total population. Expect less than a half to have internet access or digital needs. And def do not expect 180 million monthly visits.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2020
    NetStar, Apr 19, 2020 IP
  20. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    The countries that don't yet have an existing site along the lines of eBay or craigslist are going to be poor - but even then, there will be pockets of wealth and some middle class that will be computer literate and/or smartphone-owning. If you get them using your site the traffic might be down but the value of each visitor will be higher.

    I'm concerned that you're not in that country though. A homegrown site will get better publicity and a more enthusiastic user response than "some foreign thing". Can you move there and describe it as your "adopted country"?
    sarahk, Apr 19, 2020 IP