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Lighten up and live and let live.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Spoiltdiva, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. #1
    I am fed up with bored trolls who have nothing better to do than condemn our international members for posting less than perfect English. I suspect the low self esteem ingrates that do this, feel somehow superior that their English is better.

    How can mocking those who use English as a second language be good for the growth of the site? Also consider how talented someone has to be to even have the capability of writing in another language. Can you the troll, do as much?

    To all those who are ESL (English as a second language) I say "bravo!" "tres bien!" "wunderbar!" etc. Welcome and know that some of us appreciate your effort and understand that by coming here and writing in English, you are learning and getting better at it with each and every post.:)
    Spoiltdiva, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    DianaGy, JoeSpirit, Grump and 3 others like this.
  2. ATMD

    ATMD Member

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    Simple courtesy should be the norm in my opinion. One can criticize, but it should always be constructive. If the language usage is incorrect, then it would be better to simply correct it.
    ATMD, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    If you're selling your written word then your English should be awesome
    If you're selling design, programming, or just having a discussion then being understood is all that matters. Given that most of the native English speakers frequently butcher the language while dissing others amuses and frustrates me.
    sarahk, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    ATMD, jrbiz and Spoiltdiva like this.
  4. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Well put, lambasting an international member for less than perfect English is not only rude but small minded. Some of our members need to grow up.

    Absolutely yes....a bit of a double standard going on with some.;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2019
    Spoiltdiva, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    ATMD and sarahk like this.
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I am somewhat in awe of anyone who will come to an English-speaking forum like DP for whom English is a second (or third or fourth) language. As a typical American, I have no facility with any language other than English and cannot imagine trying to participate in a forum in any other language. I give these posters a lot of credit for trying and if I can help with their question or issue, I will take extra time to figure out what they are asking or commenting on. Often, their cultural perspective is different and interesting, too.

    Of course, if they are trying to sell English copywriting services in horrible English, I will not be so sympathetic. :)
    jrbiz, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    ATMD, Spoiltdiva and sarahk like this.
  6. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Your take on this is a mature perspective that any adult ought to take. But we appear to have a few misfits who never seem to have reached adult status.
    Spoiltdiva, Jan 29, 2019 IP
    ATMD likes this.