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Mexico might build a wall to try and keep Trump out

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by Rebecca, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. #1
    In the news they had an excerpt of a phone conversation between Trump & the president of Mexico.

    Get ready...

    We're going to war with Mexico! No. But seriously, they should pay for that wall.

    Any thoughts?

    Disclaimer: This was in the news. And who knows if what they're printing is even true anymore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2017
    Rebecca, Feb 1, 2017 IP
  2. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    Not really, USA has a very powerful military, but a few body bags with mutilated corpses can change public opinion. Mexico army are used to taking such damages. All these talks about walls, I think China will be getting nervous and jealous :)
    wisdomtool, Feb 2, 2017 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    qwikad.com, Feb 2, 2017 IP
  4. Furquan Ahmed

    Furquan Ahmed Well-Known Member

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    Not only Mexico but also Australia, Canada, Germany etc, will build wall to stop Trump:rolleyes:

    I really don't know, How he got elected as a President of a great State.
    Furquan Ahmed, Feb 2, 2017 IP
  5. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    Yeah, we don't like mutilated corpses. Even one would take all the fun out of invading.

    I thought this quote from the article was true as well: "Mr. Trump is not loved by everyone in America, and I think this very rapid succession of decisions, I don't think the American public is really all that used to people making decisions,” he said. “I really don't think they're used to people that say things on the campaign trail actually turning them into action."

    Americans have become so skeptical of the government. I think one thing that helped him is he's never held a position in the government and has never been a politician. He also is very America first. He doesn't really care about going around the world helping people. He just wants to help the people here.

    If we elect him to a second term, he'll probably build a large dome around the US so no one can get in or out.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
    Rebecca, Feb 2, 2017 IP
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  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Really - how does one nation get another nation to pay for something they don't want?
    He says it, he threatens tariffs and taxes but ultimately it's American people who will pay for the wall. Mexico won't.
    Why not inspire Mexicans to be more like Americans and then they won't won't to leave.

    Oceans are so much better than walls. Maybe Trump should build a moat!

    I don't know much about the system of Government in America but the more I learn the more it's making me like the NZ version of democracy more and more for these reasons
    • We have "List MPs" who are unelected "Members of Parliament" that are named in a "List" prior to the election so that you know exactly who you are voting for.
    • For the winner to implement their election promises they still have to go through a Parliamentary debate process with public submissions etc. This gives all the interested parties the opportunity to amend the plan to something that is a true "win win". The Government still gets to push the decision through because they have the numbers but you can't have one person riding roughshod over the population
    I don't care, personally, if Trump believes in Climate Change or not. I do care that because he doesn't he's decided that the work of thousands of intelligent, thoughtful and sincere people should be disregarded - point blank. No picking out the good bits, no discussion on the details, no opportunity to be shown the alternate standpoint.

    This will be going on with every issue and it's scary as! So glad I don't have to live it.
    sarahk, Feb 2, 2017 IP
    Arick unirow and jrbiz like this.
  7. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    I can't think of any export from Mexico that we absolutely must have AND can't get anywhere else. Further, some of the same type of products they export are also offered by American sellers.
    My guess is a lot of Mexican companies would lower their prices to compensate for the tax and try to stay competitive.

    I'm not sure what "be more like Americans" means. Somehow, I think they probably wouldn't appreciate you're saying that. lol. They are their own people in Mexico. But, I do think our cultures already do have a lot of similarities.
    Some of them want to come here though for more opportunities. Personally, I have no problem with that. But, they need to come here legally.

    NZ politics sounds very boring. :) It sounds like nothing ever changes much and no one ever truly gets exactly what they want - except for those that are politically smack dab in the middle. If you notice, no one ever discusses NZ politics - even on political forums. So...
    Your government will never be as entertaining as ours! The whole world is talking about us!! So there. We win. lol. No, but seriously, Americans want change, and right now we're getting a lot of it. Although the pendulum swings back and forth. I wouldn't be that surprised
    if the next president after Trump is on the left.
    Rebecca, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    This is right on point. The low information voters, the snowflakes, the celebrity empty-heads, the establishment politicians (both sides) and the entrenched government bureaucrats are not used to the swift actions and commitment to results that we in the business world live day in and day out. For these losers, it will be unsettling to see someone do what he said he would do and they will act as if it is the apocalypse because, for many of them, it will be just that. The debunking of their leftist fairy tales. Reagan did it to a certain extent in the 1980's, but I think that Trump will be even more effective in this regard.

    What a great idea! And, we can help @qwikad.com get rid of the alligators that he so despises by resettling them from Florida to the moat! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2017
    jrbiz, Feb 4, 2017 IP
    Rebecca and qwikad.com like this.
  9. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Equally, Mexico exports to China and around the world so while losing American business might hurt it wouldn't destroy them. Even if they lower the prices to compensate for the taxes they're still not paying for the wall.

    There must be some aspects of American life that are appealing, even if it is just the opportunities. They need to take the good bits of their existing culture, add in what they think they're missing out on and progress.

    I know that's tongue in cheek. My husband has a role that involves lobbying our Government and it's heartening and frustrating seeing how the system works. So often a bill (ie legislation) will be proposed that is well meaning but flawed and often will hurt the very people it's meant to help. By the time we've gone through the processes you typically end up with a win-win. I'll take boring, thorough and well-intentioned over hasty and self-serving any day.
    sarahk, Feb 4, 2017 IP
    Rebecca likes this.
  10. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    No. It wouldn't destroy them & that would not be the intention. It's just that if we're faced with needing to build a wall for the reason that Mexico is failing to control their own citizens, many people feel Mexico should step up to the plate. If they lower the prices to compensate for the taxes, and take less profit, then Mexico businesses will be paying for the wall.

    I think they need more opportunities, less violence with the drug cartels, less government corruption...but that's something for them to sort out. The US has its own problems we need to work on.

    The left and the right here love each other just like the Shiites and Sunnis. lol. We will have one winner for the next 4-8 years. Overall, I'm pretty happy with Trump so far.
    Rebecca, Feb 8, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    You know, the lamestream media is so poisoned and so scared that they are insanely focused on trying to de-legitimize everything that Trump does. The good news is that they are being tuned out by a good chunk of the electorate who are now wise to the fake news ways of lamestream media. Trump is actually doing what he said he would do and is doing it with speed and efficiency. This is unheard of for a politician and is refreshing. Business confidence is up, consumer confidence is up, and all signs point to a reviving economy that will burst out of its Obama doldrums and really take off. As I mentioned right after the election, this economic recovery could even surpass the Reagan boom years. Fasten your seat belts!
    jrbiz, Feb 9, 2017 IP
  12. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Let the apocalypse come! We need FEWER PARASITES that produce NOTHING, and more PRODUCERS that produce SOMETHING.
    mmerlinn, Feb 10, 2017 IP
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  13. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It has been a long struggle since the early 1900's and probably before that, but Obama was very good at pitting the takers against the makers in this country. He demonized small business owners ("You didn't create that company,") bankers (who were forced by the government to make loans to people who could not afford them and then called them predators,) law enforcement (racist, stupid, etc.) and anyone else that actually helped to grow the economy and the country. He lionized the takers as noble people who just needed a hand and increased those on the take by unheard of percentages and gave them free phones, more money, free healthcare, etc., etc., all paid for by the makers who were described as greedy if they wanted to keep more of the money that they earned and deserved.

    Hopefully, the pendulum will swing back towards applauding those people who make the country great and away from the takers who do nothing but take and complain, take and complain, ad nauseum.
    jrbiz, Feb 11, 2017 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    so what's your solution for the "parasites" - and are you referring to the stockmarket that merely churns money or those on welfare?
    sarahk, Feb 11, 2017 IP
  15. Blue Star Ent.

    Blue Star Ent. Well-Known Member

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    They have been tuned out by me for years now... :)
    Blue Star Ent., Feb 12, 2017 IP
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  16. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Yes, there have been many who, decades ago, tuned them out. I do think that there are more people than ever, both in quantity and in overall percentage of the population, who now see the lamestream media for who and what they are. I give Trump some of the credit for this.
    jrbiz, Feb 12, 2017 IP
  17. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    The more the US spends on walls, the less they have to invest in their own people - > even if the wall is funded from putting a tax on imports, it could take a while to see that money returned, and that is direct money that could (potentially) be better spent elsewhere.
    Imagine, if they used funds for the wall for free hospitals, and for better education. If your overall goal is to make america great again, then this is possibly a better use for the funding.
    the only positive is that a wall might reduce some of the drugs being imported into the country.... the downside is, will a wall really stop drug dealers with unlimited funds from finding a way?

    Putting a large levy on imports (from any country), 'can' be a positive thing for the US, it can prevent *some* of the current jobs from being outsourced.... (not all jobs), and it can strengthen local industry. Here in Australia, we had profitable factories being shut down, all jobs outsourced, and the people at the top of the company paid themselves massive bonuses simply as the import taxes did not do anything to protect the local economy. Why make $100million, if you can outsource, cut costs, and make $200million... even trumps signature clothing line is made in china. He should tax imports from china to the point where it becomes attractive to hire locally.
    matt_62, Feb 12, 2017 IP
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  18. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You also have to look at the jobs that have been outsourced.

    I doubt many Americans want to work like this:

    but do they have skills to be higher up the food chain?

    I know in IT people are constantly retraining and getting new qualifications but is that the case for the average unemployed Trump supporter?

    sarahk, Feb 12, 2017 IP
  19. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    You are right about the conditions for overseas slaves. Thats what sad about it, is that you could have a profitable factory in the US with reasonable conditions that people are happy to work in, and top management could outsource it to save running costs, and once it gets outsourced, the people from other countries are essentially slaves and end up working in appalling conditions that would make consumers ashamed to have brought those products.

    Noone from a developed country would want to work in the same conditions that slaves from other countries are forced to endure. I remember one example of a Indian clothes factory. The fire alarm went off, and the slaves were told to ignore it and get back to work. By the time they realised just how serious the fire was, they found they could not evacuate as the emergency exit doors were locked and or chained from the outside. That is literally not a way to live.

    The interesting thing though, is that when lower end workers lose their job, while they might be low-educated often there are white collar jobs, (such as managers), that are also out of work and may end up having to take a job that is beneath them, simply as it might be all they can take. When factories close, the result is that the gap between the super rich, and the poor gets wider.

    I am actually not sure how many "trump" supporters would have low education. On both sides, its the few retards that are the most vocal, and draw the most negative attention to themselves. It would be a true contest to see which side (those pro-hillary, or those anti-hillary) had the most number of retards, vs the most violent, 'noisiest' and 'attention seeking' retards... the truth is most likely hidden behind selective media coverage. However, I am certain that if hillary had won, that there would have been no violent protests in the streets from people that did not even vote.

    On another point, you are right in that people often need retraining. Especially in regards to manufacturing, people need to be able to adapt to new processes, new technology and so on. The way we approach things today will be different tomorrow. And this is why access to education is critically important, both for those in the workplace and those seeking to enter it.

    I have heard from people in the US that they are struggling to be able to afford an education, and if they do study and get qualified, there is no guarantee that there is a job available in their field. Education really is critical for the future of the country, it should be a major focus -> not a wall.
    matt_62, Feb 12, 2017 IP
  20. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Part of the problem is that people don't see education as an investment and they don't do a personal business plan before getting going.

    I was out with old school friends recently and we chatted about how our kids are going to need to be constantly assessing their skills and their industry to detect future change and to get out before it's too late. One girlfriend remarked "but we haven't had to do that". Well, honey, the world has changed and it's going to be damned hard for our kids.

    So, back to 'Merica. I'm not sure that the people who lost their jobs to the overseas sweatshops will want those jobs back and I'm not sure the American consumer wants to pay the price for ethically produced goods. So the factories will become more automated and the jobs that are created will go to kids with engineering degrees and not to older folk without. The demand will be greater than American universities can handle so kids from countries like NZ and India will be "imported" as the next wave of immigration. Those left unemployed will become more bitter and while America might be great again - their personal America won't be because they've been left behind.
    sarahk, Feb 12, 2017 IP
    matt_62 likes this.