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Insane Donaild Trump

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by fastreplies, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. #1
    Anyone with amount of verbal vomit coming out off his mouth would be
    telling nice Dr. Psychiatrist for the next 4 years how tall wall is going to be
    but for some reason when Insane Donald Trump does it, people are
    getting berserk.

    Somebody must be wrong, but who?


    LOL, I just love to see him in straight jacket


    fastreplies, Jul 12, 2016 IP
  2. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Don't worry about it, it is our issue (as Americans) and not yours.
    Barti1987, Jul 12, 2016 IP
  3. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    OK, but don't ask me to help you to cross Canadian boarder
    and to provide you with shelter where Insane Donald Trump
    will never find you.


    fastreplies, Jul 12, 2016 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Aaah, no. Where America goes many other nations are obliged to follow. Your vote impacts more people than just those living in the US.
    FWIW NZers don't know whether to laugh that he's even in the running or be shit scared because there are people dumb enough to support him. Vote him in and become the laughing stock of the planet. Only North Korea would have a nuttier leader.
    sarahk, Jul 12, 2016 IP
  5. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    As Bill Maher once said: Americans are stupid enough to vote for Trump



    fastreplies, Jul 12, 2016 IP
    robyries likes this.
  6. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Well, I guess we Americans just better go bankrupt because one political party won't stop giving people free stuff to buy votes, and that includes importing millions of third world immigrants and giving them all welfare.

    Democrat states are working feverishly to try to get as many low income immigrants citizenship before the election. Why would that be?

    $19 trillion is how much the USA is in debt with Obama adding over $8 trillion in 7 years. Are you folks in the rest of the world going to help pay that off? I didn't think so.

    The only stupid people are the ones who think a country can give everybody who arrives on their doorstep free stuff.
    billzo, Jul 13, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  7. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Donald Trump has a net worth of $10B+. He has played the normally antagonistic lamestream press like a fiddle and gotten $2B+ of free publicity during the primaries (as measured by a non partisan media group.) He has gotten more primary votes than any other Republican presidential candidate ever. He is crazy like a fox.

    Of course, the low-information voters here, and the rest of the world that only gets their news filtered through the lamestream, liberal press have opinions and impressions of Trump that are wild inaccuracies and same-ole, same-ole caricatures that they always try to apply to conservatives. Note, that this is not the first time that this has happened. They did the same thing to Reagan and, back then, there was ONLY the lamestream press. More recently, look how they (successfully) painted Romney as an evil capitalist when, in fact, he earned his money legitimately and is a truly nice businessman who gave more to charity than Obama and the Clintons combined. Trump now has the advantage of a still relatively small, but budding conservative leaning press to counter the lying liberal press.

    Unless you have followed the campaign closely, i.e., actually listened to Trump's interviews and campaign speeches over the past year or more, your opinion of him is more of a Rohrschach test for you than it is a credible judgment on him. If all you have seen or heard about the man comes from liberal sources that twist, take out of context, and entirely fabricate Trump "quotes," then you are one of the sheeple.

    It is amusing that people are worried about Trump when the alternative is someone who just beat a photo finish with the FBI; who left the White House "broke" (her words) only a few years later to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars that was "earned" by them both giving speeches to Wall Street and terrorist-sponsoring countries.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
    jrbiz, Jul 13, 2016 IP
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  8. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Very true. Most people really on what they see on TV news as truth when that is not the case. For example, where I live, if you watch the TV news or read the news websites, you would think that the general public is overwhelmingly in favor of Black Lives Matter and the group's anti-police, "let criminals out of prison" ideology and their protest tactics like throwing rocks at police, blocking freeway traffic, and so forth but nothing could be further from the truth.

    I don't like Trump. I never liked Trump. I do like his supposed promise to deport illegal immigrants, lowering the corporate tax rate to make it more competitive with the rest of the world, and I disagree with everything he says about global trade. I also like his brash, confrontational style where he is not afraid to back down and allow other people to say things about him that are not true. Yet, the they still try anyway.

    I can't tell you how many times I've read a news story that said "Trump says this" and then I go to look at the video of what Trump actually said and the news media completely falsified what he said. The news media knows that people will believe what they say without digging for the facts themselves. I'll spend 30 seconds to find video of Trump to see what he actually said instead of having it spun, distorted, falsified, or presented out of context. Most people will not.

    If it is that bad in the United States, it is likely to be much worse outside the country.

    And evidence exists Hillary Clinton broke the law according to the FBI Director. She's just not being prosecuted because Obama can't allow that. You know, in most cases like that the case is presented to a grand jury and it decides whether or not evidence exists that a crime was committed and determines whether or not criminal prosecution should take place. Funny how Obama didn't have Hillary's case presented to a grand jury. Obama has a long history of refusing to enforce laws he doesn't like, rewriting laws unconstitutionally, and even arguing that he can spend money without congressional approval. So it is not surprising he would sweep the Hillary case under the rug.

    It was all one big setup. If the case was presented to a grand jury, if what the FBI Director says is true, then she would be indicted, criminally prosecuted, and maybe even sent to prison. Obama cannot allow that.
    billzo, Jul 13, 2016 IP
    jrbiz and Corwin like this.
  9. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    Correction. I think it's goes like that:
    Only stupid people would believe in 'for stupids ears only' GOP talking point

    As to 19trillions, well... tell your GOP friends to stop sabotaging their Country
    and start passing job bills they are refusing to pass for last 7 years, including
    job bill that would provide jobs to Veterans. BTW, tell them that Obama
    succeeded against all the adds, racism and 14 Millions jobs he has created
    without any GOP help is the best proof why your "friends" GOP are losers.



    You mean like that video where Trump is telling reporter that going to Iraq
    is good idea and then in his speeches claiming he was against from the start?

    Or he don't know what is Duke is all about, whereas in 10 years old video he
    was talking about Duke for at least 5 minutes?

    Did you ever tried facts checkers? Try it.
    They are using factual evidence, you know.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2016
    fastreplies, Jul 13, 2016 IP
  10. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    Hilarious. Someone who doesn't live in the USA sides with the party that raises taxes, pushes corporations out, destroys jobs, and wants to spend more money on a bogus "jobs bill" when Obama has already spent OVER $1 TRILLION on "jobs bills" and none of it has worked. Here's the always falling Labor Force Participation Rate under Obama. While the population grows, less of the population is working or looking for work:


    To produce that falling Labor Force Rate Obama borrowed more money than every president in history combined. Good show, old chap. Not.

    Obama "succeeded" by promising people free stuff to get elected and lied to the people telling them his "Obamacare" would reduce costs when they actually went up.

    But thanks for demonstrating you know very little about what you are talking about. :)
    billzo, Jul 13, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  11. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    Exactly, because I look at you from outside, I can be
    unbiased and to use facts and not GOP talking points.


    Sorry for interrupting you... please go on


    fastreplies, Jul 13, 2016 IP
  12. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Haha, as a Muslim American I feel very confident voting for him.

    I don't mind people laughing at me, the majority of the world voted for Obama and I don't like how the world is now. Sorry but I stick with my original condition, if you are not living in the US you don't have the right to be worried, I take that back you do but nothing much you can do since you can't vote either way.
    Barti1987, Jul 21, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  13. Corwin

    Corwin Well-Known Member

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    The OP is an example of why Trump is doing so well - his post is all lies and hate, exactly the things that Trump voters are sick and tired of.

    True, true, very true.

    The truth about Trump is that he has the social policies that the Democrats pretend to have, and the economic policies that the Republicans pretend to have. Remember, the man is a lifelong Democrat. He is going to be the President that the Democrats pretend to want but never did.

    Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She violated a long list of National Security laws. If anyone else did what she did, they'd be in jail.

    I predict that Hillary will look for some excuse to not debate Trump. Why? Remember when Bush debated Kerry? Polls showed that while people didn't like what Bush said, he was at least genuine while Kerry was seen as a phony. Hillary Clinton on the same stage as Donald Trump - even people that don't like Trump will see Hillary as a complete phony (which means she will lose young voters).

    I'm looking forward to seeing what media antics Trump will pull next week to take attention away from the Democratic convention!

    Nobody has mentioned Trump's secret weapon - Trump knows exactly where all the politicians in Washington have invested their money! So many bills in Washington exist only to line the pockets of politicians. Trump will know why they are.
    Corwin, Jul 21, 2016 IP
    billzo, mmerlinn and jrbiz like this.
  14. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    You could say the same thing about America dealing with international issues. It was that country's issue to deal with, not yours. And you clearly know fuckall about how the economy works.
    dcristo, Jul 21, 2016 IP
  15. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Except that he recanted and gave a one finger salute at the same time.
    And wonders why American's have a bad name :)
    sarahk, Jul 21, 2016 IP
  16. sundaybrew

    sundaybrew Numerati

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    CRUZ 2016 - VOTE!
    sundaybrew, Jul 22, 2016 IP
  17. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    Insane Trump is doing so well because of what he has called "not so educated"
    definition: morons, imbeciles and idiots who would have only one question if
    insane Trumpler would tell them: - tomorrow, I will be killing all my followers
    they would ask:
    are you going to use your own ropes and bullets or you want us to bring our own?

    lies and hate??? Really??? Why???
    You're confused, I'm Canadian thus I don't give a fuck about you and rest of
    believers in Donnie's idiots, but I care about your insane president Trumpleon
    would start war with Russia and we here in Canada will be getting "accidental"
    nukes courtesy of degenerate who is mentally unstable to use nife and fork.
    fastreplies, Aug 2, 2016 IP
  18. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    The welfare-dependent inner cities vote loyally Democrat while suburbs and rural areas vote Republican. Where are the worst schools located? That's right: the Democrat inner cities. They are the morons and imbeciles. They have the lowest test scores, the highest dropout rates, the highest taxes, and by far the highest crime. Crime, murder, and rape are everyday events in Democrat cities but very rare in Republican areas.

    And "education" is meaningless when it comes to real world accomplishments. Barack Obama is an ivy league-educated incompetent fool, liar, and failure who has buried the nation in debt to buy votes for his party. The "uneducated" small business owner who works long hours and pays his or her employees is a much more educated and accomplished person than Barack Obama could ever be. Obama had not a single accomplishment to his name other than steering taxpayer money to his donors, supporters, and Democrat voters as a career politician before he became president. Not one F-in accomplishment to his name!

    And that whole "education" thing never takes in account what the degree is in. There are hundreds of thousands of students in America graduating from college every year with worthless liberal arts degrees and $50,000 or more in student loan debt to pay for that worthless education with no real world skills to show for it. And they end up working flunky jobs and being angry that they aren't making good money because they have nothing of value to offer society and those are the people the Democratic Party needs most as voters. Losers.

    Bernie Sanders won the overwhelming support (80% in Iowa) of the 18 - 30 Democrat vote age bracket because of one reason only: he promised a free college education that targeted that age group. Buying votes is all Democrats do and nothing more.

    And if you feel so strongly about this, then YOU should start paying American income tax. Obama has borrowed and wasted $25,000 for every man, woman, and child, and trans whatever in the country. So feel free to send your $25,000 USD in. Make your check payable to United States Treasury, like I do, and millions of other Republicans do when we pay our taxes so Democrats can use it to buy votes.
    billzo, Aug 2, 2016 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  19. fastreplies

    fastreplies Banned

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    He wouldn't have to if your GOP friends created some job in past 7 years
    and not even 1 job in 1 1/2 years since they took over House and Senate.

    According to your Republican economists Trump will cost YOU 12 trillions more.
    So, talk to me about who is destroying America if God forbid you'll elect your
    "Dear Leader Insane Donald Trump" in about 4 years.


    fastreplies, Aug 2, 2016 IP