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Muslim is trusted in the world

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. #1
    I was a Muslim and Muslims in Asia is very important because it is a religion that included a heart to attention. Many assumptions empty of all kinds of people who do not like it. I can believe it. if you are not Muslim and gain knowledge about Islam from a reliable source then you guarantee will follow it because it's beautiful religion Islam which is directly perfected by the prophet Muhammad. Lots of libel that struck us from various media, especially a really strong at the moment. Try your search on youtube. Dr Dzakir type ride and try to see and contemplate with a pure heart, then you will be yourself, remember do not let arrogance toward you. In Islam you will find the tranquility that you've never had before. Have you ever pondered how painful deaths when people are dying. All good deeds are good or bad, then you'll know. Hell to the criminals and those who followed him paradise. Insha Allah the truth will come to crush mistakes. Greetings from the search to the truth.
    irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I wouldn't be following any religion that removed my rights and treated me like a second class citizen.
    NZ is full of Muslims yet you rarely see them doing anything other than working or shopping. There is a lot more to life than that.
    I imagine that the 49 people who died at the Pulse nightclub did have painful deaths and I'm not sure they found tranquility.
    sarahk, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  3. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    That's your point of view in taking the wrong lesson. Many events like this to happen! Perhaps this is the event where the absence of guidance from the Almighty. See how much slander, but you see yourself quickly islam is so global because it learned it correctly. I really appreciate women that covers the entire body to anyone. I have seen many women raped. Take a look at the delivery of the study of Dr. Dzakir Naik possessed such knowledge Al Quran, Wedha, Biblical and Other Book. It invites people without coercion explanation yes because maybe the person has an open heart. Women should be protected. Damaged woman will be broken anyway a country. You know they know Muslims Jews like to know her own but they were too arrogant to disobey God. They waited Antichrist which they call al still and when the prophet isya going down and kill him. And killed Dajjal precisely in Israel.
    irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I'm not sure I really understood any of that.

    If a woman you don't know walks down the street and passes you do you think your "appreciation" of her dress is of any concern?
    Why should a woman alter her appearance because of your religion believes you have an inherent weakness of character?

    As for the Dr you mention, I saw this in Wikipedia
    That's not helping matters, any.
    sarahk, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  5. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    The propaganda of the various parties. there are a people who want to make the world order and to dominate the world. I just tell the truth to you all and welcome or not then it's none of your business is important that we remind each other as human beings. I am afraid that God will punish me in the hereafter. Tell the truth even though small had to crawl on the iceberg.
    irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I play it safe and behave in a way that I know is honourable in this world. If I ever find myself in an afterlife being held accountable by a Greek God, a Maori God, a Hindu God, or the God shared by Jews, Christians and Muslims then I would expect the value of my intentions and my actions to speak for themselves.

    With so many faiths how is anyone expected to know who is right and who is deluded?
    Most people follow the faith of their parents - no matter how flawed their parents' decision making is. You may be exasperated by your parents when it comes to the house they live in, the jobs they do, the friends they have, the way they manage money but few will think "My Dad makes crap decisions, what if his choice of religion is one of them". We, generally, follow their faith without question.

    I imagine you are no different.
    What does that mean?
    sarahk, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  7. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    we believe the prophet isa or in your religion called Jesus. But whether in the Biblical god he claimed? surely it will not be found. My advice take a look bright Dr Dzakir Naik. just a suggestion because of the lack of information that is up to you to Islam.
    tell the truth despite having to crawl iceberg. Islam teaches that, I was born a Muslim, I have learned from an early age. Again ask one of the main experts namely Dr Dzakir ride hopefully it helps you. We're just waiting for the glory of Islam with the Al Mahdi.

    This is one of many videos
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
    irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Why do you assume I'm a Christian?
    I have never seen evidence to prove the claims made by people of that faith.
    Have you truly claimed the religion though? It is not enough to be born into it and blindly accept the word of those around you - after all there are millions of people getting it wrong, but nobody really knows who. Is it the Hindus? Or the Scientologists? How do you know it's not your parents?

    Would you really be driven to rape and defile this woman if she bared her face? or her hair?
    What torture did this woman get put through by being so exposed in front of such weak men?
    sarahk, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  9. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    I just give the truth ... to accept it or not is up to you. I repeat again that this is just deliver it.
    irfansyah, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    How do you know it's the truth?
    How can anyone prove the existence of a God?
    sarahk, Jun 14, 2016 IP
  11. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    The truth to you is falsehood to others. You were born a Muslim mashala, but think about it this way. If you were born a Buddhist, Christian or a Jew, would you want to be a Muslim with the way Muslims (sadly) are acting all over the world? I am pretty sure if I wasn't born a Muslim and know Islam differently than you and others I would have probably not wanted anything to do with Islam.

    Also in regards to Zakir Naik (who is a preacher, like Ahmed Deedat - both no way a scholar of Islam). He is a follower of the Salafi/Wahabi movements. Which is why you hear OK'ing sex with slaves and supports terrorism. Just because someone knows a few words and is a good speaker doesn't make him a representation of Islam, which is why you see him mostly in Asian countries where they don't even speak Arabic.

    The fact that you are here preaching Islam is wrong. Islam is not preached by words, but rather by your actions. That is the right way to do it.
    Barti1987, Jun 15, 2016 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  12. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Let me add one thing, according to Salafi preacher you are a big time sinner for:
    1. Drawing cartoons
    2. To make matters worse, cartoons of woman without Hijab
    3. To make matters even worst than they are, of Selena Gomes, a Christian music artist, aka a prositiute from Salafi POV, who spreads the Fahisha (lewdness).
    Islamically speaking (from their POV) you are also spreading Fahisha amongst Muslims, do you know what your punishment would be if you were living in ISIS land? Who practice the same logic of what Zakir Naik does?

    Let's not forget the fact you don't have a Beard, which is mandatory for men in Islam (again from Salafi POV).

    It would be best to practice what you preach and preach only what you practice.
    Barti1987, Jun 15, 2016 IP
  13. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    Islam is one .. no class in it. no it isis, Sunni, Shia. there is only the Muslims.
    irfansyah, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Yeah, right
    We had one of our mosques fire bombed by the Muslims from the other denomination. I think they would disagree.
    sarahk, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  15. Furquan Ahmed

    Furquan Ahmed Well-Known Member

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    Your intention is good towards spreading message of Islam but please don't do it here . you are not able to explain Islam correctly.

    Who told you that they are Muslim? Have you worked with some spy agency. You don't know anything about the country whom you pointing about bombed mosque. Muslim in middle east are paying for War which Western loaded on them.

    Do you know where they are getting Bomb?
    Do you know what riffles they are using?
    Do you know in which factory riffles & machine gunes are coming?

    If you go check there bomb or riffles you will smell Dollars & will see Made in America, New Zealand, UK & more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2016
    Furquan Ahmed, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  16. irfansyah

    irfansyah Well-Known Member

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    I just say try watching the video Dzakir. Because he could explain Islam correctly. I just invite people to see it, because I think he explained that in line with reality.
    irfansyah, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  17. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You don't even know which mosque I'm talking about. #credibilitylost
    I'm guessing you'll be right about the made in NZ
    I relied on our local papers to tell us that they were Muslim
    sarahk, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  18. Barti1987

    Barti1987 Well-Known Member

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    Irrelevant. The disease is within Muslims if they are willing to kill each other because someone gives them money or weapons.

    Because Muslim history is so peaceful when it comes to oppositions? Almost every Caliphate in Islam killed thousands of other Muslims because they disagree with them, including Aisha RAA.

    The bad thing with Muslims is they try to combine Islam with Politics, the two should be separate otherwise the killing would never stop.
    Barti1987, Jun 16, 2016 IP
  19. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    @Barti1987 didn't you love how Muslims are so hard to identify that you have to be a spy in order to know who they are.
    Somehow I don't think the burkha-clad Mums I see walking their kids to school are sending out false signals.
    sarahk, Jun 16, 2016 IP