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What happens if I don't pay neg balance?

Discussion in 'PayPal' started by achmed051, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. #1
    Here's what happened, some guy scammed me for 180 USD. So now my paypal balance is at -180USD. Paypal sent me an email telling me to pay the 180USD, I'm only 16 years old and no way I'm going to give them free 180 USD and get nothing in return. It's like burning 180USD.
    My real name is attached to the account and I did change my adress to something random before I had the negative balance, the dude who was going to scam me thought it was funny to tell me he was indeed going to scam me, so I changed my adress real quick.

    My question is now, what can they do to me??
    Only have real name registered, HAD real adress, but changed it and no bank acc linked or anything like that.
    If it helps at all, I live in belgium.
    I really need help. + Can they do anything to paypal accounts from family members?

    Thanks in advance.
    achmed051, Apr 6, 2016 IP
  2. wisdomtool

    wisdomtool Moderator Staff

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    My advice is Paypal account is a very important account and if possible, try to keep your account in good standing.
    wisdomtool, Apr 6, 2016 IP
    seodetectors07 and sarahk like this.
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Here's how things work at financial institutions
    - you change something like your address they record that you made a change and keep a record of what your address used to be
    - you do something to breach their rules and they remember for a very long time

    Don't you have to be 18 to open an account? That may be your saving grace because Belgium probably has a rule preventing minors from entering into significant contracts. The downside is that Paypal will cancel your account and prevent you from ever opening another. People on this forum from countries where Paypal don't operate find that not having an account is a big problem so not having an account ever again might be a problem for you too. In addition, other banks may ask you if you've ever been declined a bank account or had one closed (maybe not upfront, but buried deep in their fine print) and when you have to say "Yes" you may find it tricky to get finance in the future when you want to buy a house etc.

    Personally, I'd front up with the money and be a hell of a lot more careful about who you do business with in the future - or only risk money you can afford to lose.
    sarahk, Apr 6, 2016 IP
  4. achmed051

    achmed051 Peon

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    Problem is, how am I ever going to get 180 USD?? I'm only 16
    achmed051, Apr 6, 2016 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That's my point when I said to only risk money you can afford to lose. You were quite happy to withdraw that money, now that the deal has fallen over you need to repay it. Talk to your parents, perhaps?

    It's a hard lesson, but if you want to be treated like an adult and be online doing deals and having a paypal account etc you have to take on the responsibilities of an adult.
    sarahk, Apr 6, 2016 IP
  6. achmed051

    achmed051 Peon

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    That's the problem. I didn't withdraw the money. The guy was giving me money to buy rs07 ingame gold and he paid me like small fees. In other words I really lost 180 usd. Litterally.

    I don't want to tell my mother cause she'll be losing that 180 usd. I don't want that to be her problem. Can you give me like some tips how I could make money online, since I got 2 months to pay it back?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2016
    achmed051, Apr 6, 2016 IP
  7. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    I suggest you make arrangements with paypal and pay them as you can in a timely manner...
    however, if they should find out your age, then say good bye to your paypal account, even if
    they find out 5 years from now, they in-deed can and probably will take action to close your account...
    they will see this as fraud, and they will not trust you in the future since you have already committed
    fraud by signing up under false pretenses, and thus you have violated their terms of service....

    once you start heading down that road of trashing your credit, it is very diffcult
    to recover, sometimes it can take years, and you may never fully recover. Do you
    want the credit to buy a bmw one day, or settle for that chev, aveo with high interest? that is what is like with bad credit, when people do lend you money in
    the future, then those loans will come with very high interest rates.

    Your $180 paypal bill is just the start, by law, they can add other appropriate
    fees over time, and you can expect that $180 to get larger and larger. If I were you, just be a man, and come clean with mom and say you screwed up, she will pay it, or maybe she wont, then you should probably close your account, not that it will matter, once payal does a verification between your ss number and your date of birth, then paypal will close your account for you, forever...

    It does not matter that you changed your address, you can not hide from paypal
    just by changing to another address, if you do not pay it back, then will send
    you to collections using your name/ss/taxid that you have on file...So if you opened this up in your moms name, using her taxid, then she would be the one sent to collections; either take proactive action to repay, or they will send that account to collections, then your mom may end up see some collection notice appear in the mail unless you guard the incoming mail, she may find out the hard way if you do not come clean now...
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    dscurlock, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  8. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Someone else came in with a similar story.
    How did they find you?
    I presume the other guy isn't someone you actually know.
    sarahk, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  9. achmed051

    achmed051 Peon

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    Does anyone know how much time they give to pay the neg bal?

    And btw, is it going to have such a big impact on my credit, because my parents rarely take a loan from the bank. So it is possible to live without needing to take a loan from the bank. If I really would want a BMW I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy one from someone else and not a store with crazy prices. I could easily buy a decent car for like 2000-3000€ so I wouldn't need to lend any money from the bank. Say that I do want to lend money, as if this fuck up will every bank decline a loan. It would be like 10 years from now.

    Omg, I just remembered this. My name on the paypal account is wrong. One letter of my first name is wrong on the account. Will they still able to do anything against me, since they don't have my official full name?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2016
    achmed051, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  10. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    It doesn't matter if you misspelled your name by one letter....
    that will not release you from any obligations of intent...
    you did it, so you will be liable...

    Every company is different, each case is different...
    Why dont you call them..ask them how much time do I have before you send my account to collections...

    people like you come here all the time, you mishandled your account, you got burned, you burned someone,
    someone burned you, it doesnt matter what the pitch is, they come here to learn how to avoid responsibility....

    If you want to resolve this, then pay it back...
    (that is the only sound advice there is...)
    dscurlock, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  11. achmed051

    achmed051 Peon

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    I came here to talk to people who this has also happened to and how they handled it. I've seen other forums where they say that they will just close the account and never let you use it again or make a new one with the same name. Would they really go that far for 180USD, because I have seen people on the forums with like 1k+ USD neg balance.

    I didn't come here to avoid responsibility. This is paypal's fuck up and they want me to pay them, because they apparently always side with the buyer no matter what.

    Apparently you don't have credit score in belgium. So making them close the account is not such a big of a deal or is it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2016
    achmed051, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  12. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Have you gone into those other threads and asked what the resolution was?

    PayPal probably aren't too worried about the 180 but will want to minimise their future risk where the losses might be greater. They probably have debts themselves and as part of their loan agreements they are required to show that operate according to certain standards.

    My understanding of Belgian culture is that home ownership isn;t a priority and that people rent for life. While you may never need to apply for a mortgage you can expect a potential landlord to do a credit check on you. Will they see this as youthful naivety? or the first step of an "entitled youth" who will cry "poor me" when things don't go his way? Are you willing to roll that dice?

    oh, and no credit score in Belgium? what's this about then? https://www.nbb.be/en/central-credit-register

    And finally, shame on your parents for not talking to you about basic financial literacy and staying safe on the internet. I heard some outrageous sum that has been swindled from NZers so far in 2016 and wondered how these people could be so friggin stupid but the actual stories are heartbreaking - so much emotional exploitation of the lonely and vulnerable. It's the job of your parents to ensure you are smarter and stronger when faced by these criminals who pose as "friends". They have failed you.
    sarahk, Apr 7, 2016 IP
  13. InDo420

    InDo420 Greenhorn

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    I know this is an old post, but this same thing happened to me, in sorts.
    You need to file a complaint with PayPal claiming fraud. And state your case. If you don't win they will most likely close your account and report to credit beareu. Like you I REFUSED to pay for being scammed. It aint the money its the principal. Once reported to credit agency I filed a claim with them and won the claim. I had to wait about a year but I now have another PayPal account and owe nothing. If the credit beareu approves it was fraud/scam PayPal must accept it. Owned. F**k Paypal. Hope this helps buddy. Lemme know if you got more questions.
    InDo420, Dec 24, 2016 IP
  14. Frontesiues

    Frontesiues Greenhorn

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    my paypal account get negative balance and its because lose in dispute. My PP linked my bank account that i used, what can they do for me if i dont pay the negative balance, and can PP get money from my Bank account ? thanks for help me
    Frontesiues, Dec 28, 2016 IP