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Help me write title

Discussion in 'Copywriting' started by priya123, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. #1
    Hi Guys,

    Please help me write the title.
    We are doing a software like Zendesk. You can say replica. Exactly same but in future we will be taking to different direction. Business model is to offer zen desk for lesser price.

    I need to write a title for the home page of our website.

    I wrote "A simple alternative to Zen desk". But alternative is not the right word. We are the same. And our model is to offer for lesser price.

    The title shouldn't say we are copying Zen desk, its not exactly an alternative, but when Zen desk customers land on home page, they should understand it is same as Zen desk but for lesser price.

    What should be the title?
    priya123, Jul 12, 2014 IP
  2. Content Maestro

    Content Maestro Notable Member

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    Suppose you name your software XYZ, then may be something like 'XYZ, an economic version/edition of Zendesk'?
    Content Maestro, Jul 13, 2014 IP
  3. SCookAAM

    SCookAAM Active Member

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    What about something like:

    XYZ - What They Need, What You Can pay - Zendesk at a Discount


    The Cost of Customer Service is More Affordable Than Ever - XYZ, Your New Zendesk
    SCookAAM, Jul 13, 2014 IP
  4. snakeair

    snakeair Notable Member

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    So you created a software but do not know how to name it or give it a title? Why did you create it then.
    snakeair, Jul 13, 2014 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  5. Content Maestro

    Content Maestro Notable Member

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    'XYZ, the power of Zendesk is now affordable!', 'XYZ, Zendesk is now pocket-friendly', 'XYZ, the new cost-effective Zendesk', 'XYZ, Zendesk for the economy buyer'.
    I hope you find at least one to be good.
    Content Maestro, Jul 13, 2014 IP
  6. YMC

    YMC Well-Known Member

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    I'm not familiar with Zendesk. But, you went to all the effort to create a new product and it does nothing more than the one you used as a model? Sounds like a missed opportunity. Surely there is something that their users would say is missing - I don't think any software is truly complete.

    The only thing different between your product and theirs is the price?

    Seems like you have a big trust issue to overcome. Cheaper can mean more risk for the client. Who would want to put all their data in your system only to have you fold up your tent and go home because your business model failed?

    Perhaps the title should be more about who you are and less about being a copy of them.
    YMC, Jul 13, 2014 IP
  7. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    My first thoughts are:
    - zendesk2
    - half as good as zendesk for half the price?

    Exigo means "complete" in latin, so maybe you can make something from that, you cant use exigo + desk though, how about "unidesk", or "Clarus helpdesk" (clarus is latin for clear)

    or how about "Alodesk" -> alo is latin for support.

    Some people will go for cheaper, as for kids with new websites, pricing is a critical factor that if they cannot afford one, they will take a cheaper route.

    But yes, for professional companies, pricing will not be an issue, script updates, security, end user support will all be more important then pricing. There is a real trust issue as clients are putting their business in the hands of the script owners. If the license is reliant on a shaky newstart company, then if they vanish, (or are not reliable) then the script will cease to work. I have one script from a dodgy guy, his downtime becomes my downtime as the script cannot verify its license while his servers are down. If he vanishes, goes bankcrupt or whatever, then my site vanishes as well. -> op, this is just some of the concerns that buyers will raise with you, so be prepared for them.

    @op, I think you are slightly off track with your aims, by aiming to make it as an almost identical clone to appeal to people already happy with zendesk pricing will likely not gain their existing client base. For new clients, where they are not familiar with zendesk at all, (like me) you then have equal opportunity to market your software to them based on what sets your software apart.
    Think about something, how many people have you met in real life that are successful business owners and drive around in ratan tata ($2k car)? While they could save money, they are more likely to pay alot more for something that has reliability, long warranty and a proven track record, and is likely to be in business long enough to uphold the warranty if needed. If this is your target group, then pricing alone will not be enough to win them over. Try to find a niche where your software can outperform zendesk at.

    I am not familiar with zendesk, but I personally hate getting support from any company that uses Kayako helpdesk, as an end user, its horrible -> a user ALREADY logged in does not want to have to login again, or go through verification to use the support system. If you were to make plugins available, (code the plugins on request and sell a license to use the plugins) that allows your script to better integrate into other scripts, then THIS can become a key selling feature.

    Like I might consider your software for one of my various websites if it 100% integrates into amember, or whmcs, and provides a much better solution then what those scripts have built in already. Look at how many websites use wordpress, or other cms, what is needed is a plugin, make your selling point how easy it is integrate into almost any CMS and your software will likely sell itself.
    matt_62, Jul 13, 2014 IP
    jrbiz and Content Maestro like this.
  8. Shoriful Islam Shanto

    Shoriful Islam Shanto Active Member

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    Put your main keyword in title.
    Shoriful Islam Shanto, Jul 14, 2014 IP
  9. Jake Rigdon

    Jake Rigdon Greenhorn

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    You may not want reference Zen Desk at all, it could make your service look inferior by comparison. Instead, think of a generic way to describe what Zen Desk does and see how the description performs as keywords. Then refine the description to include good keywords with low competition.
    Jake Rigdon, Jul 14, 2014 IP
  10. cborrx

    cborrx Member

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    How about making a question out of your title: "Who Else Wants A Zen Desk Alternative And A Great Price?"
    cborrx, Aug 5, 2014 IP
  11. TextServices

    TextServices Active Member

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    Make sure if you are using the name Zendesk anywhere in your text copy, promotional material, etc., you are doing so legally. The last thing you want to do is build your product and brand, only to have it ripped out from under you because you violated a trademark, copyright, etc.

    Product name: (whatever it is)
    Tagline: "Power, Easy to Use Customer Service Solution"

    You may want to include a comparison chart on your website comparing what you're offering against your competitors. You're going to need something more than just price alone that makes your product stand out. Price is a major factor, but it seals the deal more if you can add others things (features) of perceived value as well.
    TextServices, Aug 5, 2014 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  12. JessUBotNinja

    JessUBotNinja Greenhorn

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    Differentiation is key... I would not draw so much attention off the bat that you are follow ZenDesk's lead. Focus on the positive benefits of what it does.

    Co XYZ, Customer Service Suite at a Sweet Price << if price is your only major differentiation you may want to rethink some things though...
    JessUBotNinja, Aug 13, 2014 IP
  13. AuctionEssistance

    AuctionEssistance Greenhorn

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    Try ths: http://tweakyourbiz.com/tools/title-generator/index.php

    Helps with generating some titles and sparks some brainstorming.
    AuctionEssistance, Sep 6, 2014 IP
  14. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Some good points were raised above about the product concept so I won't re-hash them. However, I would suggest avoiding the mention of a brand name in the title of your home page for a couple of reasons. First, you are enticing ZenDesk to take you to court to stop trading off of their brand. Second, you are acknowledging that ZenDesk is the real brand and that you are the cheap knock-off. Stand on your own merits, get some reviews going in the relevant industry media and let your features and pricing do the talking.

    How does ZenDesk describe itself in its title or opening statement? You want to re-word that and describe yourself to be the same for a lesser price.
    jrbiz, Sep 7, 2014 IP
    sarahk and Content Maestro like this.
  15. Jennifer Hutson

    Jennifer Hutson Member

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    I agree with the comments, above. You don't want to mention another company in your tag line because it detracts from your value. Something like "Same Great Value – Half the Price of the Competition" would be just fine.
    Jennifer Hutson, Sep 8, 2014 IP
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  16. jasmeencress

    jasmeencress Member

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    In my view effective tittle should have one tag related to details.
    jasmeencress, Nov 18, 2014 IP
  17. Alex Toll

    Alex Toll Active Member

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    Don't do that. Don't go for a copy of ZenDesk. And don't use words like 'cheap', which devalue your product.

    Instead use the same words, which ZenDesk uses, as the description.

    For example, they use 'customer service' and 'software'.

    "Customer service software for the thrifty business"

    "Low-cost software for customer service"

    "Get the job done! XYZ - affordable customer service software."
    Alex Toll, Nov 19, 2014 IP
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  18. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    I'm surprised the OP didn't come back to thank you all for your efforts - there were a lot of great ideas in this thread!

    Here's another one:

    "Customer Service Software – Half the Price of the Competition"

    I copied half from Jennifer and half from Alex. :)
    Rebecca, Dec 2, 2014 IP
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  19. Content Maestro

    Content Maestro Notable Member

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    Maybe the OP got chucked out of the project.:)
    Content Maestro, Dec 2, 2014 IP
    Rebecca, Alex Toll and jrbiz like this.
  20. usemyteam

    usemyteam Member

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    Dont use the name of Zendesk because it seems like you are trying to be a part of them but you are not. So try something catchy which would include your keyword. Start from there.
    usemyteam, Dec 2, 2014 IP