Do u belive in God or Science?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by vjsinduja, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    Variation within different types of organisms happen, that you are mislabeling as macro evolution between organisms. There is NO real evidence for evolution, despite the constant propaganda and mislabeling.
    melprise, Nov 17, 2013 IP
  2. SliceOfLife

    SliceOfLife Well-Known Member

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    Someone believing in God asking for real evidence? Oh lawd...
    SliceOfLife, Nov 17, 2013 IP
  3. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    Nobody talks about it in europe. We take it as granted, as it is a fact. In america it's hot subject cause you have a lot of religion problem. Which is related to your education downfall.
    ram4nd, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  4. dean1122

    dean1122 Member

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    Dont compare God with science.
    dean1122, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  5. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    So you say keep separate your reasoning and evidence from faith, believe crap and evidence. But make sure you don't apply evidence to crap, or it might be proven false.
    ram4nd, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  6. rahahm33

    rahahm33 Well-Known Member

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    Without God, there would be no science idiots.
    rahahm33, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  7. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    That's what your mother said. This universe behaves exactly like one you would expect if there were no god.
    ram4nd, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  8. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    Europe has a religion of atheism problem. And the education problem is related to the secularization of schools. The best performing and best educated are Christian homeschooled students, who out-perform their atheistic counterparts, and get to hear both sides of the evidence on origins.
    melprise, Nov 18, 2013 IP
  9. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    Your life is built around real and fake ideas about origins? You can't know every detail about history now can you. You do know that atheists don't believe that there is god, because of lack of evidence? Christians brainwash their children to believe that bible is accurate.

    Come on... Day and night before sun? Men live longer than today? Owning slaves is good? Being slave to imaginary god? Earth is flat? Man lived 2 days in a big fish? There are 100 billion galaxies and we on a tiny spec are important? You believe in something can't come from nothing, where did god come from? And you literally teach them logical fallacies I bet your Christian home schooled children will fall for half of these. Christians fail on logic.

    If you would be born in other country with other religion you would believe that is true. We all are atheists in that sence, you don't believe that allah exists or any one of 100 000 gods that people have created over time. Some of us just goes 1 step even better.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
    ram4nd, Nov 19, 2013 IP
  10. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    To repeat, the best educated students in the US and the world over are bible-believing theists, not insult and putdown wielding atheists. Every so-called fallacy (biblical or logical) you mentioned has been explained or rebutted 100x over the years, but the atheists keep on hurling them. Atheist fail on understanding their cant has been refuted. Readers are again invited to review the past exchanges here, and not take Ram's 'brainwashing' seriously.

    The probability of life evolving in the universe is less than 1 in 100 billion (in fact, it is less than 1 in a number exceeding all the estimated atoms in the universe) so the number of galaxies is irrelevant. And as discussed 12 screens ago, we believe in an eternal, infinite being who is, by definition, the UNcaused first cause of everything that is NOT eternal and infinite--the latter is what has to "come from" somewhere. A Christian born in other countries would still be led by God to believe on Christ for their salvation, HE decides who becomes part of His elect.
    melprise, Nov 20, 2013 IP
  11. alamlinks

    alamlinks Well-Known Member

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    Nothing is difficult. you know that a Doctor does the treatment when we are in critical condition. It means Doctor is our father. Right? now go to a Surgeon and ask him before going to operation theater for a critical operation, what he does? what he thinks? what he pray? and to whom he prays. You will get your answer what you are looking for.
    alamlinks, Nov 20, 2013 IP
  12. Webcenter

    Webcenter Well-Known Member

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    I believe in God! :cool:
    Webcenter, Nov 20, 2013 IP
  13. remadeunfortunately

    remadeunfortunately Member

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    I find it appalling that so many theists and atheist alike assume one other to be extremists of some kind. There are both educated and intelligent theists, atheists and everything in between. Religion is something we shouldn't use to judge a man's characteristics. A hypocrite can be Christian, theistic, a secularist or an atheist. In other words, both religious people and irreligious people can be spiteful, aggressive and insulting.

    I am not going into theory here but not all atheists are insulting. I am confident that you know perhaps one or two or maybe even none at all.

    Christianity is just one theistic argument. Surely you cannot dismiss religion based on one alone. Admittedly, Christianity is the largest religion today but it is not the only one. Thousands or different religion exist today, can you prove them all to be incorrect? Your assertion that Christians have no logic is very upsetting to me. Christians have been responsible for many great human innovations. They have also been the cause of a great many tragedies as well. Let's not forget communism. The U.S.S.R. prosecuted thousands of people for believing in religion. It wasn't much different form the Crusades.

    I absolutely agree. You cannot prove or disprove God using science. Evolutionary theorists freely admit that they cannot disprove God. Of course, most of them reject it as well but their belief is nothing more than a personal belief not an assertion based by science.
    remadeunfortunately, Nov 21, 2013 IP
  14. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    Your comments are refreshing, and I stand corrected for over-generalizing. I do know some nice-mannered atheists, but I also know the majority of atheist posters on this thread have been insulting and arrogant, leading with putdowns and following up with more insults, which prompted my replies.
    melprise, Nov 21, 2013 IP
  15. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    I agree, you can't disapprove god like you can't disapprove fairies or big foot. That is the case only when we talk about god that doesn't manifest in this world and lives outside of our universe. Also you can't prove this god exists. The god that I am rejecting is personal god who cares what you eat, who you sleep with, what you think and promises eternal torture. That is really harmful and that can be disapproved. Because how do we make difference of what exists and what doesn't, Evidence. melprise talks that he has loads of evidence, I have only seen some half false information about evolution etc, which doesn't prove god's existence.

    I might be rude sometimes, like we all. But I am not a bad person. It is an insult to me if you say that I am a slave to a cosmic monster that sends me to hell.
    ram4nd, Nov 21, 2013 IP
  16. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    That's just it, nobody said you were a slave to a cosmic monster that sends you to hell. So no one has insulted you. You keep creating a straw man then demand that people defend the strawman that mischaracterizes their position. What has been said is that people are creations of a Loving God with eternal souls, and people who sin and reject Him send themselves to eternal punishment, as a holy God is not going to spend eternity with unholy people who have rejected Him. And what you have shown in this exchange is that there is absolutely no proof of God you will accept, nor disproof of Evolution you will ever accept.
    melprise, Nov 22, 2013 IP
  17. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Evolution has crazy amount of evidence, if you say it doesn't you just aren't willing to research it or I don't know what. Your god isn't loving when he sends people to eternal punishment. That I take as insult, basically you say that your god sends me to north korea for ETERNITY. You can believe any crap you want, but religion is bad, it makes good people do wicked things.
    ram4nd, Nov 23, 2013 IP
  18. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    Evolution has been the ONLY interpretation applied to the evidence by evolutionists, that's why they self-deludedly think it "has crazy amount of evidence." When an alternative creation interpretation is used to account for the the same data, and is critically compared to the evolution approach, it is found overall to be the superior model of origins.

    What is extraordinary is your claim that there is only one way to examine the evidence, which appears to be an admission on your part that you've only half researched the subject. And again, by rejecting Christ's offer of salvation you send yourself into punishment, which lasts forever because your soul is eternal. Don't blame God for your rejection of His love and saving work on the Cross.
    melprise, Nov 23, 2013 IP
  19. ram4nd

    ram4nd Active Member

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    I am glad that your crazy belief is wrong and that there is no eternal soul. I can write some of the problems, why I am not able to believe in eternal soul.
    1. Where does it come from?
    2. Where does it go?
    3. Where are heavens of souls?
    4. Is heaven crowded with people. 3 humans dies in every second?
    5. If they have minds, do they have like a global soul language that they use to communicate?
    6. Mind is a production of a brain. How do you explain the mind of soul?
    7. Where does it stay? Does it sit in your brain or something?
    8. Why is there no scientific evidence of soul?
    I think when you could answer these questions, I would believe in souls. The only term would be that the questions can't rize another very big problems.
    ram4nd, Nov 24, 2013 IP
  20. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    Your stated 'problems' are simply belligerent rhetorical editorializing against the concept that you have no interest in receiving or accepting answers to, as you plainly state at the start "I am glad that your crazy belief is wrong and that there is no eternal soul" and end with "Why is there no scientific evidence of soul?" You mind is made up, as usual you do not dialogue in good faith.

    One counter-question---If you have no soul, and only a brain whose deductions and conclusions are merely neural-chemical processes, how do you know any of those processes are resulting in the truth about anything? How do neural processes alone have any authority in determining truth, any more than sunlight falling on a tree, if nature is all there is? In the end, in my view, the truth-determining nature of the mind goes beyond nature, which means there is something beyond the natural---in which case, all the same rhetorical questions you asked also apply. So when you could answer this question, I would believe you have a mind.

    If you have a genuine interest in answers, these resources cover the issue:
    melprise, Nov 24, 2013 IP