Why I truly believe I succeed, why this generation sucks, and how your website can benefit.

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by AuctionDebtEliminator, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. #1
    I am a Generation X'er. ALMOST a Generation Y'er.

    What that means, is that I am supposed to be entitled, lazy, live in my mother's basement, and incredibly proficient in all console video games.

    I am supposed to have lots of credit card debt, student loans, and live paycheck to paycheck.

    I am supposed to have a part time job - BARELY - and IF I went to college, it is supposed to be in a worthless degree like: 'Post-Modern Art Appreciation'.

    I am supposed to worship mediocrity, and get really mad when people succeed. I am supposed to do every drug there is and live 'every day as it comes' with no plan.

    However, I'm completely different than my peers.

    No debt, great job, and I have a severe compulsion to be great at anything I do.

    Is it because I want to put people down? No.

    Is it because I feel like I am 'better' than everyone else and I am part of some 'class' that is superior? Absolutely not.

    Is it because I believe I was born this way and it just comes 'naturally' or 'easily'? If you knew me personally, you KNOW that isn't/wasn't the case.

    Actually, I spend an inordinate amount of time teaching people what I know - because I want them to succeed also.

    I don't feel like I am superior, as I do think everyone has within them a capacity to be great - and that the world's resources are great enough to be EARNED (not redistributed) to the best of their potential.

    I also think that ANYONE can be great at ANYTHING they WANT if they practice, learn, and try.

    Sometimes people in life are just in different stages of 'motivation'. If you truly want to succeed, you'll do anything you can to be successful - no matter what.

    I rarely get cancellations on my site for subscriptions. But when I do, it's usually the people who don't ask me questions, submit their research, or take full advantage of all the tools they have. Like I said - I always suspect they are in another place in their motivation - as I do all in my power to help them be successful with personal assistance.

    So, what does this have to do with websites, and YOUR business?

    Well, everything really. I have recently seen a huge up-tick in traffic and memberships. Do I attribute it to my marketing in PPC? Social media or even forum posting? Not really.

    What I attribute it to is getting my name out there - as an authority in the industry.

    I also attribute it to the CONTENT I put on my site that is original, naturally written, and updated.

    Google is smart. They know when content is natural - and they do reward sites that are compelling enough to have people come back over, and over again.

    Why do you think they call good sites 'authority sites'?

    If you are passionate at what you do - to the point where you can't SHUT UP about it, and if you go out and truly want to help people, you will be successful.

    I do have to admit it was a forum post a long time ago that helped me.

    It was a guy from a generation or 3 behind me. A thread poster posted a question that asked: "What motivates you to be great?"

    A lot of people said a lot of things that were pretty generic like: "My kids, my mortgage, my debt, my hunger."

    And the old timer said something that changed me. He said: "Why do I need motivation? Maybe my thinking is different, but how I grew up, we were taught that we were great for the sake of being great!"

    I'm sad that has been lost. I hope I can help bring that mentality back.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
    AuctionDebtEliminator, Jul 10, 2013 IP
    Giamatti likes this.
  2. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    Today I learned that "paragraph abuse" is not limited to folks who don't know what a double space is.

    Nigel Lew, Jul 10, 2013 IP
    Jim4767 and Spoiltdiva like this.
  3. AuctionDebtEliminator

    AuctionDebtEliminator Greenhorn

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    Nice one, Nigel.

    Another thing I love to teach is adcopy theory. Engagement is best done not in essay form, but in an engaging, conversational tone - and constructed in the way, as you've described: 'paragraph abuse'.

    In fact, on the Internet, there is no 'Elements of Style' rubric where we're all held in conformity. However, if we were - no one would enjoy high conversion rates.

    There you go! You've learned two things!
    AuctionDebtEliminator, Jul 10, 2013 IP
  4. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    I definitely don't believe that.

    I do, believe that most EVERYONE can be great at SOMETHING. But the idea that anyone can do anything, well that just ignores that some people have certain aptitudes that others do not.
    browntwn, Jul 10, 2013 IP
    Jim4767 likes this.
  5. AuctionDebtEliminator

    AuctionDebtEliminator Greenhorn

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    You know, that's a fair point, and I'll make the edit to reflect my true feelings.

    I think people can do anything they want to do - but I also think people can gain aptitudes in things the WANT to do. I didn't have any inclination to Internet Marketing, nor did I have any to second-language acquisition, nor did I have any to Ping Pong, finances, aviation, options trading, precious medals dealing, model rocketry, or the aquarist trade. However, I'd consider myself an expert in all but one of those. (I still get worked against a guy I work with at Ping Pong.)

    I have a vast array of interests, and when I want to learn something, it's not a half-hearted attempt at the acquisition of knowledge/ skill acquisition. Others might read a book on it.

    Past generations, and myself, Live in a country, join rocketry clubs for engine certifications, become certified flight instructors/commercial pilots, licensed financial advisers, registered precious medals dealers/smelters, etc.

    (Someday I'll learn to weld. That's been a bucket list item for a looong time)

    Even when you build a website - it's no secret to have a 'good website' for the sake of having a 'good website'. That will have more hits and rankings than having a crappy website and signing up for a 'link building service', 'social media package', and a 'whiteboard video'.
    AuctionDebtEliminator, Jul 10, 2013 IP
    browntwn likes this.
  6. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    You are going to get along just fine here lol..
    On that note, I would like to learn how to weld myself.

    Nigel Lew, Jul 10, 2013 IP
  7. ViolentAJ

    ViolentAJ Well-Known Member

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    I can't say that I necessarily agree with everything that you've stated in this thread, but there is a lot of good advice when it comes to Web marketing and life itself.
    ViolentAJ, Jul 10, 2013 IP
  8. Jim4767

    Jim4767 Prominent Member

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    "Greatness"? I prefer Jesus' take on that — "The greatest among you will be your servant" and “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” An other-centered life is the heart of greatness.
    Jim4767, Jul 10, 2013 IP