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Your best childhood memories?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Revelations-Decoder, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. #1
    What are your best childhood memories?

    For me I loved Rock N Roll Nights at Bletchley Territorial Army Centre on a Thursday Night when all the Teddy Boys and Teddy Girls danced Rock N Roll and my little sister and I danced for them.

    Here is one of the best songs I remember and the type of dancing >
    http://vimeo.com/ 5526366 vimeo.com/5526366
    ooh it won't let it post it you will have to go there to see.
    It's here without the dancing >

    That was sort of what we used to watch and do, though we all wore bootlace ties and less formal looking clothes than that video :) (well I was a kid so didn't dress as good as the proper older teddy boys of course).

    I call that The Bletchely Song, just as I call The Verve Bitter Sweet Symphony The Manchester Song.

    Not that this thread is about "music" of course!

    Bletchley TA is just up the road from Bletchley Park where the Engima codes we're brought by the Polish code crackers just the month before the outbreak of World War 2 and where Colossus the world's first programmable electronic digital computer was > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossus_computer designed by Tommy Flowers > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Flowers

    You may have heard of it and also Alan Turing > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing the guy who developed the Bombe machine > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombe & who asked for help at Bletchley Park to crack the Enigma machine > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine at Bletchley Park > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bletchley_Park and got help from Tommy Flowers to help decode the German Lorenz cipher > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptanalysis_of_the_Lorenz_cipher and Enigma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine code machines used by the Nazi's during the war.

    So Bletchley was a big part of my early childhood and my uncle (who the was caretaker at Bletchley) gave me the guard dog from Bletchley and some of my fondest childhood memories we're the thursday night Rock N Roll nights.

    How about you what we're your fondest childhood memories?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 7, 2013 IP
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  2. securesite

    securesite Well-Known Member

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    My best childhood memory would be ice skating something I did alot and was really good at it but later in life forgot it and no time to remember.
    securesite, Jul 7, 2013 IP
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  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    My parents had a business that was based in France but they also did business in Germany. About once a month my parents would go to Germany on business. Every once in awhile they would take me with them. The Germans seem to very much like speed, and there is no speed limit on the autoban. My father always drove a big powerful Mercedes diesel and we used to fly!
    My parents always spoilt me when in Germany, and they would buy me stuff, and I used to love to eat German pastries and chocolates.

    I guess it's because my parents were away a lot on business that my memories of being with them in Germany are so dear. I often didn't see them for long periods of time, and was with my nanny a lot.
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 7, 2013 IP
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  4. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    That is somehting I have never tried you know, though imagine it is fun, though hurts if you fall down, ouch that ice looks hard to fall on at those speeds LOL. I used to roller skate quite a lot myself, but was never much good at it.

    I bet those chocolates & pastries we're nice! I have traveled to quite a few places in Europe and spent about 10 years or so elsewhere other than the UK living abroad in Europe but never ventured to Germany.

    I seem to remember you are in Canada Spoiltdiva my great grandfather lived in and around Calgary in Canada for 35 years.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 8, 2013 IP
  5. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Long story short, my parents decided to try and expand their business into North America. They chose to start up in the French part of Canada (Montreal), and we moved to Canada when I was 12 years old. Then I went back to France when I was 18 to continue my studies.
    After I finished university I spent 6 months in northern Italy, Milano. (Milan) Then back to Canada to work for my parents. Didn't work out and I then joined up with a firm in the U.S. (Los Angeles). Then 14 months later they asked me to transfer to Toronto, Canada which I did. Then after that I transferred to Calgary and later on Vancouver.
    I am now located east of Vancouver, high in the Rockie Mountains. These are also good memories as it is always exciting to be able to move to a new country, and meet new people and new ideas and ways of doing things.
    Some sweet day in the not too distant future I will return to France.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 8, 2013 IP
  6. VukasinI

    VukasinI Well-Known Member

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    Wait, you get your nickname ''Spoiltdiva'' those days? :D
    VukasinI, Jul 9, 2013 IP
  7. Revelations-Decoder

    Revelations-Decoder Well-Known Member

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    haha LOL I was thinking similarly VukasinI
    Revelations-Decoder, Jul 9, 2013 IP
  8. VukasinI

    VukasinI Well-Known Member

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    I forgot to tell what is my best childhood memory..Anyway, sorry for that, probably my best childhood memory is spending summer vacations with my friends on the pool or on the river that we used to swimming all day.. We did that every summer for about 8 or 9 years..
    VukasinI, Jul 9, 2013 IP
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  9. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Good guess but not quite. A couple of years ago I rented a room to a couple, and he used to refer to his girlfriend sometimes as a "spoiltdiva". The nickname just stuck with me and I decided to use it here.
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 9, 2013 IP
  10. VukasinI

    VukasinI Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, very interested, I guess it is smarter than to use your real name on the forum.. I made that mistake on the start, and I don't want to change it now, cause they charge that.. I'm not stingy, but it is stupid to charge changing the name..
    VukasinI, Jul 9, 2013 IP
  11. Wordpress Design

    Wordpress Design Member

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    Well it is probably Christmas every year..Not just Christmas, New Years eve and the spirit that we had those days.. Ah, I will never forget it..
    Wordpress Design, Jul 9, 2013 IP
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  12. Heer

    Heer Greenhorn

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    Childhood memories after infantile amnesia are many. Best among them, I remember my father used to drive me on his two-wheeled scooter every second day to railway crossings. He saw that immense joy on my face when I saw a train! I was tiny and he made me stand in the gap between his seat and the handles of the scooter, making sure his hands protected me while he was driving. We went to different railway crossing each time (saw all of those in my city) and waited on the side for the train to arrive. After a while, he noted the timings for the trains to arrive. I shouted with joy and clapped my hands on seeing a train each time. This made my father happy.

    Incidentally, I got admitted in a school which was located next to a railway crossing! I studied there for 12 years and there came a day when I got mad at the traffic caused by the crossing and the loud noise of the trains disturbed our classes.
    Heer, Jul 10, 2013 IP
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  13. Mr. Beautiful

    Mr. Beautiful Member

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    Playing a tree in the elementary school play. Oh were my parents proud that I could move with the wind. LOL :D
    Mr. Beautiful, Jul 10, 2013 IP
  14. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    That's very sweet, I wish I had a memory like this. I went to a *strict* private school run by nuns. Then two nights a week I had to endure a tutor at home.
    Spoiltdiva, Jul 13, 2013 IP
  15. Scott J

    Scott J Greenhorn

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    My grandfather had a willow tree that he grew on his farm. He loved that tree, but I guess I was young enough that I was rarely punished for swinging on its limbs, unlike my older brothers and cousins who were whipped with the thin vine-like branches when they were caught. I would make swings that you could sit in and flirt with the girl from the farm down the road as I pushed her on the swing made of willow vines.

    The farm is no longer in the family and I haven’t been there in years, but if you were to go there today and that tree is still standing you may find hers and my brother’s initials carved into the tree…:confused::)
    Scott J, Jul 15, 2013 IP
  16. innovativewebs

    innovativewebs Member

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    My best childhood memories are when I was around 7-10 years old. We go out with my childhood friend climb trees and eat some fruits from the trees. We always go home in the afternoon very tired coz if don't climb trees we run all day or other physical playing games.

    Unlike the kids now all they will remember when they get old are what brand of Tablet or phone they were playing when they were kids. Tsk tsk :(
    innovativewebs, Jul 18, 2013 IP
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  17. A_ManojKumar

    A_ManojKumar Active Member

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    My dad was transferred all over the country. So Traveling to each place was one of the best memories :D Each one was as exciting as other.
    A_ManojKumar, Jul 18, 2013 IP
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  18. piyushchopra

    piyushchopra Active Member

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    Here in India we have a KITE's - FLYING festival on our Independence day. So this was my 1st time, my dad flied one of the KITE and gave me the thread to fly it for sometime. Deliberately, I took my KITE near to my neighbor's and our threads got entangled. My neighbor's KITE thread got cut and my dad shouted so loudly "BO - KATA" means "bbye your KITE!!" :p And I got scared with his shouting, even I left my KITE thread's from my hand and I lost my KITE as well!! That is so funny when I think today. I always cherish that moments when I fly KITES on independence day!! Cheerz!! :)
    piyushchopra, Jul 20, 2013 IP
  19. writersforhire

    writersforhire Member

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    bunny hopping on the stairs lol on my bmx. I was a tomboy when I was younger. I also remember the quarter bags of sweets that they used to sell in jars in the UK and the 10p packs of crisps. They don't sell them any more.. and the crisps are like 5 x the price now!
    writersforhire, Jul 22, 2013 IP
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  20. pbc561

    pbc561 Greenhorn

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    My eighth Christmas, when my parents surprised me with my first pony. I thought I had died and gone to Heaven!
    pbc561, Jul 28, 2013 IP