Why copying from other languages blogs doesn't interest readers...

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by Mouad.bk, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. #1
    Crossing blogs in a different niches over a years, i have seen a very bad method that give me a very bad impression "bloggers want just cash money" ... it's copying from other language blogs mostly from french expert and i'll show you why this is bad even if this is an expert...

    Bloggers don't give the best when they become expert...

    Some people think if copying from expert will bring to them more traffic and more readers, this is a myth because the expert have a reputation and the readers follow him for his career on his blogs...

    Expert have a reputation on internet

    anyone was born expert, but expert is a state of mind giving a very difficult way to start his business and make his reputation... he thinks different and each of us think on his way.. so before starting on a niche,take an idea and read a book to fix the problems and see the things on your way what gives your personality...

    Don't blog for money..

    make blogging a lifestyle and on the first road do it for learning new things and make your clean technique to form your audience and make your personnality and the money will come with over time..

    I hope that was useful...
    Mouad.bk, Mar 6, 2013 IP
  2. coloma21

    coloma21 Active Member

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    hey great point man.. Although I'm a believer in SEO, I'm also a big believer in branding yourself an a unique authority. It's once thing to get traffic, but you must also keep that traffic. A great way to build a following is to focus on connecting with readers at best, and building a real relationship. Part of that uniqueness is putting your personality on the blog :)
    coloma21, Mar 6, 2013 IP
  3. Mouad.bk

    Mouad.bk Member

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    Good saying, that's what i would to tell to people... it's by writing unique qualitative content with putting some of your personality and experiences...
    I'd forget to write that the 4 pillar to transform the traffic to consumers : Writing good articles 2) Getting traffic 3) Develop your expertise in your niche 4) Make a relationship with readers and put some trust in your word :cool:
    Mouad.bk, Mar 6, 2013 IP