I have just checked through all of the most popular websites I know (Facebook, Youtube, Digg, MySpace, etc...) and all of them have a PR9 ranking. Does anybody know if any websites have PR10, or is this an impossible goal to reach?
Are you planning to trade links with such 10 PR websites Well, for me PR is not that important rather i always look what's the traffic stats & niche of that particular website !!!
Google, some links on adobe such as flash player, some website statistic sites (get many many backlinks), and some .gov sites. There may be a few others.
There is an old post with a list of PR10 sites 2004 http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=760 however many of the now have lower pagerank, some lower than others.
By definition, there are 10 PR10 (sites 1 to 10) 90 PR9 (sites 11 to 100) 900 PR8 (sites 101 to 1000) and so on..
Yeah someone asked this a year ago as well: forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?=pr10+site though a lot of those sites and their respected PR10 pages have dropped to PR9 or less since the last update. Here's a current list of PR10 sites and pages (though there are probably more out there ) PR 10 list: http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov/ http://www.india.gov.in/ http://www.cnn.com/ http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ http://www.w3.org/ http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ ROOFIS
Hard to believe CNN is the only news site with PR10, but whatever... haha nice list guys thanks for sharing!
Sites with pr 10 are hard to come by. Even when you do you will not benefit from it. There's no way a pr 10 site got that way by allowing people to leave random links on their site.