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Alan Spector, Republican US Senator for Pennsylvania, Switches to the Democrats

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by bogart, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. northpointaiki

    northpointaiki Guest

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    Bogart - I'm puzzled by this statement. Perhaps we should explain terms. By "right," do you mean a more rightist social conservatism - say, what Sarah Palin or Paul Weyrich represent(ed), or a more traditional, right-bench, fiscal conservatism, party of Goldwater?

    I think there is ample, fertile ground for true fiscal conservatives in the American electoral landscape. I think the party would do well to return to its roots, and let the moral pontificating return to the individual, where it belongs.
    northpointaiki, May 7, 2009 IP
  2. earlpearl

    earlpearl Well-Known Member

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    I agree w/ NPT, Bogart. What do you mean by center right? Right in which ways? Please further explain.

    Rather than discuss it on the national macro scale, I'll go back to the example of the poll of 400 out of the far larger numbers of registered voters in PA that switched from Rep to Dem. They cited the following with which they found problems w/ the GOP:

    Extremist perspectives w/in the GOP on a variety of issues including abortion, other moral issues and taxation.

    Again those switchers were people who had primarily been w/ the GOP for a long time and hadn't switched parties before.

    I think the comment center/right is vague and isn't explicit as exactly where in the Right do people stand...as Right could indicate quite a few different perspectives on very different issues.
    earlpearl, May 8, 2009 IP
  3. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    you could not have gotten any more center right than mccain ands he was defeated for the right part. it is time to leave gop. become a liberitarian if you wish but gop is not a party that wants people that can think and makeup their own minds. of course if you want to be a diito head for rush then that is another story.
    pizzaman, May 8, 2009 IP
  4. pingpong123

    pingpong123 Well-Known Member

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    The party had a chance to return to its roots but wont embrace it anymore. Too much corruption in the GOP and the democratic party. It would be awesome if the GOP would do the right thing and embrace the values that they originally stood for.
    pingpong123, May 8, 2009 IP
  5. earlpearl

    earlpearl Well-Known Member

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    Their roots? Do you mean their roots as in Abe Lincoln. That is their roots. Everything else has been changed.

    What do you mean by roots?
    earlpearl, May 8, 2009 IP
  6. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    the only roots that some have left is from the vegies they call brain,
    and it grows because of all the fertelizer that rush provides
    pizzaman, May 8, 2009 IP
  7. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    So true. Oh sure, they claim that McCain was so left, he couldn't even consolidate his base, but what do they know. The same people also claim that if a "real conservative" like Palin hadn't joined the ticket, Obama wouldn't have been held to 53% of the popular vote.

    Personally, I'm with you. I think McCain didn't get elected because he wasn't liberal enough, and the majority of the nation now thinks as one, and that one way of thinking is pure liberal.
    Obamanation, May 9, 2009 IP
  8. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    in what respect charlie.
    pizzaman, May 9, 2009 IP
  9. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    If your question is, "how did Palin help McCain", the allegation is that McCain couldn't get the Republican base to vote with him because he was a very unreliable conservative. They say in politics, the key is to get the base to show up an vote for you.. in force. Then you go for the flip floppy squishy middle.

    If your question is, "In what respect is Palin a real conservative", the answer to that question should be pretty obvious. Palin's views are pretty much the poster child of the Republican party position sheet, almost without exception. It is almost freakish how ideologically correct she is from a Republican perspective. Thank god we did a great job smearing her, or her racist efforts to prevent the 44th president from being black might have been successful.

    Personally, it seems pretty obvious to me McCain lost the election because he is a one issue(Earmarks) useless tool with no new ideas, a traitor to his own party, and someone who has been a member of the good old boy's club(The Senate) that has been sucking off the tit of our nation for practically his entire adult life. He may be a legitimate war hero, and he may have tested ethics, but the job of President requires a bit more than that.
    Obamanation, May 9, 2009 IP
  10. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    it wasn't a question. i just quoted palin.
    but now that you bring it up.
    a-why the right wing nuts of gop hijack the term conservetive. maybe they should call themselves ditto-cons or paliban or something else like i call them.
    b-the fact is although palin managed to bring in all the paliban mccain still lost. why? because paliban scares the rest of the country, and rightfully so. this leaves the gop with a lose lose situation. dump the paliban or all thinking people are going to vote against them and it becomes a regional party.
    c-the fact that some paliban can support such unqualified person as palin that has the nerve to say she can see russia from her garage and that makes her qualified to be the VP and want joe the plumber to advice them on economic issues , shows why they should not be in power and why people voted their ass out.
    pizzaman, May 10, 2009 IP
  11. GeorgeB.

    GeorgeB. Notable Member

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    Unfortunately joe the plumber has announced he is leaving the the republican party.

    Should we prepare for some good old Joe bashing like we saw happen to Scott McClellan when he dared write about what happens in D.C.?

    "Say it ain't so Joe"?
    GeorgeB., May 10, 2009 IP
  12. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    oh for heavens sake, no economic guru! what are they going to do now. oh wait they can call rush, maybe the lush can recommened a replacemat
    pizzaman, May 10, 2009 IP
  13. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Actually, one of the many excuses they use is the base didn't show up because a) McCain was still too left for their tastes and, b) the press did a great job demonizing palin.

    Me personally, I'm with you. There weren't any who didn't show up. Everyone showed and they still lost proving the majority of this country prefers big debt, big government, and socialism to smaller government and strength abroad. I also agree the small minority of people with those values scare the hell out of me and should be marginalized at a minimum, or watched by the government if possible.

    Off topic, I also agree Palin is a complete idiot, as portrayed in the press. Her overwhelming support in Alaska just goes to show all those people are idiots too. She couldn't manage a lemonade stand, no less a state. What was she thinking going for the management of a country?

    Joe the Plumber is quitting the GOP? It will be interesting to see if he will join the Democrats, in which case, he is probably a pretty smart guy and someone to be looked to. Otherwise, just another useless idiot.
    Obamanation, May 10, 2009 IP
  14. GeorgeB.

    GeorgeB. Notable Member

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    Yeah you're right. What's worse is that until Obama either succeeds or fails the Republican party doesn't really have a message other than repeating the same tired rhetoric that they lost on just a few months ago and have been losing on for years.

    I think if they actually had something to say besides NOBAMA they might stand a chance though. If they did they would certainly be able to convince the American people that their plan is better. Should be easy.

    I heard that in some Republican circles they planned to proclaim the media was at fault for their woes. Then of course they realized the American people might notice how the media suddenly became an all powerful entity capable of winning elections the very same year the Republicans lost. Nevermind that the media was powerless to stop George Bush from winning twice and giving the Republicans a congressional majority. So that plan was scrubbed.
    GeorgeB., May 10, 2009 IP
  15. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    one thing i must admit is that nobody listens to the paliban anymore. it is just enough to say you are paliban and people just shoot you down.
    i do not fault palin for being overstepping her ability.she might be even good for Alaska. me and the majority of voters agree that she is not qualified to be VP. let the pugs make their usual white noise if they wish. no one is listening to them repeating the same rejected idea again and again.
    as far as all the paliban not showing up that is for the republicans to decide. the rest of us know what we know. I hope she runs again i can sure use the laugh
    pizzaman, May 10, 2009 IP
  16. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Heh, no doubt. Here they are whining about a 10 trillion dollar debt and a 2 trillion dollar deficit. What they don't realize is, that is exactly what we want!!! They whine about earmarks, but that is our government at work! They whine that Obama released the "Interrogation Memos" for political purposes while providing our enemies credible information to rally around, when we all know Bush Co. need to burn. They whine about Pelosi knowing about and endorsing the "Enhanced Interrogation techniques" while they were going on, but its a womans right to change her mind, and as I said earlier, Bush Co. needs to burn! They whine that increasing entitlements to "Stimulate" the economy is not a temporary stimulus but a permanent tax burden, but they don't realize there are poor people in this country badly in need of those programs!

    They whine that Obama is being hypocritical by keeping the illegal wiretaps he campaigned against, by extending the US commitment to Iraq, by ramping up the war in Afghanistan, by praising 17 billion dollars in tax cuts while diminishing the value of McCains promise to eliminate 19 billion dollars in earmarks, by passing an earmark laden 2009 budget after promising to go through the budget line by line and eliminate them, by promising a bipartisan and inclusive government and delivering legislation without compromise on party line votes.

    I could go on and on, but the sum of it is, they are just a bunch of whiners and Obama can do whatever the hell he wants, and we are behind him. Hell, I don't care if he sends the Gitmo detainees to their home countries to have their fingernails pulled out and their eyes gouged in. In fact, it looks like some of that might happen. Republicans had their time and the nation realizes their stale ideas don't work. People realize the Democrats have ideas that work, even if some of those ideas are the same ideas used by the Bush administration. Republican's would have a better chance of reaching the people who voted for our dear leader by using nonsensical slogans like NOBAMA, than these ridiculous claims that Mr. Obama is unable to speak without Bush like gaffes without a teleprompter, lazy because he is unwilling to write any of his own legislation, a suck up who puts personal popularity above our nation's interests, stupid for selling our nation into debt by spending our grand children's money on social programs, and a complete hypocrite for running some of the very same Bush era programs he campaigned against. These people are obviously clueless and have no message whatsoever.
    Obamanation, May 10, 2009 IP
  17. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    white noise more white noise
    pizzaman, May 10, 2009 IP
  18. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Couldnt agree more. The technique I usually use to tune them out is to stick my fingers in my ears and go, "la la la la la LA LA NOT LISTENING NOT LISTENING LA LA la la la la". Its pretty effective.
    Obamanation, May 10, 2009 IP
  19. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    i don't think its working for you. you can repeat it perfectly
    pizzaman, May 10, 2009 IP
  20. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Proper censorship requires hearing the material to be censored at least once.. It would be a lot easier if they would just shut up.
    Obamanation, May 10, 2009 IP