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Discussion in 'Web Hosting' started by, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    Hey! You do SO GREAT!
    You see this post~ And close your Private Message!!
    Everybody can check this! haha

    I send my account to
    Title: My account!
    please check it!
    Chrismm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  2. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    Why don't you tell your name and registered email id with us so that I can tell you the matter with you. ?

    Just don't waste time by writing essays as I am not in a mood to read your broken English essays

    Please provide here your registered email id. I will tell you the report
    qualityhostings, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  3. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    Broken English? because you make me so angry that I could not check my each sentance!!
    I sent my account to your support mail!!
    Why I need to type my username here?
    I sent this username by PM(yesterday) and email(today)!
    Please check your mailbox:
    Why I need to type it third time? don't out of the loop.
    Please solve this problem!! I have no time arguing with you!
    You waste my time FIRST!! If you replied my tickets and make me feel good~
    Do I need to argue with you here?
    you, unaware of current news or gossip!
    Chrismm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  4. v5203110cm

    v5203110cm Peon

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    I have the same experience with this bad company!!
    Support Chrismm!!
    The company is disappointing.
    v5203110cm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  5. ccymachine

    ccymachine Peon

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    To be a good hosting, we can get the truth from Chrismm.
    Good server you have, but there is a bad attitude you give.
    It seems you ask other questions instead of facing the problem.
    I hope you can do some benefits for Chrismm rather than requiring imfornation again and again.:mad:
    ccymachine, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  6. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    Thank you two.
    haha~ Forum friends could not help your words.
    I think you say sorry and follow my opinion...
    it will be the best way...
    More arguments will give us more bad feelings.
    For business, treating your clients friendly are more important.
    If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
    I just wanna solve my problem.. but you terminate or suspend my accounts without notice. This action made me angrier than before.
    Chrismm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  7. sealkid

    sealkid Peon

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    Just one word , keep away from them or get a bad dream.
    sealkid, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  8. king8754

    king8754 Peon

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    You only ask your customer tell you his/her id here?? But here is your support center???
    He said that he email to your support mailbox. And you don't see that???
    If you have seen that mail,why don't you confront this problem.
    You look like escape this problem.
    That's your "Customer Service"????

    your host service is bad.
    That's Why
    1. Hosting is so slow.
    2. Customer Service is so bad.
    3. You are in lie.

    We Support Chrismm.
    king8754, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  9. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    Thank you two too~ ^^
    Yes, I am worry about my client's files now.
    I wanna be their last Victim...

    WHMPHP and their hosting service...
    If there is no good feeling~
    why we should buy their products?

    Thanks for your remind , Sealkid~ ^^

    I just wanna take all files back now.
    But they do bad things for me many times..
    especially, After I posted my opinion here.. = =
    For this experience, they tell me...
    If we wanna choose hostings... we should find friends' opinions on the net first!
    Because they may tell a lie on their web. and Kind support service is more important than Servers and softwares~
    Chrismm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  10. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    Due to spam PMs I blocked all pms before a week or so. I did not get your pm.

    If you send a mail to , it will be converted as a ticket and you should get a reply email within 2 minutes. Can you tell me the ticket id so that I can check it ?

    New account with 1 post. Chrismm why do you create duplicate accounts for supporting yourself :p

    Same spelling mistakes and bad english. Chrismm , your third account here.

    We have many satisfied clients and posting nonsense like this won't help you for getting your issues fixed.

    First you need to provide me your registered email id registered with us or at least the domain name so that I can check your damn issues.

    How can you say like that ? You don't have any account with us.

    Please let me know your registered email id or domain hosted with us. Or this is Chrismm's 3rd account here ?

    Again, Provide your registered email id or domain hosted with us. Otherwise, you can just post essays here and your issues will not get fixed.

    qualityhostings, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  11. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    Chrismm , are you the owner of ?
    The free hosting providing forum ?
    qualityhostings, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  12. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    haha Now, I think you are not only slow response but also out of the loop.
    I need to tell one thing again and again.
    Take giving my username for example,
    1. I sent you one message on Jul 4th 2009, (#17)
    2. post my payment (are you lazy? you can find your history records except you do not record any payment history)
    3. sent an email to you
    Only one EASY thing, I should do 3 times by differant ways

    Few months ago, you told me you do not accept free hosting.
    Thus, I have moved our free users to our own server after you told me that.
    We have paid-users and free-users.
    The paied-users are put in your server.
    But you doubt that is free-users due to our website providing this free service.
    Why don't you doublecheck it with me?
    You just "Feel" by instincts ~ Right?

    I forgot to tell you.
    I ever respond it on my tickets few months ago.
    So I have done my duty to let you know!
    It seems you do not respect our tickets!! Just insist on what you think!
    (Oh~ ya! you do not reply it either)
    You need your clients waste time here and argue with you the truth.
    Is your hosting good at Support Service basing on "3 yrs experiences"
    Every thing should be checked in detail.

    You can say no tickets you saw~ No blames you get!
    That is, if anyone wanna ask you questions and solve problems..
    we need you indicate approval with a nod?

    If I did not argue with you here, would you contact my by yourself? How long?
    Chrismm, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  13. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    I still don't know what do you want and who are you .

    whats your email id registered with us
    qualityhostings, Jul 5, 2009 IP
  14. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    Oh My God!
    Don't you read me response?
    Do you mind this case? (Each Words!)
    you can have a conjecture clearly.
    Some forum friends sent Private messages to me...
    and they said they cannot understand why you can discuss one eazy question for many days.
    I gave you message... why don't you read it? You read it? Close PM box? I sent it successfully
    I gave you payment evidence... why don't you check it? You check it? Are you lazy?
    I gave you email... why don't you reply it? You read it? You said you do not get anything~~
    Gmail do not send any ERROR Message to me!
    You mean.. Google's Gmail System get some troubles? So Crazy!
    I think your mailbox should be fixed by yourself.. = =

    Now, you still tell me ....
    "I still don't know what do you want and who are you ."

    I tell you what I wanna do!
    1. Answer me all my questions
    2. Give my files back!
    3. Reply all my tickets!
    Tickets Number: #567302 (created on June 21)
    #936956 (created on June 21)

    If you still do not check who I am!
    I need to add more 2 items~~(The following)
    3. Say Sorry for our all clients on your homepage.
    4. Give my money back.

    The following are my all questions!
    1. I had contacted you by mail and Live Support for 4 times.
    also send the same comtent to
    but you didn't respond these tickets. Please explain this situation!

    2.why you tell a lie on this post? (You say I am a joke. "Respond Within 8 hrs?" You are a big joke)
    why you do not solve my problem within 8 hrs?

    3. no matter what I do for you!
    please answer me!

    4. why I post on this forum and you terminate my WHM account and billing account? also without any annouce to let me know when did you terminate my account and the reason at first! can I ask you give me apologize and money back(I still have 4 months could be used)

    5. why you can check my USERNAME to take few days?
    I have give you my information by 3 different ways

    Then, I should tell you...
    "king8754 " "sealkid" "ccymachine " "v5203110cm "
    are not my duplicate accounts.

    I just have one account on this forum and do not do other things.
    I have told you...
    I don't need to tell a lie...
    Because this is the truth!!!!!
    You may get other users bad feeling when you said they are my duplicate accounts. HAHA!
    If you wanna double check it~ You can do any ways to check as possible as you can~ ^^
    I do not meet them~ and do not know who they are~
    But if you can, please check it^^
    This forum has many kinds of users~ why you can say they are belong to me?
    at this time, you make me angry third time!!!

    I do not need to support myself^^
    You do something wrong~
    You should blame yourself.

    We can discuss this thing first~
    If YOU AND I are friends on the net!
    Do you think I do something wrong? No! Right?

    I don't have full time playing with you!
    I will continue to respond this post here FOR ONLY 2 TIMES!
    If you do not take advantage of this 2 times~~
    I won't reply it anymore^^
    and all of the history will give our friends to consult~
    I believe they will give me the righteous results^^
    ALSO, please reply the following question~
    Free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction~ I don't wanna waste my time~

    Dare you say you did not do what I said before? :mad:
    Should I ask our clients stand here? and type their experiences about using your server?
    I don't wanna hurt you... So I don't ask them to stand here! But if you want to hear their experiences about using your server
    They can share many bad experiences~~ ^^ Remember! I don't need to tell any lies~ ^^
    Facts speak louder than words^^
    Chrismm, Jul 6, 2009 IP
  15. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    Chrismm, Your hosting account has been suspended first and then terminated because of the violation of our TOS.

    You have opened 56 tickets in just one month asking to unsuspend the domains we have suspended under your account due to various reasons like High CPU , RAM usage, Proxy Hosting, Mass Mailing, Warez Linking and Free Hosting giving service.

    We have clearly told you that we do not accept Free hosting sites. But you haven't heard us, and continued to give free hosting to your forum users. The free hosting sites started abusing our server by hosting the forbidden contents , mass mailing, spamming , proxy hosting etc

    We have suspended hundreds of your domain because of this ( yes I said hundreds ) and unsuspended every domain when you opened ticket

    We have sent you many warnings but you haven't followed us.

    Then, before terminating your hosting accounts, we have responded to your

    ticket #567306 - Unsuspend

    Some of the recent tickets you opened are listed below

    Ticket #836000 - Unsuspend

    Ticket #116830 - Unsuspend
    Ticket #412050 - Unsuspend

    Ticket Id #364255 - Server Abuse

    We have proof of this above tickets.

    So clearly, you have abused our server and staffs many times, and it is over now.

    So, your account has been terminated after giving enough time for taking backups and we have already told you prior to this

    There is nothing we can do in this case, as its all your problem.

    Writing essays here won't help you to get your accounts back as all accounts were terminated because of continuous server abuse.

    qualityhostings, Jul 6, 2009 IP
  16. bcdxer

    bcdxer Well-Known Member

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    Writing essays here won't help you to get your accounts back as all accounts were terminated because of continuous server abuse.

    Highly arrogant words:mad::mad:
    you should not use such words.
    As a host, you should have patience and must satisfy your customers,
    Instead abusing customers (duplicate account allegations).
    Many indian hosts are cheating their customers in the name of TOS.:D:D:
    bcdxer, Jul 6, 2009 IP
  17. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    The above client was with us since 7 months and we have given him enough warnings.

    I am not sure why you are using the word indian host here, as I don't see the need for mentioning the nationality here.

    We have patience and tried to cooperate with that client for 7 months. And the account was terminated after giving him a written mail

    Many Indians hosts are here at DP having no physical contact address providing hosting for a couple of months and go away with the clients money by scamming them.

    That doesn't mean that everyone is same.

    We have been in this business since 3 years exactly and till now no one complained that they have been scammed.

    Take your case as an example, we haven't terminated your site dishnews because of the previous abuse from your domain, but told you that we will check the domain again for some days and will tell you to take backup and move to some other server before 7 days. I still remember your ticket
    qualityhostings, Jul 6, 2009 IP
  18. Chrismm

    Chrismm Peon

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    You said you suspended "Hundreds of Accounts"
    Ok, Let's go! Show me 100 accounts you did it before^^
    List here!! You told a lie again!

    When did you respond all my tickets? that's so cool! please show me "WHEN" you responded all my tickets~
    If I didn't post here~ you wouldn't reply it right?

    Do you know why you still think I do not improve this problem and break out your TOS?
    1. You do not look at my all tickets.
    2. According to our experience with you, Your Control Panel "WHMPHP" has many problems.
    <1> Sometimes, I terminated accounts, but usernames are still on the list. I can ask our engineers to proof it~ I can, too.

    <2> Sometimes, if we click "Downgrade", usernames was disapearing~~
    They also can login their Cpanel. But I cannot control them by my WHMPHP!
    Recently one of Examples: echo09 ( June 27 ) he is worry now~

    3. do I need to show you their paid-data? You still insist on "Free Hosting Accounts" do you admire me? So.. you take lots of reasons to me~

    4. you always explain they are "CPU" "Mail" Problems again and again!
    But when I wanna ask you give me their DATA.
    You said you don't have any data~ How can I believe you?

    you posted What I said... "maybe game problems~"
    Just my guess~~ and ...

    HAHA! I did not see this one before~
    Hey! Why don't you show other tickets??
    Like ~ "Unsuspended" "Fixed"
    You show the MERELY tickets being serious.
    And! Until Now!
    This is my first time seeing you type "The files were found in /home/gt43088/downloadupload
    and has been removed."
    You are no responsible and to behave affectedly.

    Take Lunarpages for example, they will give me DATA like this:
    xxxxx 28.87 10.31 0.1
    Top Process %CPU 16.0 /usr/bin/php /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxx/viewthread.php
    Top Process %CPU 12.0 /usr/bin/php /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxx/viewthread.php
    Top Process %CPU 10.0
    Also upon checking we found that your account was running rapidleech scripts which are strictly forbidden on our shared servers: /images/default/multipage.gif
    So, I bought VPS Plan~ Now, I am their customer and keep good friendship^^
    At that time, you didn't give me any DATA..
    still say words by yourself~ who trust you?
    When I check their websites... some of them~ So Crazy!!
    Bandwidth: Under 800 MB
    Members: Under 200
    There is only one site : Forum!
    And you didn't show me any DATA...
    ok, you go first! 
    Let you show me how to explain your customer without NO DATA!
    Remember, they are paid-users.
    (Ya! Your TOS does not show us how much we can use your "CPU Usage"? How to tell our clients? HAHA)
    By the way, are you an international hosting?
    Won't you call me at that time? I have gave you my phone number when I applied your plan. Take HostMonster for example. They called me~
    and we are keeping good friendship too^^
    Every thing you should check with me in Detail!!
    You, No detail data! No checking with me deeply!
    No calling! Only your few words and several sentances.
    Oh! I forgot to tell you~
    Do you know why I opened many tickets to you!!
    Your reponse on Billing System!! Too Short!! Sometimes~ No Respond!!
    Yours are the shortest responses I have ever seen before!
    Usually, "Unsuspended"  "Fixed"
    I asked you tell me the reason and showed me DATA! You didn't!
    Did you give me any DATA in detail before?
    Did you respond my Every tickets in 8 hrs as you said?
    They cannot improve their accounts!! NO ANY DETAIL!!
    I am a reseller at sunxxx
    I am also customers at other hostings~
    I can stand on clients' feeling! 
    Do not do to others what you don't want to be done to you.
    That's why I said you do not take care of our feelings~
    Always asking us~  
    No! No! No! and No DATA in detail showing me on that time~
    You cannot blame me opening many tickets~ 
    Sometimes No respond~ I replied tickets again and again~ ...
    Or just short response ~ You Are Too Lazy!!
    Hey! You miss my questions~~
    I post here again! 
    Remember! The Next time is my last response~
    Because you waste my time~
    I do not want to play with you~~
    1. why you tell a lie on this post? (You say I am a joke. "Respond Within 8 hrs?" You are a big joke)
    why you do not solve my problem within 8 hrs?
    2.  no matter what I do for you!
    please answer me!
    3. why I post on this forum and you terminate my WHM account and billing account? also without any annouce to let me know when did you terminate my account and the reason at first! can I ask you give me apologize and money back(I still have 4 months could be used)
    4. Dare you say you did not do what I said before?
    5. Should I ask our clients stand here? and type their experiences about using your server?
    I don't wanna hurt you... So I don't ask them to stand here! But if you want to hear their experiences about using your server
    They can share many bad experiences~~ ^^ Remember! I don't need to tell any lies~ ^^
    Facts speak louder than words^^
    Please respond them!!!
    I don't want to see any lies! You still tell a lie NOW
    You said you gave us enough warnings??
    You did not respond every tickets~ 
    and did not give us DATA in Detail.
    How to improve our mistakes by us? Tell me!
    Only WARNINGS? 
    That's why I told you ~ "You do not take care of our feelings"
    you dare to be in the right and self-confident
    I can be in the right and self-confident! 
    Do you have any qualifications?
    You still do not say sorry for me!
    I say it again!
    I do not need to tell any lies~
    This is the truth!!! I just describe what my feeling is and what you have done for me!
    Chrismm, Jul 6, 2009 IP
  19. binnan

    binnan Peon

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    Msn chat Sunshell do not support, I have never found them online, but the host is good, but my site often to stop the server automatically, can be stopped after the restoration of their own hand-CPU too restrictive.
    binnan, Jul 7, 2009 IP
  20. qualityhostings

    qualityhostings Well-Known Member

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    I am sorry to hear that you can't find me online using msn. We do support MSN chat.

    I am always online and you can contact me at

    Please let me know your msn id so that I can add it.

    qualityhostings, Jul 7, 2009 IP