Abuse of Iraqi children by British forces

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by new, Feb 12, 2006.

  1. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Notable Member

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    Course you didn't.

    I was beginning to like you too :(

    You go on to many Bush rants though. Start to sound like Anthony.... I get enough of that bullshit in the media.
    BamaStangGuy, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  2. noppid

    noppid gunnin' for the quota

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    Yeah and there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. :/
    noppid, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  3. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    1. The right to a trial.
    2. Right to privacy and unreasonable search WITHOUT WARRANT
    3. The right to protest

    just to name a few ;)
    yo-yo, Feb 13, 2006 IP
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  4. Mia


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    It also happens to be an acronym for the company I own. I've got nothing to hide. It's all in my sig and my profile.

    But then again, researching facts is not really one of your strong points.
    Mia, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  5. Mia


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    So you are saying if you were arrested tomorrow that you would not have a right to a trial? Hell, even Saddam seems to be getting this. No right to privacy? So you are saying that somone is spying on you right now? No right to protest? 10 bucks says if you find something to protest and file the proper permits, you can go protest it.

    My advice:

    1. Steal a car, see if you get a trial.
    2. Make sure you have some drugs in the car. Since you stole it there will likely be probable cause to search the vehicle and your person (no warrant necessary for that, it's always been that way).
    3. Once out on bond protest the laws against grand theft auto and go to a protest for the legalization of dope.
    4. Come back and enlighten us all on your lack of freedom.
    Mia, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  6. ly2

    ly2 Notable Member

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    No, your boy mia goes on too many democrat rants.
    ly2, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  7. ly2

    ly2 Notable Member

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    Why do you keep trying to belittle me?
    What makes you think I wanna research YOU?
    Seriously, are you that fucking arrogant?
    I never thought twice about even looking at your sig, I dont care...
    ly2, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  8. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    Since trying to explain anything to Mia, is like trying to explain the stock market to a 4 year old, I'm not going to waste the time.

    Heard the words "Jose Padilla" or "Enemy Combatant" :rolleyes:

    Since they don't go to court for approval and are already spying on thousands of law abiding citizens, I could easily be one them.

    I'm sure you haven't seen the video Alex Jones made. Maybe if you took 2 hours to watch it, you'd see thousands of people protesting (and people just walking home or to the store) being rounded up and arrested right on the sidewalk.

    I'm sure they all got a fair trial too, especially the ones with public defenders ;)
    yo-yo, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  9. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    Not only is that United States Citizen not given a fair trial, his right to a "speedy trial" has also been violated.

    Of course that order was ignored until they got a new judge (republican most likely) to change the ruling in their favor.

    Yep, nothing fishy going on here ;)

    And finally:
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    5th Amendment to U.S. Constitution
    yo-yo, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  10. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Notable Member

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    Still beside the fact that you go on way to many Bush rants. :)

    My "boy" does not equal me. Show me where I am biased? I just express MY opinion on issues and leave the bashing to the people who want to waste their time with that garbage.....
    BamaStangGuy, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  11. tesla

    tesla Notable Member

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    This is the typical response I get all the time, from comments on my blog and from people here at DP. When you stand up against injustice, you get called a liberal. I'm not a liberal or conservative.

    I've already said in numerous posts I've made that Dems and Reps are controlled by the same people. We aren't in Iraq to help people. Stop listening to the corporate controlled media and get real information.

    The plan of the neocons is to balkanize Iraq and the middle east, not liberate them. The middle east will end up just like the Balkans.

    You talk about people like me being morons, but you don't understand the mind of the straussian neocons that run our government. Iraq and the middle east is the training ground for what will happen in the US.

    Under the Patriot Act, the government can go after Americans who they consider to be extremists or terrorists. Terrorism is whatever they define it to be.

    You are being brainwashed. Anybody who supports torture or attacking Iran have been brainwashed by the neocons who run the US. The attack on Iran will shoot the price of gas up to 250 dollars barrel or more, and China and Russia may retaliate as well.

    You people are brainwashed fools. It just amazes me how our government and media are able to manipulate Americans. Despite the fact that the fourth amendment of the Constitution says the Americans cannot be subjected to unjust searches or seizures without probable cause, 50% of American and some here at DP believe Bush has a right to do it.

    Go ahead. Let Bush become a dictator. Alberto Gonzalez has already said Bush is above national and international law. Bush has joked about being a dictator. But it isn't a joke.

    Wow, the MKULTRA and CIA brainwashing programs really worked. All I have to do is read the posts by people here at DP to see that............
    tesla, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  12. cencurut

    cencurut Peon

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    Well .. i think... if we don't like it happen to us, then why should we let it happen to others... This world is full with mindless people.. hope that i'm not one of them... hehehe
    cencurut, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  13. tesla

    tesla Notable Member

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    Exactly. The many mindless drones who congregate here at DP are too blind to see that a government who tortures the citizens of other countries will torture its own citizens.

    Some people here at DP think they're a part of the Global Elite, and that they will have a part of the wealth that comes out of controlling the middle east.

    But they are stupid, ignorant pawns. They're going to dance to the government's tune soon enough.

    Click the link below to see the future of America, where old ladies are tackled and hurt:

    tesla, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  14. tesla

    tesla Notable Member

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    Here is another link which will take you to General Hayden saying he knows the fourth Amendment when he doesn't know it at all. I'm going to start posting links to videos instead of documents to give people a really good idea of what is really going on.

    Click the link below to watch General Hayden run his stupid mouth about the fourth Amendment when he doesn't know it:

    tesla, Feb 13, 2006 IP
  15. GTech

    GTech Rob Jones for President!

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    Only in American, would young angry white males with low IQs defend the rights of al qaida terrorists (jose padilla) (well, there's at least one nutjob in Canada who worships him). Who would have thought keeping terrorists, rapists, murders, child molesters and other sundry miscreants from the depths of hell off the street was a bad thing? I'm continually amazed at what people intentionally choose to champion as a cause.

    Surely the rights of young angry white males with low IQs to make intentionally poor choices was not a right lost under the Patriot Act. For here it flourishes as a token reminder that pharmaceutical companies have yet to explore all the possibilities of prescription medications that could benefit the mentally challenged.

    But alas, when all else fails, enlighten the world with your vast knowledge and grasp of worldly affairs by offering a link with "prison" in it, as proof, that a young mind can so easily be manipulated into thinking that evil is good and good is evil.

    To what greatness does one owe to mankind, that he would make his vast fortunes with an ingenious marketing concept of pimping daily fear into the gullible minds of young angry white males with low IQs? Surely they will live out their lives in fear and looking over their shoulder for some mythical boogie man that is coming to take them away while another enjoys the riches life has to offer by doing so.
    GTech, Feb 14, 2006 IP
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  16. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    He's a citizen of the United States and should be entitled to a FAIR TRIAL that PROVES he's a terrorist (or not). If he was found to be a terrorist by a FAIR TRIAL I'd have no problems...

    Instead, George Bush (thinks he's god) can simply say "oh, he's a suspected terrorist, we don't have to prove it, just call him this "enemy combatant" name and we can do whatever we want to a United States Citizen...

    It's not a bad thing as long as United States citizens constitutional rights aren't violated, and only the GUILTY (who are PROVEN GUILTY) are arrested and jailed.

    If mr padilla was guilty of the "dirty bomb" claims Bush locked him up without trial for 3 years for, why doesn't the new indictment (which they were forced to finally give) charge him for it? Probably because it was a bogus charge ;)
    yo-yo, Feb 14, 2006 IP
  17. GTech

    GTech Rob Jones for President!

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    He's an al qaida terrorist. But I'm sure he is a sensitive sweet young man that listens to Barry Manilow on his iPod in his spare time. I bet he'd even bake muffins with Martha Stewart if only he didn't have that terrorist training camp *thingy* hanging over his head :D

    You mean the Patriot Act that was approved by democrats such as John "Christmas in Cambodia" Kerry? Always giving someone else's credit away. Those that champion the rights of terrorists are disappointed, those that don't are happy. Right about now, I'm pretty happy! Granted, it's clear not everyone wants terrorists off the street, but for those that are upset by terrorists being captured, let us not forget *all* those that voted to do such. Shame on those democrats for voting to keep terrorists off the streets! Off with their heads! Oh wait, that's what happens when you DON'T want to keep them off the streets.

    So as long as a terrorist gets a fair shake to carry out an operation successfully while the government's hands are tied behind their backs, you are pleased? It always amazes me how some only champion the Constitution when the rights of terrorists are involved. Fortunately, even moderate and a few liberal democrats supported the Patriot Act making it easier to keep the trash off the streets. Oh, the outrage :rolleyes:

    They were not forced, it was a smart move to avoid a supreme court ruling that could favor the rights of terrorists down the road. Not everyone wants rights for terrorists. That would make you a minority?
    GTech, Feb 14, 2006 IP
  18. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    No trial by jury has made that decision now have they? You do know, we have courts for a reason right? You do know the old saying, Innocent until proven guilty right?

    I know you're not a big fan of the constitution, or people having rights, and you like to believe whatever load of BS George Bush spews out, so I won't continue to argue the point with you ;)

    Exactly, they were forced to go to trial because the supreme could would have made a ruling that stopped them from doing this to more USA Citizens who used to have constitutional rights and freedoms ;)
    yo-yo, Feb 14, 2006 IP
  19. GADOOD

    GADOOD Peon

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    What is it good for?

    Videos like these.

    But seriously, keep in mind the sort of young people who join the army and this isn't hard to figure out. Most of them are violent half-wits from the scourge of society who on there weekends off like nothing better then rounding their Saturday nights out off with a scuffle or six.

    The older British soldiers actually have values.

    When you're desperate for recruits you will take anyone through the door - that includes young arsehole half-wits who can achieve little else in life then passing a few physical tests that give them the right to enter situations they're not capabable of dealing with in a correct and adult manner.

    GADOOD, Feb 14, 2006 IP
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  20. yo-yo

    yo-yo Well-Known Member

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    If your neighbor accused you of burning down his house, and the police arrested you, should you be entitled to a fair trial? :confused:

    If your father is accused of murder by the police, should we take their word for it and lock him up forever, or should be given a fair trial? :confused:

    So if George Bush ACCUSES a person (a USA Citizen) of being a "terrorist" should we just take his word for it, or should there be a trial to decide, with evidence that proves it? :confused:

    Stop trying to twist things around you know are false. I don't care about rights for terrorists, just like I don't care about rights for murderrers, so long as they have been given a fair trial to decide if they are in fact what they've been accused of.

    I think thats one of the things that stands out a free country from dictatorships.

    With that, I leave you with something that should make all of our hair curl:

    "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - just so long I'm the dictator."

    -A Snickering George Bush, December 18, 2000
    yo-yo, Feb 14, 2006 IP