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Who is making under $5 a day with Adsense?

Discussion in 'Reporting & Stats' started by moneymakingguru, May 5, 2007.


What is your Average Earnings per day with Adsense?

  1. Under $1

    266 vote(s)
  2. Under $2

    89 vote(s)
  3. Under $3

    55 vote(s)
  4. Under $4

    34 vote(s)
  5. Under $5

    80 vote(s)
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  1. #1
    I am curious and would like to help people who are making less than $5 a day to improve. If they allow me to help them of course.

    So tell me about your adsense situation. And if you like to keep it secret.

    pm me with the following details.

    Average earnings per day with Adsense:
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving:

    This thread is mainly for beginners or people who thinks they need some help.
    High earners on Adsense are welcomed to help the weaker ones too.

    Non Adsense users can send me a pm if they are interested in getting into Adsense.
    moneymakingguru, May 5, 2007 IP
    Treacle, Joseh7, Kaediem and 6 others like this.
  2. pratik

    pratik Notable Member

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    Well thats really nice of you to start a thread like this.. here is my fashion site making under 3$ a day...

    Name: FashDesigns
    URL: www.fashdesigns.com
    Average earnings per day with Adsense: 1-2$
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving: Well i spend 8-9 hours time on my site.. for writing posts.. making designs.. etc

    pratik, May 6, 2007 IP
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  3. guppyman

    guppyman Banned

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    Great looking site :)
    guppyman, May 6, 2007 IP
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  4. ishan

    ishan Prominent Member

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    Name: Ishan
    URL: Free Online Games - 500 uniques daily
    Average earnings per day with Adsense: 12 - 20 cents a day
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving: 10-20 hours

    ishan, May 6, 2007 IP
  5. JagSenghera

    JagSenghera Peon

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    I dont make much from adsense but make tons from affiliate commission on my
    blogs. Sorry for saying but I think adsense is no more a good option when it
    comes to making money. Just my 2 cents
    JagSenghera, May 6, 2007 IP
  6. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    If you need some assistance...
    pm me with the following details. (EDITED)

    Unique visitors a day:
    Average earnings per day with Adsense:
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving:

    Currently looking at a few sites now. Give me some time. And if you like what you are reading in the pm, leave a comment here. Thanx
    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  7. Blinksy

    Blinksy Well-Known Member

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    Would just like to say thanks for the help Guru :) A lot of time and effort went in to helping me and giving me suggestions.

    Rep Added :)
    Blinksy, May 6, 2007 IP
  8. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the rep.
    Very welcome. I am glad if it helps. update us.

    Just a quick one to all those whom i pm-ed back.

    I said that 3 columns might not be ideal, or 350X280 surface area that the average human eyes can focused on.... these are some researchs done.. even Adsense tells you that, 336X280 works better.. take their word for it.

    Readers like reading long horizontal lines (336X280 ads), and not so much for short line and end up reading vertical downwards (120or160 towers) and most often, they do not even bother to read whats on the tower ads..

    Also I normally build my sites centralised, like this blog. And using the same template i improvise and added adsense on it


    Look at it the ads is right in the middle above the fold. and if the paragraph is long enough it will blend in with the paragraph, which is a good way of giving it "relevance" to the ads. Of cos, the ads that are shown are targetted, because the pages are seo-lised
    (pardon my hyperlink, trying to get more backlinks).

    If you look at the image, that is exactly what your eyes will focus on when you load a browser. That is the most natural position, and surface area...

    On the ads and CTR.. i cannot mention the actual figure here, but this template is bringing in about good XX% CTR. Of cos, many other factors. Which i will conclude with my formula.

    IF you want targetted clicks, you need targetted ads, and to get targetted ads, you need targetted pages with targetted keywords, which will increase your targetted SE traffic.. With this formula in mind, you should get more targetted traffic if you build more pages on this theory, increase targetted ads impressions, increased targetted CTR, and of cos earnings!!

    Hope this helps the general public too.

    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  9. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Hi Pratik,
    Is there anyway you can add a 336 or 728 ads in the homepage?? FYI, the adlinks on the footer... on my browser is not exactly above the fold... that would helps if its above the fold. Sidetrack, adlinks are not really the best options for Adsense earnings in my opinion. Low EPC and CTR.

    From an SEO point of view, you are seriously lacking of words, if you are thinking of getting more SE traffic to increase your ads impressions, and earnings.

    Ads format ain't the best choice. if you read my last post, there is a short explanation on long horizontal reads... Basically, today's private msgs are mainly people who has got not ideal ads format... which if you understand how the human eyes work, you will appreciate the 336X280 ads format...

    This is a bit off topic but i think it is one of the factor that will help your adsense ads look more prominent. The background is a rather light colour.. and the idea of having white fonts on homepage is not ideal. and then to the blog/WP pages, the idea of light blue fonts on white background (adsense) is not the best choice... ideally the Title be darker by a little bit, and the descriptiion being black and the url being black too will probably look better and easy on the eyes... Just an opinion.. try it and see if it helps..

    But really, the ads format matters a lot.

    Yea.. That is about it for now.. try and see if it helps..

    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
    pratik, Nectarine and dalewazhere like this.
  10. cesspit

    cesspit Peon

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    Thanks for the advice. I, too find that the template is not really suitable. The thing about my site is it's an entertainment blog. Topic ranging from humor, bizarre, food, celebrities, something cool and many more all in 1 site. Then what's my focus here?

    I started this site late Feb and I managed to get good PR and alexa ranking but my SE traffic wasn't enough. How do I get good SE traffic? Most came from portal, forum and Link exchange.
    cesspit, May 6, 2007 IP
  11. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    on lunch now. will write in an hour...

    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  12. chris20492002

    chris20492002 Guest

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    are you able to help with traffic issues?

    I have a wallpaper site the design is nice it has a good selection of wallpapers but I have basically given up on it due to the fact I dont make much on it.

    if i am lucky I will get 1 or 2 clicks from there.

    are you able to help?
    chris20492002, May 6, 2007 IP
  13. crownrahul

    crownrahul Well-Known Member

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    hi Dear Sir,

    my details here

    Name: Crownrahul
    URL: http://www.rahulcreations.com
    Average earnings per day with Adsense : 2.00 to 3.00 per days
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving: 28 hours

    crownrahul, May 6, 2007 IP
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  14. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Traffic issues, my advice can be found here http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showpost.php?p=3040086&postcount=8

    On top of that, get as much relevant links pointing to you as possible. Get exposed in related sites, forums, free ads and social networks..

    In terms of Adsense, you need to show me/us your url.


    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  15. Dev0115

    Dev0115 Peon

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    I make under $1.00

    Url: altimacoupes.com
    Average earnings: 10-75 cents, if I'm lucky.
    Enough to make more then a dolor!

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!
    Dev0115, May 6, 2007 IP
  16. w3bmaster

    w3bmaster Notable Member

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    I'm making inconstant from 1$ to 5$ i even had a 10$ day but damm it's hard to make it constant ....
    w3bmaster, May 6, 2007 IP
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  17. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Hi rahul,
    I dunno about you but i never get clicks with ads format like these http://www.rahulcreations.com/all_articles_news.html

    The "GoalPost" format, just like bowling pins situation, it is similarly difficult to score. And as per the top few post, you can realise that my emphasis is on 336X280... or somewhere along that line.. You didn't mention traffic so i assume that you have traffic, just lacking on the CTR...

    Change template... centralised, 780-900px width... if you can put important things above the fold... and sort of break them into parts of 336-400 width that allows the eyes to focus on.... not necessary just for the ads, but for things that you want you readers to focus on....

    http://www.rahulcreations.com/all_articles_news.html below footer... a lot of links.... i won't do that if i was you... I dun think its good to have so much links one page. Reduce PR strength distribution. And it just makes the page look ugly. On top of that, if you are really targetting at CTR, why would you want to expose all the links to let readers have more choices.. I m not encouraging you to only have ads for the readers to click on, but the more links you have the more confused your readers are.

    Reconsider rebuilding your links structure. I cannot really teach you how to do it (part of my SEO livelihood), but i can just say, you do not need to show all your links on each and every page of your site. Just show important ones.

    Side track a bit, your site is offering web design services, do you really want people to leave your site??? Very ironic. What exactly do you want out of your site readers... if you cannot figure that out, i think you are in trouble.

    Also your site is really a big mess in terms of navigation, some of your links are broken, and if i am a visitor to your site, to be quite frank i will click "close" or "back"

    Redesign the site. Make people feel welcomed to the site.

    All of these are my humble opinions, you might not like to hear them but if you really want to improve on with your 28 hours a week, i think you got lots to do. Starting with a plan on how you want to restructure the site, then redesign the outlooks.


    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  18. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Yo w3bmaster, i think what you need is build on your backlinks!! By the sound of it, you got some nice traffic, you just need to fine tune your SERPs.. on my assumptions that your traffic are SE traffic.

    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
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  19. moneymakingguru

    moneymakingguru Well-Known Member

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    Last one for today... need to do my work too.. ehaehaeha..


    I dun know how to advise you on the fact that your blog is a bit "jack of all trades", it can still do well if the SE likes your backlinks... maybe you can work on that.. Rem, highly relevant backlinks.. I cannot reveal too much details, but relevancy is the key!!! If you need more details you got to pay... ehahehaehaehaeha.... That is what happening in DP i find nowadays.. alot of people selling their secrets.. But no, even if you pay i will not tell becos its really important information to my business model.

    I think you really need lots of words and unique contents.. and of course some good research on keywords.. Google and you might find a few reliable sources. Traffic from portal, forum and Link exchange is not too bad at all... at least they are related... Do more of those.. More words than videos... Google bots cannot read video files as yet...


    moneymakingguru, May 6, 2007 IP
  20. badboyabby

    badboyabby Peon

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    Name: Abby
    URL: www.torkut.tk
    Average earnings per day with Adsense: 60-70 cents
    How much time a week do you have to spend on improving: 15-20 hours
    badboyabby, May 6, 2007 IP
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